Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

minyan: quorum of 10 Jewish adults required for certain religious obligations. In more traditional streams of Judaism, only men 13 and older may constitute a minyan This is what a continuing criminal religious and military enterprise looks like: And so the ICJ states to prevent any genocide, do Hthings to do better with the killing …

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fucking groundhog day, and now on SubStack and countless thousands of other podcast platforms, they are all fucking DENIERS! Paul Haeder / Special to Down to Earth NW Tim Flannery, Australian environmentalist, known for his television series “The Future Eaters”, and best selling non-fiction books about the environment, paleontology, and nature, including “The Weather Makers.” …

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so many people want to write their autobiography, their memoirs, but it does take stick-to-it-ness, enlightement, engagement and a purpose for the actual written form . . . . but keep it up! first appeared in 1/3, Newport News Times +—+ The entire process of revealing one’s past is an explosion of lamentations, regret, revelation, and …

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