Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

Seth Trakianski has Genocide Joe on his Late Night Cream Puff Show and all the world is a stage via Zionist-Held TV “All the world’s a stage (lies, perception over reality, thespians, smoke and mirrors, hasbara, PR spin, fake homo sapiens)!” (from As You Like It, spoken by Jaques)             …

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only news rags in Israel and those owned and managed by Jews in the USA can point out the power of the Jew — power for me is pure entropy, dungeon living, and all the riches to them, well, no!!! You can’t Margaret Atwood make this shit up: And these are the people of the …

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minyan: quorum of 10 Jewish adults required for certain religious obligations. In more traditional streams of Judaism, only men 13 and older may constitute a minyan This is what a continuing criminal religious and military enterprise looks like: And so the ICJ states to prevent any genocide, do Hthings to do better with the killing …

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Florida’s Public Colleges Are Told to Ease Transfer for Jewish Students First of all, he didn’t mention much about his time in Guantánamo, because we knew he was part of JTF and he was a legal adviser. And if you ask me, I think DeSantis is a cruel person. I believe that his mission there …

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Black ex-Pig Mayor at the Wailing Wall, Stop and Frisked by Jews!! (see image at the bottom of this thought experiment!) “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ― Nelson …

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… take a look at the insipid AI-enhanced/regulated/defecated stuff coming across my Chrome box! ….From Austria — that Hitler Joint — cutting ties with Harvard because it has a black president . . . … to more hi-tech bullshit around polymers (artificial plastics) created to kill bacteria … … to a fucking 30 year old …

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and Jerry Springer was all about shaming Goyim to the Max! And many Jews are Goyim shamers, splainers, masters, overlords!!! Ahh, more Jew know it all, telling the world that China did it to the world, and that antisemitism is saying Israel is a Murderous, Genocidal, Dirty Country Harboring Sex Offenders. Although it took a …

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