Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

…the unwoke-woke world is A-okay with Holly-Dirt trash, but calling a fascist a fascist or that jew Blinken a Nazi or Isra-Hell that terrorist murdering place is just all fucking cunt fuckery

The performance (sic) itself has received mixed reviews. Blinken’s guitar was out of tune. Like many other politicians, including former President Donald Trump, Blinken appears to have misinterpreted the 1989 rock hit as a patriotic anthem. In fact, the “free world” is Young’s ironic reference to America’s failings, including homelessness and gun crime.

Neil Young-"Rockin´ in the free world" (Lyrics). | Lyrics, Neil young,  Music lyrics

Fucking genocide there, genocide everywhere. The SCOTUS Cunts, Alito, now, with his fucking fascist flag in the wind; while the world is in the heat chamber (think wet bulb temps beyond humanity’s and mammalians’ survivability), fucking fascist Oppen-Monster-Heimers and their fucking AI-VR-MR-AR; and then, Superesize Me Morgan is dead at 52 (and that’s news#$%!); and other news burdening the minds of the mendacious fucking Goyim.

The report estimated that 156 school districts across the country will experience 30 more days over 80 degrees during the school year by 2025, compared to what the same districts saw in 1970. Air conditioning is typically thought necessary when classrooms reach a certain threshold for 80-degree days.

And the fucking point of the neutered and queer as lactating udders on a bull UN?

The U.N. flag waves outside the Peace palace, housing the International Court of Justice, or World Court, in The Hague, Netherlands, Thursday, May 23, 2024, where Mexico took Ecuador to the United Nations' top court accusing the nation of violating international law by storming into the Mexican embassy in Quito on April 5, and arresting former Ecuador Vice President Jorge Glas, who had been holed up there seeking asylum in Mexico. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

The top United Nations court declined Thursday to issue an immediate order for Ecuador to protect Mexican diplomatic property following the storming of Mexico’s embassy in Quito to arrest a former vice president.

Cunts and Fascists, one and all: The April 5 raid, hours after Mexico granted asylum to former Vice President Jorge Glas, drew widespread condemnation in Latin America and ratcheted up tensions that had been brewing between the two countries since Glas, a convicted criminal and fugitive, took refuge at the embassy in December.

Mexico Breaks Off Relations With Ecuador After Embassy Raid - WSJ

Ahh, here’s more of the cunts Incorporated:

Judicial ethics codes focus on the need for judges to be independent, avoiding political statements or opinions on matters they could be called on to decide. The Supreme Court had long gone without its own code of ethics, but it adopted one in November 2023 in the face of sustained criticism over undisclosed trips and gifts from wealthy benefactors to some justices. The code lacks a means of enforcement, however.

Cunt Couple:

Picture of upside-down flag outside of Justice Alito’s house causes controversy

The death fucking cult — Cunts-Nazis-Fascists-Terrorists, Isra-Hell.

As we feed the Nazi Pigs of Judaism, i.e. Zyklon Blinken, Yellen, Garland, Emoff, Bibi and AzovZioLensky, we live like fucking cows in a slaughter house.

Map of the continental U.S. showing school days with temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit in 2025 with the headline, “Many American classrooms are becoming too hot for learning.”

As climate change raises school temperatures, some are too hot for learning – Washington Post

And the fucking anal cavity ghouls, Trump and Company & Biden and Klan, they want the Arab world gone, the black world in modern slavery, and the Dumb as Racoon Piss Goyim to keep on scrolling and dialing for dollars. But those fucking jews in Israel, in Klanada, in Inbred United Queerdom and EuroTrashLandia, they get a more controlling share of global destiny.

Former Google CEO and chairman, Eric Schmidt.

Oh, these jewish Oppen-Monster-Heimers, left and right of their own Nazism, Fascism, Cunt Fuckery. Ex-Google CEO says the US and China’s most powerful AI systems may one day be stored in military bases and surrounded by machine guns

No fucking pushback in these fucking mutual admiration society fucking PR pieces:

“Eventually, in both the U.S. and China, I suspect there will be a small number of extremely powerful computers with the capability for autonomous invention that will exceed what we want to give either to our own citizens without permission or to our competitors,” Schmidt told Noema Magazine in an interview published Tuesday.

