Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

… the list is long, those Oppen-Heimer-Monster split atom sucking perverts; gain of function mother fuckers at UNC; chem central — PCBs anyone?

“We inflated the stature of our enemies to match our need for retribution. We launched hubristic wars to remake the world and let ourselves be remade instead…We midwifed worse terrorists than those we set out to fight,”

—New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote in September 2021, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

In his book, America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy, the Truth About US Foreign Policy, and Everything Else, American diplomat William Blumm reveals the close connection between America’s foreign expansion and its “democracy export.” 

Between 1947 and 1989, the US carried out 64 covert operations of subversion and six overt ones, wrote Lindsey O’Rourke, a political scientist at Boston College, in her book Covert Regime Change: America’s Secret Cold War. Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ecuador, Bolivia, El Salvador, Grenada, Honduras, Panama, Haiti, Venezuela…Of all America’s Latin American neighbors, there were few who have not faced meddling from the US.

Poison disseminator Illustration: Xu Zihe/GT

Just one family of killers:

The Pentagon has made almost no progress in cleaning up the military installations that are some of the most contaminated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to an EWG review of Defense Department records.

Of 50 Air Force or Navy bases with some of the highest levels of PFAS contamination, only nine have cleanup plans being developed under the Superfund law, according to the most recent documents made public by the Defense Department. Not a single cleanup plan has been finalized for those nine bases, and little actual cleanup has begun.

More than five years ago, under a mandate from the Environmental Protection Agency, Defense completed testing for PFAS in drinking water at 63 installations. EWG has since identified and mapped 703 military sites with known or suspected discharges of PFAS.

Semper Fidelis

I don’t think so. I think that the – the hook for many of our supporters was the idea that this was an unusual messenger for an important environmental message. You know, people who support environmental issues are constantly trying to find a way to preach beyond the choir, to reach beyond their base of people who are already on board, and I think one of the things that’s very appealing about the film, but primarily Jerry as a messenger, is that you don’t expect this message to come from a career military person.

And through Jerry, you’re – we’ve been able to reach this audience of military folks who maybe wouldn’t be attuned to the environmental message about the effects of toxins on health and things like that. So I think there was a real appeal to many of those organizations from that perspective. — Rachel Libert, co-producer of filmSemper Fi

Semper Fidelis or Das Kapital Uber Alles: From Eisenhower to Trump! by Haeder, Paulo!

As Michael Parenti, an American political scientist pointed out, the US has been wearing these “democratic” glasses for years. An inexplicable sense of superiority has led the US to stand on the notion of it being the so-called “city on a hill”, regarding its democracy as an “international model,” an unsupported hypothesis, and point fingers at other countries. The US’ enthusiasm for “democracy export” is not really about democracy, but about maintaining American hegemony. 

WATCH! Before Columbus.


Blood testing confirms high levels of carcinogen PFAS in the blood of hundreds living close to US bases: Japanese demand answers while Americans deny responsibility

Gold Star Mothers and Fathers and Wives and Husbands?

US military pollution is a significant contributor to climate change. If it were a nation state, it would be the 47th largest emitter in the world. Their negligence, nuclear testing and disregard for human life has come at a huge environmental cost, and reform needs to be taken into consideration to protect our planet. 

Joshua Frank’s article, Making Gaza Unlivable ought to be read by everyone. Frank is the managing editor of CounterPunch. He describes the collapsing infrastructure and dire circumstances of Gaza in this January 12 story:

“Like the Allied forces of World War II, Israel is killing indiscriminately. Of the 29,000 air-to-surface munitions fired, 40% have been unguided bombs dropped on crowded residential areas. The U.N. estimates that, as of late December, 70% of all schools in Gaza, many of which served as shelters for Palestinians fleeing Israel’s onslaught, had been severely damaged. Hundreds of mosques and churches have also been struck and 70% of Gaza’s 36 hospitals have been hit and are no longer functioning.  According to HRW, Israel is using a lack of food and drinking water as a tool of warfare.”

MAM, KEM, KAM, KAH — Military Aged Males, Kill Everything that Moves, Kill Anybody Hospitalized, Kill Anybody that Moves.

Pollute Anywhere They Go! PATG!! USA!! USA!

us military pollution

We’ll examine the deadly contamination that accompanies the Israeli onslaught, starting with Aljazeera’s coverage.

Aljazeera reports:

“Thousands upon thousands of Israeli and western-supplied bombs dropped on Gaza bring not just death but a toxic legacy from explosive chemicals, dust, and debris from destroyed buildings that pollute the air and the ground. Israel’s military offensive in Gaza is leaving a new layer of toxic chemicals in Gaza’s soil, adding to those left behind from many wars it has waged before.”

