Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

dirty dirty Yanquis and dirty dirty Brits — a fucking inbred love story that has taken the globe by viral Storm — talk about a spiritual and intellectual pandemic = AngloAmericanus! Gaza, Sudan, Afghanistan, Ireland — the great manufactured genocides of hunger and stripping the food away!!!!! Mexico’s Saint Patrick’s Day & Britain’s Genocide By …

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the fucking west is so spineless, toxic, terroristic, feces stained thinkers, and alas, just broken, man, broke . . . . Brandt Anderson, an American filmmaker and producer, “tagged along” with the Royal Jordanian Air Force as they air drop a shipment of supplies into Gaza. “Just in talking to the Jordanian people, they are …

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Seth Trakianski has Genocide Joe on his Late Night Cream Puff Show and all the world is a stage via Zionist-Held TV “All the world’s a stage (lies, perception over reality, thespians, smoke and mirrors, hasbara, PR spin, fake homo sapiens)!” (from As You Like It, spoken by Jaques)             …

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NY minute expression is supposed to convey a sense of urgency and the hustle, which we stereotypically know of the fast-paced nature of life in New York City. But New York is Dead! This morning, talking with my buddy from Wisconsin, Toothless in Wiscons, who has been ripped off by someone, unfortunately, I intrduced him …

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In northern zone, Palestinians would be permitted to ‘live’ in relative comfort, while those who refuse to serve and obey their Israeli masters would be banished to a southern “area of terror.” Even the insides of most bellies of most beasts don’t deliver death and destruction quite as massively destructive as these criminals: Dirty Rotten …

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the call is out for community colleges and universities to partner with US A Capitalists for drones by the tens of thousands The Sword of Damocles – by Mr. Fish There is no effective health care system left in Gaza. Infants are dying. Children are having their limbs amputated without anesthesia. Thousands of cancer patients and those in need …

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…mothers, daughters, aunts and sisters; wives and neices; grandmothers getting in on the Killing Action Monkey Suits. Does it matter which gender genocides you? [There is broad agreement about the dearth of women in the most senior leadership positions at our institutional institutions. From the lack of women candidates in the election for UN Secretary-General, to the …

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Minyan at the Wailing Wall White House, and Certainly with New York Times, Washiongton Post, NPR, et al What was it I as scanning the radio for? Jazz. That’s right, but I caught, today, another voice, from the OPB, Oregon, maybe, affiliate. Some woman, professor, who was speaking about the “genocide decision” by the International …

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minyan: quorum of 10 Jewish adults required for certain religious obligations. In more traditional streams of Judaism, only men 13 and older may constitute a minyan This is what a continuing criminal religious and military enterprise looks like: And so the ICJ states to prevent any genocide, do Hthings to do better with the killing …

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Ahh, the Hannibal Protocol (or Directive or Protocols of the Elders . . . .?) works well just setting off more of those Building 7 and WTC explosions! Ninety-five and counting. Israel has reportedly destroyed 95 schools and universities in its righteous obliteration of Gaza Can we just end this fucking global stain? Rabbis for Genocide? …

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