Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

old mother fucking glory has been on so many shores, in so many lands, destroyer of earth, hearth, health, humanity — and we have this shit in AmeriKKKa

“The metaphor for Palestine is stronger than the Palestine of reality.”  

 – Mahmoud Darwish

…and so the 79th Fleet of Flowers commemorating the Guard (coast) and fishers and the people on the ocean . . . .

The various groups put together 2,800 cedar and flower wreaths to dump into the Pacific a mile from the “smallest bay in the world.”

Fucking standing and sittin’ around to jump to attention for the star spangled dirty banner and America the Un-beautiful.

Yep, Cindy Sheehan: Son, Casey.

Fragged, brainwashed smart guy, football hunk, philosopher, and murdered by US Military and then the Fucking Cover-up.

Watch The Tillman Story (2010) - Free Movies | Tubi
The Tillman Story (2010) | Watch Free Documentaries Online

And so these fucking unelected motherfucking cunts, poisoning the land, the globe:

Call to the International Criminal Court to Investigate Ursula von der Leyen for Complicity in War Crimes and Genocide Committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza


Sorry, they need to be vaporized. ZioAzovNaziLensky attacking Russian nuclear power plants, well well, that fucking lawyer fucking Western Loving Putin Has to Go: Bring on the Communists.



Rafah was the last remaining area of the Gaza Strip that had not yet been destroyed by the Zionist entity. Many countries appealed to the entity not to attack Rafah – to no avail. Because the entity heeds no one and nothing, respects no one and nothing, and is above everyone and everything. It is a thing unto itself. An aberration.

What began as a proliferating Western colonial outpost by calculation, metastasized into a killing machine… that is now even expediting its own demise (though not fast enough). As Norman Finkelstein put it in this extraordinary interview: “‘Israel’ has now reached a lunatic place where the survival of, not just the regions, but the planet is at stake.”

The big and NAKED question that will go down in the history books (if humanity survives the plans of the Zionist entity) is: Why was the Rest of the World unable to stop the genocide?

Hell on Earth… and the time of monsters: Can a new world be born?


Shoot the Christians and Jews, for sure: Conservative Christians are lending support — and cash — to Israel at war.

Evangelicals from Brazil wade, pray and get baptized in the Jordan river in Israel.

Versus SANITY:

Shoot the dirty rabid dogs of Shabbos Goyim and Dirty Judaism:

Mother Fucking Hand (Torah) Maids — these Crypto Christians need machetes NOW, to their fucking heads.

“People are going [on the tours] to empathize with Jewish grief and suffering, but there’s a criticism that there’s a certain co-opting of trauma. That’s deeply disconcerting. Because we want to come alongside of Jewish families who are suffering. But solidarity and empathy is different than voyeurism.” (source)

Antarctic Ice Shelf Spawns Iceberg A-83 Annotated

Pray Jesus . . . . Evangelicals are rooting for the end times anyway it might come splashing down. “Chilling Departure: Iceberg the Size of Portland, Oregon Breaks Free in Spectacular Antarctic Display.”

Despite the recent calving events, the remainder of the Brunt is still holding on to the McDonald Ice Rumples. But the new Iceberg A-83, along with icebergs A-74 and A-81 that broke off in recent years, have greatly diminished the ice shelf’s area since early 2021. “As ice shelves get smaller and smaller, they become more vulnerable to extreme events that can, as in the case of the Glenzer/Conger Ice Shelf, lead to destabilization and total loss of the floating glacial ice area,” Shuman said.

Ahh, the Jews of Fascism Facebook-Google-ClickBait-AI-VR-MR-AR, they are eating the brains of the Goyim from the inside out, and the Zyklon Blinkens of the World Love it — because they know the kids will know nothing of Gaza.

A Tucson biology teacher says enough is enough. He’s leaving the classroom over students not being able to put down their phones.

He told News 4 he tried everything in the world to get the kids to power down but the appeal of what’s on their cell phone is just too great.

Mother Fucking Zionist-Yanqui-EuroTrashLandians-Inbred United Queen-queer-dumb, this is what they want — war war war, and these fucking poor countries will fucking jet shuttle to fucking COP environmental porn shows and then play in the big sand box of Zyklon Blinken types, funding Ukraine or Isra-Hell, well they face Armageddon.

In Mexico City, more and more residents are watching their taps go dry for hours a day. Even when water does flow, it often comes out dark brown and smells noxious. A former political leader is asking the public to “prioritize essential actions for survival” as the city’s key reservoirs run dry. Meanwhile, 2,000 miles south in the Colombian capital of Bogotá, reservoir levels are falling just as fast, and the city government has implemented rotating water shutoffs. The mayor has begged families to shower together and leave the city on weekends to cut down on water usage.

The neoliberal cartels have done their fucking NAFTA sodomizing job over the course of 50 years.

Day Zero: What happens when Cape Town runs out of water? | Condé Nast  Traveller India

But Cape Town’s grassroots conservation success will be difficult to replicate. In order for such messaging to work, residents have to trust their government. Indeed, other large South African cities like Johannesburg and Durban have struggled to spur usage reductions during periods of water stress, in part because they are governed by the African National Congress, or ANC. While the ANC has been the country’s dominant political party since its heroic 1994 victory over the apartheid regime that had ruled South Africa for decades, popular enthusiasm for the party has plummeted in recent years as corruption scandals have engulfed its top ranks. Unlike the governing bodies of South Africa’s other major cities, the Western Cape government that oversees Cape Town is led by an opposition party that enjoys far more local support than the ANC.

