Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

conversos in UnUnited $nakes of AmeriKKKa tap dancing toward those billions . . . Adam Levin Sandler and Hist Crew! [Some of the dozens of stars involved include Amy Schumer, Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld, Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Katy Perry, Bradley Cooper, Justin Timberlake, Jordan Peele, Michelle Williams, Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Will Ferrell …

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these are monsters, blood-dripping-blue star of fucking David killers, and can a Jew in LaLaLandia stand up straight without showing his/her/their tail? As Israeli columnist Gideon Levy wrote in 2019: “I have yet to hear a single teenager come back from Auschwitz and say that we mustn’t abuse others the way we were abused. There has yet …

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is Nuland really gone? Shalom is of course ‘War is Peace’ in the Good Book movie, Torah Torah Torah Here, from the frothing foolish Zionist The Forward. Who Is Joe Biden’s New Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen? In the 2016 presidential elections, it was said that whichever candidate won — Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton — the president would have Jewish grandchildren. Both …

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only news rags in Israel and those owned and managed by Jews in the USA can point out the power of the Jew — power for me is pure entropy, dungeon living, and all the riches to them, well, no!!! You can’t Margaret Atwood make this shit up: And these are the people of the …

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utter psychopathy and perversion — the Minyan Way in Biden’s Spiraling Mind While Bibi, Blinken and Bitch Nuland Are the Dancing Israelis on Rooftops! This is the blood on the hands of every stinking Jew and stinking Americano and the rest of the vassals. Buggered Battalions of Worthless People — that Golden Billion! Please follow …

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why the long headline . . . thank fucking god I do not work for “normal” newspapers anymore . . . Five lines Above Say it All, from my Fucking Heart! A short List (not inclusive, not worldwide), but lest we forget the journalists murdered by the Jewish State of Jewish Hatred Toward Goyim Occupied …

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Florida’s Public Colleges Are Told to Ease Transfer for Jewish Students First of all, he didn’t mention much about his time in Guantánamo, because we knew he was part of JTF and he was a legal adviser. And if you ask me, I think DeSantis is a cruel person. I believe that his mission there …

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even at a public event, the cancel culture, or variation on that theme, work day and night to let the world know ‘we won’t tolerate any deviation from the expected decorum, no contentiousness please. First — Gaza is burning: ‘What I find striking is that there are actually people out there who are enthusiastically—what was …

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