Directly from another jew’s mouth:

“Our view is that we are rapidly approaching what we call a ‘2 tech stack divide,’ where in essence, each country, the US and China, are effectively walling off or ring-fencing their tech stacks from each other,” Jay Pelosky, the founder of TPW Advisory, told BI. 

TPW Advisory's Pelosky on Global Markets

That’s right, Dumb as Racoon Piss Goyim Get to Sweat it Out in Prison, err, K12:

Yeah, Gaza is dead, dying, burning, but those kiddos in Philly:

Poor Morgan: Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker behind ‘Super Size Me,’ dies at 53 ….The documentary about a 30-day McDonald’s diet made $22 million, earned an Oscar nomination and put Spurlock on the map. He later retreated from Hollywood after admitting to sexual misconduct.

More fucking Cunts in this Fuckery Fascist Lazy Dumb as Racoon Piss Goyim-Landia Where the jews Have all the Fucking Cards.

Close-up Of A Robot Hand Ticking Off Checkboxes On Document With Pen

Grading papers is hard work. “I hate it,” a teacher friend confessed to me. And that’s a major reason why middle and high school teachers don’t assign more writing to their students. Even an efficient high school English teacher who can read and evaluate an essay in 20 minutes would spend 3,000 minutes, or 50 hours, grading if she’s teaching six classes of 25 students each. There aren’t enough hours in the day. 

This is such faggotry, such daftness, such queer as a fucking room temperature IQ that if kind reader you don’t see this as another of the Death By 100,000 fucking capitalist inverted totalitarian cuts, just put yourself to sleep, mate.

Of course, it’s unclear if grades alone, without concrete feedback or suggestions for improvement, will motivate students to make revisions. Students may be discouraged by a low score from ChatGPT and give up. Many students might ignore a machine grade and only want to deal with a human they know. Still, Tate says some students are too scared to show their writing to a teacher until it’s in decent shape, and seeing their score improve on ChatGPT might be just the kind of positive feedback they need. 

“We know that a lot of students aren’t doing any revision,” said Tate. “If we can get them to look at their paper again, that is already a win.”

Cunts on the International Stage: “For years, the US and Germany – as well as other European countries – have ignored appeals from Bosnia to act on threats to stability and genocide denial emanating from Republika Srpska. They have even appeared to appease it, as well as its backer, the Serbian government, amid the tug-of-war with Russia over Serbia’s future with the European Union and its position on Ukraine.

At the same time, they are credible and persuasive arguments that both the US and Germany have become complicit in the Gaza genocide by providing direct military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel.

Just last month, the US Congress passed legislation that secured $17bn in military aid for Israel. As of March, the US had sent more than 100 weapons shipments destined for the Israeli army. Last year, Germany approved $354m worth of arms sales to Israel, a tenfold increase compared to 2022 – the increase being driven by exports after October 7.” (Farhan Chak is Visiting Research Faculty at Al Waleed Center for Muslim Christian Understanding (ACMCU), Georgetown University.)

One of the contractors working on the bridge reached out to the Alaska Watchman regarding the recent order that the flags be removed. He asked that his name not be used, given that he is actively working on the project.

According to the contractor, Denali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell contacted the man overseeing the federal highways project, claiming there had been complaints about the U.S. flags, and notifying him that bridge workers must stop flying the stars and strips from their vehicles because it detracts from the “park experience.”

Denali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell

“The trucks are flying these American flags, about a foot atop the trucks, about three-foot by four-foot flags, and they said they don’t want this,” the contractor explained. “They’re saying it isn’t conducive and it doesn’t fit the park experience.”

All of these fucking corporations are grifters and scam artists. Greenhushing. What Cunty Faggotry.

Business school teaching case study: Unilever chief signals rethink on ESG — Why is the consumer goods group backpedalling on responsible-business targets? Explore the issues with this ‘instant case study’

Such backpedalling is becoming widespread — with many companies retracting their commitments to climate targets, for example. According to FactSet, a US financial data and software provider, the number of US companies in the S&P 500 index mentioning “ESG” on their earnings calls has declined sharply: from a peak of 155 in the fourth quarter 2021 to just 29 two years later. This trend towards playing down a company’s ESG efforts, from fear of greater scrutiny or of accusations of empty claims, even has a name: “greenhushing”. (source)

Take out the fucking jews, err, jewish zionists and their, well, what do they call those goyim?

