Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

and the children can’t add in their heads and couldn’t give you a percentage if their life depended on it . . . and that’s exactly how the shekel shieks planned it

Five years ago, stamps cost 50 cents, making this latest price hike a 36% increase. Stamp sales help to fund the Postal Service, as it does not receive tax dollars toward its operating expenses. The hike will result in an anticipated $44 billion in revenue by 2031.

Cunts below: just 9 out of 535 congress creeps, 100 senators, POTUS LLC, SCOTUS, Inc., Fortune 10,000 CEOs and Middle Managers, all those Eichmanns.

Nancy Pelosi Tests Positive for Covid-19 - Bloomberg
Adolf Eichmann (1906 -1962) | American Experience | Official Site | PBS

While grocery prices are up nearly 25% overall since the beginning of the pandemic, certain items have seen more significant upticks. Since March 2020, the cost of eggs has increased by 50%, while beef roasts, flour, and sugar have each risen by over one-third. Other items with large price increases over the same time period include carbonated beverages (up 32.1%) and canned fruits and vegetables (up +31.6%).

[Note: LIES. Try it. Fucking SHOP. Canned tuna, the decent stuff? (200 percent increase) Almond milk. (150 percent increase). Lettuce. Try it, from 89 cents a head, to $3.28 a head. Try the math, folks. Over 300 percent “INFLATION.” GOUGING.

Why do gas prices vary so much by Oregon county? -
Portland gas station charging nearly $6.30 a gallon for regular
Gas Prices Edge Lower to Start 2024 | AAA Oregon/Idaho

Oh, no, 30 percent in a few months?

Electrical Wiring Cost — New House Construction (2024 Update)

Brian Watson, owner of Watson’s Charging Stations & Electric explains the inflationary pressures being experienced, “We’ve installed thousands of EV charging stations and on every job, we use copper wire. A month ago, wire prices jumped 30% and now they’ve increased another 10% in less than two weeks.

As Mark Cooper, President of H&D Electric, one of the largest electrical contractors in the Sacramento Valley explains,

“We’ve been an electrical contractor for single-family and multi-family home builders since 1958. For the first time in my 30-year career, I had to call all my homebuilders to inform them that I needed to revise our contract to reflect the rapid rise in copper wire prices. In the past, I’ve always been able to absorb upticks in price but it’s just not possible with 40%+ increases.”

And of course, these are lies. I am a ground-truther, and for towns and cities across LaLa-Jew-Landia, we have 200 and 300 percent increases in vital “things.” Think of a transformer to keep the city’s electricity going. Hmm, $2,500 for a medium sized one, and that was three years ago. Now? $12,000.00. A Four hundred price increase from 2020 to now would be $10,000. Now, almost FIVE times.

And the cunts like Pelosi or Emoff or Trump or Kushner of Nikki/Hillary, the Obamas, every single fucking cunt in Holly-Dirt, the lot of them, laugh laugh laugh. And apple costing 5 times what it did in 2019? These dirty death thieves could give a shite with their fucking tennis-golf-pickleball loving asses getting screwed and tatooed.

This piece above, sent to me by a righteous friend. Sure, African (middle passage) American and half “jewish.” She’s as black as black can be (they call blacks in Israel niggers), for sure, and bi-sexual, and neuro-divergent and woken.

What the fuck is happening in her fucking father’s mother ship?

Rain of Fire: Israel's Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza | HRW
‘Uninhabitable place’: Gaza suffers with water 97% polluted
Poisoning Gaza — Military Poisons

These are jewish values, man, those jews, you know, those jews, i.e. all in Raped Murdered Stolen Maimed Poisoned Palestine, and all those around the globe paying the fucking bill.

“Thousands upon thousands of Israeli and western-supplied bombs dropped on Gaza bring not just death but a toxic legacy from explosive chemicals, dust, and debris from destroyed buildings that pollute the air and the ground. Israel’s military offensive in Gaza is leaving a new layer of toxic chemicals in Gaza’s soil, adding to those left behind from many wars it has waged before.”

Israel settlers uproot, destroy 70 ancient olive trees in the occupied west  Bank – Middle East Monitor

[Photo: Israel settlers uproot, destroy 70 ancient olive trees in the occupied west Bank]

Nada Majdalani explains that 97% of Gaza’s aquifer was unfit for human consumption before the war. Now, she says there are tremendous problems regarding solid waste and wastewater due to the shortage of fuels necessary to operate treatment plants. Consequently, untreated sewage is entering the Gaza Sea and is draining into the streets.Nada Majdalani explains that 97% of Gaza’s aquifer was unfit for human consumption before the war. Now, she says there are tremendous problems regarding solid waste and wastewater due to the shortage of fuels necessary to operate treatment plants. Consequently, untreated sewage is entering the Gaza Sea and is draining into the streets.

