Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

… Julian in the death dungeon, and the fucking Wailing Wall White House Minyans Mauling Humanity, daily, again, We Need a Few Good Jews, please! A few good men? I’ll give this Jewish pipsqueek Hoffman a one-minute platform: What does Chief Dan George think of AI? Human beings my ass! This spring, Americans were beginning …

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they will draw blood and yank babies from wombs and inject syphilis int your brother and put poisons in our food and test how many breaths of air it takes before we black out and calories before death Fucking viral diseased Anglo Saxons: In “The White Man’s Burden” Kipling encouraged the American annexation and colonisation of the Philippine …

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and Jerry Springer was all about shaming Goyim to the Max! And many Jews are Goyim shamers, splainers, masters, overlords!!! Ahh, more Jew know it all, telling the world that China did it to the world, and that antisemitism is saying Israel is a Murderous, Genocidal, Dirty Country Harboring Sex Offenders. Although it took a …

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