The central mobilization took place in Mawlid al-Nabawi Square, west of the city of Saada and the rest in the districts of Razih, Al-Zahir, Majz, Ghamr, Qatabir and Kitaf.

Massive demonstrations of solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian resistance were witnessed this Friday in different provinces of Yemen, under the slogan “With Gaza, firmness in posture and continuity in the struggle”.


Demonstrations in Solidarity With Gaza in Yemen

The central mobilization took place in Mawlid al-Nabawi Square, west of the city of Saada and the rest in the districts of Razih, Al-Zahir, Majz, Ghamr, Qatabir and Kitaf.

According to statements by the member of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, Yemen’s operations in support of Gaza find their legitimacy in the Koran and force them to defend their brothers and protect the oppressed.

In his message to the United States, Al-Houthi warned of the little use of delaying aggression in Gaza because they could not end the resistance when it only had stones.


U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month at Adas Israel Congregation May 22, 2015 in Washington, DC. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AFP)

US President Barack Obama delivers remarks in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month at Adas Israel Congregation May 22, 2015 in Washington, DC. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AFP)

In 1999, while still in the Illinois State Senate, he shared an office suite with Ira Silverstein, an Orthodox Jew. Obama peppered Silverstein with questions about Orthodox restrictions on daily life: the kosher laws and the sanctions against certain kinds of behavior on the Sabbath. “On the Sabbath, if I ever needed anything, Barack would always offer,” remembers Silverstein. “Some of the doors are electric, so he would offer to open them … I didn’t expect that.”

Former US vice president Al Gore (Photo credit: CC BY 2.0, Erik Charlton from Menlo Park, USA/Wikimedia)

Then Sen. Al Gore, probably because he had just finished campaigning for president in some of our neighborhoods in 1988, came over to me and said, “This is your Sabbath. Isn’t it? Where are you going to stay tonight?”

I said, “I am going to sleep in my office.”

“I won’t let you do that. My parents have an apartment across the street. They’re away.”

You know, in good European fashion I rejected his offer twice. The third time, I accepted! And, that night, he took me across the street. He understood everything; turned on the lights, and turned off the lights when he left.

Justice Thurgood Marshall replied to me, ‘Don’t worry, I know all about the rules of Shabbos, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkos. You see, I was a Shabbos goy when I lived years ago in the Jewish section of Baltimore.’ — Orthodox Jewish Washington attorney Nathan Lewin.

Colin Powell was a 'man of ideas' but wasn't ideological, Antony Blinken  says

Colin Powell spent so much time assisting a Jewish family in the South Bronx that he became fluent in Yiddish.

Foreign Policy in Focus in Cuomo's Israel Trip - WSJ

Mario Cuomo credited his sensitivity to the needs of the Orthodox to his childhood in Queens, where he served as a “Shabbos goy” for a synagogue up the street from the grocery owned by his Sicilian immigrant parents…

He was quoted as saying, “The Jews need a Shabbos goy [Sabbath gentile] because they can’t do everything for themselves,” when he first ran for governor.

Today’s “Shabbos goy,” Cuomo suggested, was that “government has to get involved in helping Jews live their faith.”

Recognition of Israel | Harry S. Truman

For two years in Independence, a Jewish family called the Viners lived next door to Harry Truman’s family. As Sarah Viner much later recalled, her brother Abe was “very close friends” with the future president: “Harry was always over at our house … I think this was his first contact with Jewish people.” On the Sabbath, when observant Jews could not do household chores, Harry served as the Viners’s “Shabbos goy.”

