Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

USPS in the shitter, Totalitarian Walmart and Dollar General closures, more small businesses imploded before Event 201 and SARS-CoV2,3,4,5,6,7,8 “I’m back,” she announces. It’s around lunchtime, but it’s already her second trip in today — this time, she’s picking up a few items for the Friday fish fry at the local Catholic church. Hassler is …

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is Nuland really gone? Shalom is of course ‘War is Peace’ in the Good Book movie, Torah Torah Torah Here, from the frothing foolish Zionist The Forward. Who Is Joe Biden’s New Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen? In the 2016 presidential elections, it was said that whichever candidate won — Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton — the president would have Jewish grandchildren. Both …

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Charlie Chaplain, Gypsy! Note: Cut and Pasted. Enjoy! In the first article in this series [ Fascination and Hatred: The Roma in European Culture ] I approached the issue of anti-Roma racism and the Third Reich via a long prehistory of Roma in Europe until 1900. This was a story of misperception, misrepresentation, and stereotypes. These misrepresentations and stereotypes, …

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Florida’s Public Colleges Are Told to Ease Transfer for Jewish Students First of all, he didn’t mention much about his time in Guantánamo, because we knew he was part of JTF and he was a legal adviser. And if you ask me, I think DeSantis is a cruel person. I believe that his mission there …

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