Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

conversos in UnUnited $nakes of AmeriKKKa tap dancing toward those billions . . . Adam Levin Sandler and Hist Crew! [Some of the dozens of stars involved include Amy Schumer, Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld, Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Katy Perry, Bradley Cooper, Justin Timberlake, Jordan Peele, Michelle Williams, Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Will Ferrell …

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… go onto streets, hold demonstrations, pick up protest signs, call your dirty rabid rat representatives (sic), write letters to the editor, stop buying Jewish Sabra gruel, but the ferryman waits! Normalizing stupidity, compliance, fear, one-pay-check-away-from-automobile-living, trillions to Jewish Oligarchs and their Goyim Hench Women/Men, duck and cover, or just get buggered in the open, …

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USPS in the shitter, Totalitarian Walmart and Dollar General closures, more small businesses imploded before Event 201 and SARS-CoV2,3,4,5,6,7,8 “I’m back,” she announces. It’s around lunchtime, but it’s already her second trip in today — this time, she’s picking up a few items for the Friday fish fry at the local Catholic church. Hassler is …

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…as we starve and rape Gazans and Palestinians, the Yanquis and Klanadians Toast their Nothingness (Amnesiac) Roots . . . . Paulo Kirk poem for my wife’s birthday, today, and alas, it is the day, two years, when her hyounger brother died. AND, my spouse’s 25 year old daughter has self-estranged herself going on four …

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dirty dirty Yanquis and dirty dirty Brits — a fucking inbred love story that has taken the globe by viral Storm — talk about a spiritual and intellectual pandemic = AngloAmericanus! Gaza, Sudan, Afghanistan, Ireland — the great manufactured genocides of hunger and stripping the food away!!!!! Mexico’s Saint Patrick’s Day & Britain’s Genocide By …

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… the list is long, those Oppen-Heimer-Monster split atom sucking perverts; gain of function mother fuckers at UNC; chem central — PCBs anyone? “We inflated the stature of our enemies to match our need for retribution. We launched hubristic wars to remake the world and let ourselves be remade instead…We midwifed worse terrorists than those …

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is Nuland really gone? Shalom is of course ‘War is Peace’ in the Good Book movie, Torah Torah Torah Here, from the frothing foolish Zionist The Forward. Who Is Joe Biden’s New Jewish Daughter-In-Law, Melissa Cohen? In the 2016 presidential elections, it was said that whichever candidate won — Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton — the president would have Jewish grandchildren. Both …

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only news rags in Israel and those owned and managed by Jews in the USA can point out the power of the Jew — power for me is pure entropy, dungeon living, and all the riches to them, well, no!!! You can’t Margaret Atwood make this shit up: And these are the people of the …

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… and you really trust these Mengeles and Monsters of the Oppen-Perversity-Heimer Variety to care for your children, your sick, your loved ones? You want these fucking monsters in charge of the hen house, the nuclear code box, the food distribution systems, the water, oil, energy, rain, air, soil, culture, educaiton, banking, community destinations? Intel, …

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Charlie Chaplain, Gypsy! Note: Cut and Pasted. Enjoy! In the first article in this series [ Fascination and Hatred: The Roma in European Culture ] I approached the issue of anti-Roma racism and the Third Reich via a long prehistory of Roma in Europe until 1900. This was a story of misperception, misrepresentation, and stereotypes. These misrepresentations and stereotypes, …

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