Now, there are reports that the Israeli military is pumping fuel and seawater into the tunnels throughout Gaza, a death blow to the drinking water aquifer.

Heavy metals like lead, zinc, chromium, copper, platinum, titanium, cadmium, nickel, and vanadium may be coursing through the streets and flushing into the sea, along with PFAS and phosphorus. Wastewater treatment facilities everywhere on earth are conduits for chemical contamination even when they’re working properly. 

Now, there are reports that the Israeli military is pumping fuel and seawater into the tunnels throughout Gaza, a death blow to the drinking water aquifer.

Heavy metals like lead, zinc, chromium, copper, platinum, titanium, cadmium, nickel, and vanadium may be coursing through the streets and flushing into the sea, along with PFAS and phosphorus. Wastewater treatment facilities everywhere on earth are conduits for chemical contamination even when they’re working properly. 

[Photo: 2000-pound GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) are transported to the flight deck of the USS Harry S. Truman March 21, 2003 in the Mediterranean Sea. The bombs were used in Iraq. ]

The explosive compound RDX helped make America a superpower. Now, it’s poisoning the world’s water and soil.            ProPublica

The explosive charge in many conventional bombs often consists of RDX. Gazans may be exposed if they breathe RDX fumes from explosions.  People may also be exposed to RDX by drinking contaminated water or by touching contaminated soil. RDX is associated with Liver Injury, Edema, Anemia, Hemosiderosis and Spinal Diseases .

Oh, my oh my, all Yanqui’s are that American Girl!

Well, she was an American girl
Raised on promises
She couldn’t help thinkin’ that there
Was a little more to life
Somewhere else
After all it was a great big world
With lots of places to run to
Yeah, and if she had to die tryin’
She had one little promise
She was gonna keep

Oh yeah, alright
Take it easy baby
Make it last all night
She was an American girl

Well, it was kind of cold that night
She stood alone on her balcony
Yeah, she could hear the cars roll by
Out on 441
Like waves crashin’ on the beach
And for one desperate moment there
He crept back in her memory
God it’s so painful
Something that’s so close
And still so far out of reach

Oh yeah, alright
Take it easy, baby
Make it last all night
She was an American girl

Oh yeah

Here we go, another fucking cunt, and American gurrrlll:


Ahh, dismantling zionism? Which jewish aspect of zionism must be dismantled? Judaism? Dismantled? Hmm.

Hmmm, Zionism Is HELL On Earth For Palestinians | Matt Kennard. Not jewish identity and jewish politics and jewish power and jewish control of, well, fill in the fucking blanks________________________________________________.

Jewish Police beat and arrest Palestinian women:

The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong … survive.

– Benjamin Netanyahu

We have seen it … Zionism is fascism … exactly.– George Habash

When UN member states recognise a phantasmic Palestinian state, all they are doing is bolstering Israel’s illegality as an institutionally racist state.

On Tuesday, three additional European states officially recognised a non-existent Palestinian state. Ireland, Spain, and Norway are the latest to join more than 140 other United Nations members in recognising this phantom entity.

The Palestinian Authority, which was set up in 1993 to aid Israel in suppressing Palestinian resistance to Israeli colonisation and occupation, welcomed the expansion of this improbable club.

Other European states like Belgium, Malta, and Slovenia also threatened to follow suit.

The Israelis, who have denied Palestinians the right to a state since 1948, reacted angrily to this largely symbolic move.

However, as I will show, international recognition of a phantom Palestinian state has been one of the main ways that UN members insist, in violation of UN regulations, on recognising Israel’s right to remain a Jewish supremacist racist state. (Source: Instead of recognising ‘Palestine’, countries should withdraw recognition of Israel — Joseph Massad)

Cunts all over — planners, engineers, architects, financiers, the lot of the merceanries and war and murder profiteers.

A Palestinian holds the shrouded body of a relative Israel killed in attacks on Gaza City, on May 16, 2024 [Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu]

Does Israel’s Netanyahu have a plan for a ‘day after’ the war on Gaza?

As Israel bombs and re-bombs the tiny enclave, questions abound about when it will stop and what it will do next.

The evidence appears to show that the Israel prime minister does not.

On Thursday, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant voiced his frustration and called on Benyamin Netanyahu to “make a decision” adding that he did not feel Israel’s involvement in Gaza should be open-ended.

Why do we need ‘an Israeli plan’?

Because Israel controls every aspect of Palestinian life both in Gaza and in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which it occupies.

Every passing day, less and less of Gaza is left standing, raising increasingly pressing questions on how long the Israeli military can continue its vicious attacks. What does it plan to do once it tires of bombing and re-bombing the tiny, besieged enclave?