Manuel Perló Cohen, a professor who studies water infrastructure at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City, said the government in Mexico City doesn’t enjoy the same kind of goodwill, meaning the government’s available tools may be limited to things like mandatory water restrictions.

“It won’t work here, because there’s a lack of confidence in the government,” he told Grist. “People don’t believe in most of what the government says, even if it’s the truth.” Mexico is just weeks away from a major election, and the incumbent leaders in Mexico City as well as the federal government have tried to downplay the water issues even as their opponents seize on it for campaign fodder.

And how much more do we have to witness the rabid monsters of Judaism sap the world?

‘It’s in our rivers and in our cups. There’s no escape’: the deadly spread of salt water in Bangladesh

Oh, those motherfucking jews — BlackRock, BlackStone, Google, Palantir, and a thousand other fucking leeches sucking the earth dry. Cease Fire Now? NOPE. Let the world continue to suffer and burn while their corrupt governments and syphilis corporations steal their futures.

The consumption of saline water in coastal Bangladesh has long been associated with various health risks, including hypertension, respiratory problems and pre-eclampsia, but its effect on kidney health remains relatively unknown.

Chronic kidney disease is a major public health issue worldwide but studies suggest a higher prevalence (22%) among Bangladeshis than the global average (10%). “Most people with CKD don’t even know they have it,” says Dr Abu Mohammed Naser, an environmental health professor at the University of Memphis. “Many miss early diagnosis, as often they don’t experience symptoms until the disease has already advanced considerably.”

You want more of the War Mongering Blasphemy? — ‘Headaches, organ damage and even death’: how salty water is putting Bangladesh’s pregnant women at risk

Do you want to hear one more nanosecond of the fucked up Cuntery Media Run by the Fucked Up ZioJewsShabbosGoy telling us about fucking Zelensky or the fucking rapist-muder-poisoner-starver-thieving Jews of Occupied Palestine?

Machetes to all your fucking heads for even having one iota of empathy for the Wailing Wall White House Shit Stains, any in Holly-Dirt, any of them now as the world collapses and the fucking millionaires and billionaires jerk off on us all with their Weinstein-Epstein-Bibi smear.

[Photo: Raw sewage bubbles up in the front yard of a home in Jackson, Mississippi, in October 2021. (Photo: Getty Images)]

Jackson, Mississippi’s drinking water has been brown for 2 years. The EPA could have prevented the crisis

Jackson, Mississippi’s drinking water has been brown for 2 years. The EPA could have prevented the crisisA new report surfaces a trail of red flags that the EPA didn’t raise.

Biden-Trump-Wailing Wall White House WORLD:

The EPA’s failure to alert Mississippi about its uneven distribution of federal funds has had severe consequences for the people of Jackson, where brown-tinged water continues to flow out of taps across the city. These days, as little as a powerful thunderstorm can upset the fragile water infrastructure and upend residents’ lives for weeks. The ongoing crisis has also contributed to further population decline: Last year, The Clarion-Ledger reported that Jackson is the fastest shrinking city in the nation.

You stomaching this?

Blinken announces $2b arms deal for Ukraine amid Russian offensive
Bear Hugs Didn't Work": Biden Pulls Away From Netanyahu Embrace Over Rafah
Opinion | Bibi Trump and Donald Netanyahu - The New York Times

You sick yet? How about April 2022?

“Gazans swim in a clean sea for the first time in years”

Beachgoers in the impoverished and besieged Gaza Strip got a chance to enjoy clean and safe seawater free of sewage for the first time in years.

The Gaza Strip is a coastal area bordering the Mediterranean Sea. However, for many years Palestinians have suffered from marine pollution due to the pumping of untreated sewage into it, which limited the local population’s swimming opportunities. 

But this year it looks different, says Mohammed Musleh, director of the Environmental Resources Department at the Hamas-run Water and Sanitation Authority. 

He told The New Arab that internationally funded sewage treatment facilities have ramped up operations across the Gaza Strip, reducing pollution to its lowest levels in many years.

He added that his ministry treats a large proportion of sewage water before it is pumped into the sea, making 65 per cent of the beach safe and clean.

And, now, you sick now?

Palestinians inspect the rubble of the Yassin Mosque destroyed after it was hit by an Israeli airstrike at Shati refugee camp in Gaza City
Palestinian medic takes a baby pulled out of buildings destroyed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Rafah
Wounded Palestinians receive treatment at the al-Shifa hospital, following Israeli airstrikes on Gaza City, central Gaza Strip
Palestinians inspect the damage of destroyed buildings following Israeli airstrikes on Gaza City
Palestinian child wounded in Israeli bombardment is treated in a hospital in Deir al Balah, south of the Gaza Strip
Palestinians crowd together as they wait for food distribution in Rafah
Palestinians pray over bodies of people killed in the Israeli bombardment who were brought from the Shifa hospital before burying them in a mass grave in the town of Khan Younis
Palestinians evacuate a wounded woman following Israeli airstrikes in Khan Younis refugee camp

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