Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

In 2020, the Israeli army’s sexual violence crisis was recognized after only 31 indictments were filed out of 1,542 sexual assault complaints registered within the military establishment.

During the 1948 war (and afterwards), Zionist forces deliberately employed well-calculated attacks against Palestinian women to intimidate and force the indigenous population to flee. 

The Zionists exploited sexualized Orientalist perceptions of Palestinian sexuality such as those related to the concept of women’s honor ‘Erd’ to push Palestine out of their lands and break their capacity to resist the colonial oppression. 

It never ends, this New York, East Coast, Jewish “thing.” Hersh, again, no sage, no great god of journalism TODAY.

Again, Hamas attacked an occupier. Hamas and Palestinians attacked an abuser, a terrorist, a country of pure racism, a society that enjoyed the open air prison which is now turned into an open air mass starvation and murder campaign/ shotting gallery for Jews/Zionists..

But look at this fellow, just blithely stating Hamas killed civilians and raped and sexually assaulted.

Oh, the Hersh way, the old Hersh way. Those undisclosed sources.

He’s on the wrong side of history, of course, and reading his shit just shows how the allegience of Jews New York are the reason why Zionists are Jews and Jews are Zionists when it comes to their fucking mothership. As if Bibi is the only fucking monster.

Like a lot of Jewish “intellectuals,” that is, many, Jews I have known and read and watched and studied, Sy is cold, calm, and collected. You know, that tough gum-shoe journalist fire hire, seeing the world through those calm, collected and objective lenses.

Hersh: “There is a lesson in the clarity of McCarthy’s purpose for President Joe Biden, who like much of the world responded with rage and a desire for payback at the horror that Hamas inflicted on October 7. Hamas’s carefully planned kidnapping of IDF hostages was accompanied by widespread sexual attacks and the murder of undefended Israeli families living and farming in their small collectives within a few miles of the border. The initial attack left the border open, and hundreds of Gaza residents joined members of Hamas in the siege and hostage taking. 


[ Fuck Hersh: Cases of sexual assault were not confined to the approximately 200,000 ‘displaced’ settlers. There have also been credible claims by a female soldier that she was raped by a fellow serviceman during the ongoing brutal military assault on Gaza.

Sexual harassment and violence are nothing new among Israel’s armed forces. According to a Haaretz report, “a third of female conscripts in the military had suffered sexual harassment at least once in the previous year [2022].”

Haaretz noted that most victims avoid reporting what happened to them and that “70 percent of those young women who did report what happened to them stated that their report was not handled at all, or not handled sufficiently.” ]


BIDEN’S BIBI PROBLEM: Lessons from America’s anti-war past and a way out for today’s president


Dirty Jewish Female Soldier and Her Fucking Zionist Dog —- die die die!

[Using an Attack Dog, Israeli Women Soldiers Forced Palestinian Women to Undress]

Hersh, the cold, calm prognosticator! [“Mounting civilian death toll?” It is intentional. “Biden will have difficulty winning re-election unless . . .” Who the fuck cares about Genocide Joe’s dirty stolen election number one or two. He should be before the courts, a party to the genocide, and fucking Hersh knows that but won’t say it becaue he is an Israel supporter, from day one, or maybe even before Nakba One.]

“At this point, with Israel now in its sixth month of bombing and ground assaults in Gaza, with a mounting civilian death toll as America and the world watch in anger, Biden will have difficulty winning re-election unless he retracts his initial justified support for a stricken Israel. He must stand up to Netanyahu and tell him that the United States cannot continue to supply funding, bombs, and other munitions to Israel until, at minimum, there is a ceasefire that could open the door to substantive talks with what is left of the Hamas leadership. Netanyahu’s avowed goal of destroying all of Hamas, including its leadership, in four to six weeks of continued warfare is incompatible with the constant terror and despair of the population still alive in Gaza.” 

[This is not a fucking war, and Hersh does the good Jewish thing again — messes with the narrative, the context, words, perspectives, the truth, the history. There are no tanks, bombs, jets, satellites, command centers navies, etc. under Hamas or Palestine, ein Gaza. ]

“Few wars, justified or not, have ended because of the suffering of an enemy’s population. Russia’s twenty million deaths in World War II tell us that. When one side’s military is dominant, as Israel’s is in Gaza, and the people there suffer greatly, the losing party either surrenders or is annihilated.”

[Hersh does this shit ALL the fucking time — his little black book of supposed contacts and off-the-record whizzes. ] I consulted with an experienced American expert who believes that Netanyahu is obligated at this point to offer Hamas reasonable terms for surrender. He said the major elements should be [who the fuck is this fucking expert, and who the fuck cares what he says. He’s thinking Israel is in a war? They are occupying Palestine, motherfucker.]: 

—Surrender of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and his staff to the Israeli forces.

—Referral of the Hamas leadership to the International Criminal Court for trial.

—Full disarmament of Hamas.

—Release of all hostages in Hamas’s control and a full accounting of those who died in captivity.

—Unrestricted humanitarian relief.

—Restoration of self-government in Gaza with supervised elections.

—Allow passage through borders of aid for reconstruction.

Is Netanyahu likely to offer such terms? The record suggests not.”

Old Hersh just laying it out calmly and without remorse.

Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian from Germany and associate professor at Koc University in Istanbul, discusses Israel’s descent into genocidal fascism. Prof. Amar addresses whether it’s useful to make Holocaust and Nazi comparisons and the real reason behind the West’s unshakeable loyalty attitude when it comes to Israel’s barbarism. This is just part of this episode!

