Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

… if you look 80 miles east from the fucking faggottry of Jimmy Buffet land, you will see the Palestinians, err, the Cubans, who threw off the Lansky/Charles “Lucky” Luciano mafia But the jewish project in Murdered Raped Stolen Maimed Poisoned Starved Palestine is right there, in Cuba. Good stuff here: Real analysis. Yara Shoufani – …

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and the children can’t add in their heads and couldn’t give you a percentage if their life depended on it . . . and that’s exactly how the shekel shieks planned it Five years ago, stamps cost 50 cents, making this latest price hike a 36% increase. Stamp sales help to fund the Postal Service, …

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Ahh, one of the crossed eyes of the Five! Ghosts? Ghouls, those Aussies: Ghosts? Come on, think really hard. Ahh, ghosts have personalities. Think Zombies, Caitlin. Or lobotomized laggerts. Walking the streets of this ghost town, watching ghost people laugh and play and indulge like Gaza isn’t burning, like children aren’t starving, like people aren’t …

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… and two and two equals something like 7 and a half, and up is down, and hate is love and society is ledgers and hope is despair and peace is always THEIR war against us, the planet, thinking Just basic getting to work, getting to town, that one, the Big Rotten Jewish York City, …

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… is anyone listening . . . to the cries . . . to the death heaves . . . to the thirsty tongues . . . to the bellies of starvation . . . to the mental trauma blank stares? Come on all you antisemite-aspersion-tossing fools. These are Jewish Leaders and Jewish soldiers and …

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moderated crap on the Jewish Media and Censoring Cabal will make a grown semi-lefty man, not cry, buto, well, vote for another lesser and lesser and lesser . . . no, not lesser evil, but lesser human! Headlines: The Nobodies: Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escapingpoverty: that one magical …

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In northern zone, Palestinians would be permitted to ‘live’ in relative comfort, while those who refuse to serve and obey their Israeli masters would be banished to a southern “area of terror.” Even the insides of most bellies of most beasts don’t deliver death and destruction quite as massively destructive as these criminals: Dirty Rotten …

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— Mental Midgets, inside the Minyan, Outside it, Near the Wailing Wall White House, or in Corporate Corridors are Human Stain! The “s” word? Scum. Depends on how you spin it or use it: Dead. Raytheon killed them. Blinken and Austin killed them. Biden killed them. Israel killed them. America killed them! Link. That “c” …

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utter psychopathy and perversion — the Minyan Way in Biden’s Spiraling Mind While Bibi, Blinken and Bitch Nuland Are the Dancing Israelis on Rooftops! This is the blood on the hands of every stinking Jew and stinking Americano and the rest of the vassals. Buggered Battalions of Worthless People — that Golden Billion! Please follow …

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Minyan at the Wailing Wall White House, and Certainly with New York Times, Washiongton Post, NPR, et al What was it I as scanning the radio for? Jazz. That’s right, but I caught, today, another voice, from the OPB, Oregon, maybe, affiliate. Some woman, professor, who was speaking about the “genocide decision” by the International …

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