More from Aljazeera:

[Where’s Al Gore and John Kerry and Bill McKibben and Naomi Klein when we need them, Greta?]

See Nada at 5:20 and again at 14:53. LINK.

She described the situation: “We are at the verge of an environmental catastrophe in terms of the spread of diseases and the accumulation of corpses in the streets. This makes Gaza susceptible to pandemic diseases.

She continued, “We are seeing collective amounts of threats to the environment and to the public health. The Israelis are utilizing chemical weapons like white phosphorus. This is affecting the air pollution. The residue from white phosphorus bombs is now in the atmosphere. With the rainy season we expect that these residues will precipitate with the rain. Unfortunately, many people are now utilizing rainwater for drinking. People are also drinking untreated, salty water. This is dangerous for people with kidney and liver diseases. There is a danger of parasitic infections, hepatitis, and chicken pox.”

Nada Majdalani explains that 97% of Gaza’s aquifer was unfit for human consumption before the war. Now, she says there are tremendous problems regarding solid waste and wastewater due to the shortage of fuels necessary to operate treatment plants. Consequently, untreated sewage is entering the Gaza Sea and is draining into the streets.

Now, there are reports that the Israeli military is pumping fuel and seawater into the tunnels throughout Gaza, a death blow to the drinking water aquifer.

Heavy metals like lead, zinc, chromium, copper, platinum, titanium, cadmium, nickel, and vanadium may be coursing through the streets and flushing into the sea, along with PFAS and phosphorus. Wastewater treatment facilities everywhere on earth are conduits for chemical contamination even when they’re working properly.

Scum buckets:

Al Gore Archives — Sean P Carlin
At COP21, for Bill McKibben, the Sideshow Is the Main Event - Pacific  Standard
Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' getting a sequel - National |
Cognitive Dissonance and Climate Calamity | by Helena Dearnell | Medium

In 2017, the US Naval Air Station Oceana in Norfolk, VA was found to have spilled 84,000 gallons of jet fuel into a waterway. Similarly, in 2019, statistics arose claiming that the Air Force contractor had been dumping industrial solvent Trichloroethylene (TCE) into the ground surrounding the Tucson International Airport for 29 years. It was found that over 1,350 residents suffered from cancer and other illnesses, due to these negligent actions. Filed claims were brought against the Air Force by many South Tucsonans, who claim to continue to suffer from the damage caused by drinking the polluted water to this day.

Twenty-seven years ago, 1,600 residents of Tucson, Arizona’s south side settled an $84.5 million dollar lawsuit with Hughes Aircraft (now Raytheon Missile Systems Co.), claiming the Air Force contractor had been dumping the industrial solvent trichloroethylene (TCE) into the water table for 29 years since 1952, causing cancers and other ailments.

Now, more South Tucson residents are coming forward to claim that justice still hasn’t been served.

Within the last year, more than 1,350 South Tucsonans have filed claims with the Air Force saying they continue to suffer from illnesses caused by the drinking-water pollution its contractors used to dump into the ground surrounding the Tucson International Airport, the Associated Press reported Sunday. (Source)

Naomi Klein: "The moral crisis is inextricable from the ecological crisis"  | openDemocracy

[Photo Above — two of the most disgusting women (sic) on planet earth?]

About 340 tons of depleted uranium were used in munitions during the 1991 Gulf War, and an estimated 11 tons in the Balkans in the late 1990s, according to the Royal Society, a London based fellowship of scientists.

Ingesting or inhaling quantities of uranium – even depleted uranium – is dangerous: it depresses renal function and raises the risk of developing a range of cancers.

Opponents of the weapons, such as the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons, opens new tab, say the dust created by such weapons can be breathed in while munitions which miss their target can poison groundwater and soil.

States such as the United States and Britain say depleted uranium is a good tool for destroying a modern tank. Britain says in guidance, opens new tab that inhaling enough depleted uranium dust to cause injury would be difficult. (British Racist LIES.)

List of Recent Research on Depleted Uranium

Ahh, so close to the Un-United $nakes of Israel: Fixing the Jews’ problems and the ZioAzovNaziLensky’s problemos?? Haiti, yet again!


What’s Going on in Haiti?

