Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

…. No academic freedom, boys and girls . . . I remember at Washington State University, Michael Pollan, and his book, an attack on agri-biz, they said, cancelled and then reinstated! Now that the NYT has weighed in, I guess it’s fair to say this story broke through to the mainstream. I’ll spare you all …

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this is the world according to Garp except . . . except . . . .!! Pick your genocide, Part One! I like Anhthony Hall’s piece: The Canadian Government Joins the Génocidaires Standing Against the Justice-Minded South Africans: Trudeau’s Lies and Crimes and Failures Run Far Deeper Than Racism. Quoting Anthony: “Trudeau’s has yet to adequately explain …

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Florida’s Public Colleges Are Told to Ease Transfer for Jewish Students First of all, he didn’t mention much about his time in Guantánamo, because we knew he was part of JTF and he was a legal adviser. And if you ask me, I think DeSantis is a cruel person. I believe that his mission there …

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… I’ll be railing against more than Vox and this bimbo writing about Exodus, the fucking movie!!!! While those Jews turn up the flames of genocide, we get Jewish Writers in LALA Land writing this? In Our Exodus: Leon Uris and the Americanization of Israel’s Founding Story, Israeli college professor and historian M.M. Silver notes that …

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…. then you are a bloody fucking intellectual, or you think and cogitate too much, sucker . . . ain’t no TikTok and Twitter in your fucking future. Sure, it’s early, but, sure, so much to read and write. I will see if the local yokel paper I write for (viewpoints and special reports, all …

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they will draw blood and yank babies from wombs and inject syphilis int your brother and put poisons in our food and test how many breaths of air it takes before we black out and calories before death Fucking viral diseased Anglo Saxons: In “The White Man’s Burden” Kipling encouraged the American annexation and colonisation of the Philippine …

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monopoly . . . ? Inverted Totalitarianism . . . ? Fascism . . . ? “A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism.” Fascism originated in Italy, and Mussolini claims to have invented the word itself. It …

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…yet the monster Jew in Ukraine and the monsters called Jewish Ethno-Supremacist Jews of Jewish Occupied Palestine, they get blank checks, and much much more! There is NO real LEARNING going on — a picture is worth 80 million K12 dunces: This is the value of AmeriKKKa — can’t fucking pay folk trying to keep …

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“Young Americans Turn Against Boomers Over Social Security” Yes, the hell unleashed on Palestinians — carte blanche accepted by the Anglo-AmeriKKKan-Klanadian-Saxons-Francos-Iberians-InbredQueendomers — is just a little bit of 2023 “scrolling throug the genocide of “our” first nations. Imagine if those images were happening now, real time, posted on Telegram, TeleSur, or wherever there isn’t a …

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