There are chilling parallels between the suffering of Julian Assange and Gaza civilians


Just consider two facts: Even after the ICJ issued instructions (here called “preliminary measures”) to Israel that would have, in effect, ended most its genocidal attack if obeyed, Israel simply has not complied. And its partners in the West have joined it demonstratively in this defiance, among other things by helping Israel disrupt UNRWA, thus making the starvation blockade of Gaza even worse. As for Assange, his wife Stella, who is a lawyer, has stated it best by noting that all the egregious abuse of her husband is “on the public record and yet it continues.”      

Second, the West is not, actually, an orderly “garden” but quite a fierce “jungle” of cooperating but also rival interest groups and establishments. It is rhetorically obsessed with celebrating not only its so-called “values,” but also its unity. Yet, in reality, that is an indication of how precarious that unity really is. So is the West’s escalating use of scare campaigns, massively exaggerating or even inventing threats from outside (Russia and China are the main targets of this technique) and, at the same time, denying even the possibility of diplomacy and compromise.

At the same time, this is the same West whose members have now reached the stage of blowing up each other’s vital infrastructures and cannibalizing each other’s economies. Not to speak of spying on each other and, certainly, also blackmailing each other with the compromising information produced by that spying. 

Third, while bending and breaking its own laws – not to speak of the professed “values” and “rules” – somehow the West is still also capable of acting and doing damage as one vast, if not always well-coordinated, machine, when it is asserting its rapacious – if often also ill-conceived – interests.  

Unethical, hypocritical and cruel: Western aid cut will cause more pain for starving Gaza civilians

READ MORE: Unethical, hypocritical and cruel: Western aid cut will cause more pain for starving Gaza civilians

What kind of political order is this? I believe our best bet to size up this wild yet colluding, lawless yet institution-based West is to go far back into the past, to the key concepts of two early and brilliant analysts of Nazi Germany, Franz Neumann and Ernst Fraenkel. Neumann’s key to understanding the violent mess that was the Third Reich was to imagine it as a Behemoth in the sense of the English political philosopher and natural born pessimist Thomas Hobbes. Unlike Hobbes’ almost perfectly authoritarian “Leviathan,” his “Behemoth,” Neumann explained, stood for a state that was really a “non-state, a situation characterized by complete lawlessness.” Fraenkel suggested a different model. For him, Nazi Germany could function, despite its inner chaos, because it was both a state that still had laws (if often very unjust ones) and a state that imposed measures, free of legal restraint.

Of course, the current West is not literally the equivalent of the Nazi Reich. Although if you consider that it is complicit in Israel’s ongoing genocide, you will realize that not quite matching the Nazis is a rather low bar – and scant consolation for a Palestinian father or mother whose child has just deliberately and slowly been starved to death, for instance. In another wrinkle, Neumann rejected Fraenkel’s theory as, in essence, still according too much of a system to the German monster state. But then, academics will academic.

Assange ‘too ill’ to attend last chance UK appeal against US extradition

The larger, really important point is that it is impossible not to see striking and disturbing tendencies in the contemporary West that resonate with both Neumann’s “Behemoth” and Fraenkel’s state of laws and measures, or, if you wish, of rules and arbitrariness. Shocking? Of course. Far-fetched? Those who keep telling themselves that are in for a very rude awakening if they ever find themselves where both the Palestinians and Assange are, in their different ways: On the very dark side of what is probably the most dishonest and unreliable political order on the globe at this point.

The Nakba (“Catastrophe”) refers to the forced displacement of at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes during Israel’s creation in 1948. Thousands of Palestinians were massacred by Israeli forces as Palestinian families fled in terror to neighboring countries and to the West Bank and Gaza.

But the Nakba never ended.

Israel has continued its occupation, land theft, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of the Palestinian people. Just this week, as the world was focused on the brutal murder of Palestinian journalist #ShireenAbuAkleh by Israeli forces, Israel approved new 2,700 housing units in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, and advanced plans for another 1,600.

Today, there are over 7 million Palestinian refugees and displaced people, including Nakba survivors and their descendants. The Israeli apartheid regime still refuses to allow them to return to the land they were forced from, despite the internationally-recognized legal right of return.

We spoke to #Nakba survivors who recalled the grim details of the early days of their mass exodus. In the Naqab, Historic Palestine’s largest district, the younger generation of the Bedouin Palestinians described to us how they are organizing and resisting the ongoing land appropriation and deprivation of basic living conditions, where Israel does not “see them as human.”

Watch our report “The Palestinian Nakba: In Memory and the Present.”

Nakba74: Rethinking Zionism as a gendered colonial enterprise

Colonization, as decolonial feminists argue, is a gendered act carried out by imperial workforces mainly men. Colonizers employ sexual violence as a means to penetrate, subjugate, eliminate and silence the dispossession of natives. 

Sexual violence against indigenous women can clearly be traced through the history of colonialism in the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. Rape, mutilation, mass killing, sterilization, and sexual brutality among other acts have been used widely to destroy natives’ populations and quell their capacity to resist and thus lay the groundwork for the colonialist conquest.  For instance, Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837, supervised the mutilation of about 800 Creek Indians; he and his men massacred Indian corpses, cutting off their noses to count and preserve a record of the dead. 

If Hamas like Israel commits crimes, that does not mean it or the Palestinians in general then lose their right to legitimate resistance.

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