Elvis Presley's Jewish Roots Highlighted on his 35th Yahrtzheit –  Lithuanian Jewish Community

Elvis Presley — Harold Fruchter, a singer and guitarist in a Jewish wedding band, and the son of a rabbi, was born in 1952. When he was a baby, and up to the age of 2, his family lived in the upstairs apartment of a two-story flat in Memphis. Their downstairs neighbors were the Presleys. The two families formed a friendship, and the future King of Rock, just a teenager then, learned to pick up the cues when the Fruchters needed someone to turn on a light or unlock a door on Shabbos. (source: The politicians and celebrities who have been helping Jews observe Shabbat by turning off lights and flipping on the A/C by Uriel Heilman)

On banking in Israel, Jews and Muslims can agree - Al-Monitor: Independent,  trusted coverage of the Middle East

And how many trillions of shekels/dimes will be shoved into the jews’ coffers while the poor people burn to death?

[Photo: A veterinarian feeds a young howler monkey rescued amid extremely high temperatures in Tecolutilla, Tabasco state, Mexico, May 21, 2024. Extreme heat in Mexico, Central America and parts of the U.S. South has left millions of people sweltering, strained energy grids and resulted in iconic Howler monkeys in Mexico dropping dead from trees.]

FILE - A veterinarian feeds a young howler monkey rescued amid extremely high temperatures in Tecolutilla, Tabasco state, Mexico, May 21, 2024. Extreme heat in Mexico, Central America and parts of the U.S. South has left millions of people sweltering, strained energy grids and resulted in iconic Howler monkeys in Mexico dropping dead from trees. (AP Photo/Luis Sanchez, File)

Extreme heat in Mexico, Central America and parts of the U.S. South has left millions of people in sweltering temperatures, strained energy grids and resulted in iconic Howler monkeys in Mexico dropping dead from trees.

And so it goes — the jews of Isra-Hell and Klanada and EuroTrashLandia and United Inbred Queendom, well, the Five Eyes, too are rigging the game against the majority of the world, and, well, the rigging is as frayed as their fucking philosophy, or lack thereof.

Now couple all of the above with the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, being more than explicit at a CIS summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on what the Empire of Chaos and its vassals are up to next.

The four main takeaways:

1.The U.S., UK and NATO are now on Full Hybrid War mode against Russia.

2.NATO is facilitating a massive transfer of terrorists/jihadis from several latitudes to Ukraine, with some of these, especially branded ISIS-K, instrumentalized all across the Heartland. Call it a Terror Foreign Legion – which should be regarded as the SCO’s number one enemy. Bortnikov referred to “the constant rotation of militants in the Syria-Iraqi and Afghan-Pakistani zones, and the emergence of new militant training camps near the southern borders of the commonwealth.”

3.Ukraine has turned to Total Terror – complete with non-stop sabotage raids across Russia’s borders.

4.On a positive note, the Global Majority is on the move: Russia is closely cooperating, increasingly, with scores of nations in West Asia, wider Asia, Africa and Latin America. (Pepe Escobar)

Putin Xi Meetings; The Bill Browder Propaganda Scam; Nero Blinken Fiddles as Ukraine Army Burns

“What are your thoughts on that spectacle of Tony Blinken going to some pizza joint in Kiev… and playing the guitar and all of this kind of stuff?” asked Nixon, referring to an incident that one White House spokesperson defended as an example of “cultural diplomacy.” Nixon referred to the restaurant as “a place that is notorious for sporting the iconography of the Third Reich.”

Zyklon Blinken Cunt — US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made a surprise visit to Kiev this week, ostensibly in order to voice the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine as the country faces challenging conditions amid its Western-backed proxy war against Russia.

Blinken’s itinerary included a stop at a military-themed pizza parlor and an unexpected performance by the top diplomat and amateur guitarist, who treated locals to a performance of Neil Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World.” Blinken’s musical stunt was met with mixed reviews, with some Ukrainians questioning its appropriateness given the country’s current struggles on the battlefield.

The United States will back Ukraine until the country's security is

One thought on “The ‘c’ word, the ‘n’ word, the ‘f’ word — Israel to a ‘t’ . . . oh that ‘t’ word

  1. N30rebel says:

    26 May 2024:

    Most interesting grab bag of cunt fuckery this week. On the home front, having sent in a sample of my spit to find out about my ancestry, the answers came back as Sicilian, Dutch and 6% Jew. I guess that’s why I’ve been pissing off people since 1943.


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