On Saturday, army Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi lambasted Netanyahu for the dearth of political planning for a settlement after the war ended.

“As long as there’s no diplomatic process to develop a governing body in the Strip that isn’t [the Palestinian group] Hamas, we’ll have to launch campaigns again and again … to dismantle Hamas’s infrastructure.

“It will be a Sisyphean task,” he said, a reference to mythological tyrant Sisyphus, ruler of Ephyra, who was punished by the gods to spend eternity pushing a rock up a hill only for it to roll back down.

So… does Netanyahu have a plan?

On May 3, Netanyahu published some postwar plans for Gaza online, and they were pretty dramatic.

According to the plans, Palestinians in Gaza – more than 35,000 of whom Israel has killed in this war to date – would enjoy unparalleled prosperity.

A massive investment was outlined, free ports, solar energy, electric car manufacturing and the people benefitting from newly discovered Gaza gas fields.

It would happen over three stages, from an unspecified “victory date” to 2035.

Palestinians in Gaza would run the plan, supervised by a coalition of Arab states – named in the plan and in radio interviews with Netanyahu as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Morocco.

Politically, after Gaza is “deradicalised” and the trauma of war “forgotten”, it would join with the occupied West Bank, currently under the nominal administration of the Palestinian Authority, and recognise Israel through the Abraham Accords.

Here, read it, if you can decipher fucking murdering Hebrew: The PowerPoint!

Oh yeah, all the cunts who think this fucking cunt above is their dream cream?

Architecture studios Sasaki Associates and Foster + Partners are masterplanning a smart city for up to a million people on Sherbro island in Sierra Leone.

According to the BBC, the studios are creating a masterplan for the entire island as part of a project led by actor Idris Elba, whose father was born in Sierra Leone, and Siaka Stevens, grandson of the country’s former president.

“beautiful retirement home for my mum”

Elba described the plans, by UK studio Foster + Partners and US studio Sasaki Associates, to redevelop the 65-mile-long island into a self-reliant “smart city” as “a dream”.

“It’s a dream, you know, but I work in the make-believe business,” Elba told BBC. “It’s about being self-reliant, it’s about bringing an economy that feeds itself and has growth potential.”

Oh, the Jews have them all locked up.

The Sherbro island development is the latest in a series of smart cities that have been proposed around the world. In 2020, Senegalese-American singer Akon signed an agreement with the government of Senegal to build a cryptocurrency-based development named Akon City.

Fucking a City Named After a Fucking Crook? Then, why not Zyklon Blinken, the new Tel Aviv in Berlin? Or in UkroNaziLandia, the City of Nuland.

Ahh, the jewish values — new and newer crimes: Fucking, these fucking smart mother fucking Silicon Wadi-JewGoogle-Little Tel Aviv (Silicon Valley) Mossad-Unit 8200 Social Control Gulags for these fucking multi-millionaire fucking Oreo Mother Fucking Cookies.


Fucking loonies. Smart Irradiated Cities, mother fucking talentless crooners and thespians. Here, more of the Zyklon Blinken work, with his vassals all lubricated up for more collective buggering!

Here’s part of what Putin said:

With regard to the strikes, frankly, I am not sure what the NATO Secretary General is talking about. When he was the Prime Minister of Norway, (we had good relations) and I am positive he was not suffering from dementia back then. If he is talking about potentially attacking Russia’s territory with long-range precision weapons, he, as a person who heads a military-political organisation, even though he is a civilian like me, should be aware of the fact that long-range precision weapons cannot be used without space-based reconnaissance. This is my first point.

My second point is that the final target selection and what is known as launch mission can only be made by highly skilled specialists who rely on this reconnaissance data, technical reconnaissance data. For some attack systems, such as Storm Shadow, these launch missions can be put in automatically, without the need to use Ukrainian military. Who does it? Those who manufacture and those who allegedly supply these attack systems to Ukraine do. This can and does happen without the participation of the Ukrainian military. Launching other systems, such as ATACMS, for example, also relies on space reconnaissance data, targets are identified and automatically communicated to the relevant crews that may not even realise what exactly they are putting in. A crew, maybe even a Ukrainian crew, then puts in the corresponding launch mission. However, the mission is put together by representatives of NATO countries, not the Ukrainian military. Putin Presser in UzbekistanKremlin

Let’s summarize:

  1. The long-range precision weapons (missiles) are provided by NATO countries
  2. The long-range precision weapons are manned by experts or contractors from the country of origin
  3. The long-range precision weapons must be linked to space reconnaissance data provide by the US or NATO
  4. The targets in Russia are also provided by space reconnaissance data provide by the US or NATO


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