  • The crisis in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism – but what does this mean? It means that the failure of governance in Haiti is not something internal to Haiti, but it is a result of the concerted effort on the part of the west to gut the Haitian state and destroy popular democracy in Haiti.
  • Haiti is currently under occupation by the US/UN and Core Group, a self-appointed cabal of foreign entities who effectively rule this country.
  • The occupation of Haiti began in 2004 with the US/France/Canada-sponsored coup d’état against Haiti’s democratically elected president. The coup d’etat was approved by the UN Security Council. It established an occupying military force (euphemistically called a “peacekeeping” mission), with the acronym MINUSTAH. Though the MINUSTAH mission officially ended in 2017, the UN office in Haiti was reconstituted as BIHUH. BINUH, along with the Core Group, continues to have a powerful role in Haitian affairs.
  • Over the past four years, the Haitian masses have mobilized and protested against an illegal government, imperial meddling, the removal of fuel subsidies leading to rising costs of living, and insecurity by elite-funded armed groups. However, these protests have been snuffed out by the US-installed puppet government. 
  • Since 2021, attempts to control Haiti by the US have intensified. In that year, Haiti’s president, Jovenel Moïse was assassinated and Ariel Henry was installed by the US and UN Core Group as the de facto prime minister. In the wake of the assassination of Moïse and the installation of Henry, the U.S. has sought to build a coalition of foreign states willing to send military forces to occupy Haiti, and to deal with Haiti’s ostensible “gang” problem.
  • The armed groups (the so-called “gangs”) mainly in the capital city of Haiti should be understood as “paramilitary” forces, as they are made up of former (and current) Haitian police and military elements.  These paramilitary forces are known to work for some of Haiti’s elite, including, some say, Ariel Henry (Haiti’s former de facto prime minister). It should also be noted that Haiti does not manufacture guns; the guns and ammunition come primarily from the US and the Dominican Republic; and the US has consistently rejected calls for an arms embargo.
  • Moreover, as Haitian organizations have demonstrated, it is the UN and Core Group occupation that has enabled the “gangsterization” of the country. When we speak of “gangs,” we must recognize that the real and most powerful gangs in the country are the US, the Core Group, and the illegal UN office in Haiti – all of whom helped to create the current crisis.
  • Most recently, Ariel Henry traveled to Kenya to sign an agreement with Kenya prime minister William Ruto authorizing the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers as the head of a multinational military force whose ostensible purpose was to combat Haiti’s gang violence. But the US strategy for Haiti appears to have collapsed as Henry has been unable to return to Haiti and there is renewed challenge to the constitutionality of that deployment. 
  • The US is now scrambling for control, seeking to force Henry’s resignation while looking for a new puppet to serve as a figurehead for foreign rule of Haiti. While Haiti currently does not have a government, it has not descended into chaos or anarchy. The paramilitaries, it seems, are waiting for their orders to act, while the US strategy for Haiti is in crisis. 


Then the penal colony!


AUKUS — Total Chronic Perversity a la the Anglos!

In the lead up to the ASEAN-Australia summit, there has been virtually no mention of AUKUS, the anti-China military alliance of Australia, the United Kingdom (UK) and the US. This is despite the recently elected New Zealand government indicating that it may abandon its previous relatively friendly stance towards the PRC by “co-operating” with AUKUS.[6] The PRC government responded to this development by warning New Zealand that it was heading down a “wrong path”. Chinese defence ministry spokesperson Zhang Xiaogang stated that AUKUS was established for “selfish geopolitical interests” and urged the Western AUKUS parties to “refrain from sabotaging international and regional peace and stability…”.[7] Alongside the repeated issuing of such warnings, the PRC has the right to take all measures necessary to ward off the aggressive and hostile AUKUS manoeuvres.

The ALP, Israel and the cost of platitudes

Australian ALP Foreign Minister Penny Wong almost spelled out the anti-China agenda of Canberra by announcing $286.5 million in funding for ASEAN projects in areas including “maritime security”. Wong stated at the start of the summit:

“We face destabilising, provocative and coercive actions including unsafe conduct at sea and in the air”[5] – without naming China!

Here, the Jews: Having just returned from nearly a month treating the wounded in Gaza, emergency physician Dr. Thaer Ahmad talks with Abby Martin about the abduction/torture of doctors and hospitals under constant siege. Cutting through mainstream propaganda, Dr. Ahmad also sets the stage for the coming crisis of starvation. Dr. Ahmad is the Global Health Director at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Chicago.


Rania Khalek was joined by Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian from Germany and associate professor at Koc University in Istanbul, to discuss Israel’s descent into genocidal fascism. Prof. Amar addresses whether it’s useful to make Holocaust and Nazi comparisons and the real reason behind the West’s unshakeable loyalty attitude when it comes to Israel’s barbarism.

The idea is that we should — the fucking world should — be arming Hamas to defend the children and the civilians. The idea is that the world would be coming into Israel and bombing the Israeli army. This is genocide, man, and the world should be stopping it. Arm Hamas and bomb the Jewish State of Genocide Occupied Palestine.

The new wars will all be using Gaza as the litmus test. Starvation, quad copters with macnine guns, AI, robots, bombing hospitals, killing doctors, destroying water systems, bulldozing over mosques! Siege.

Tarik Cyril Amar: “Let’s get a common and traditional assumption – and mistake – out of the way first: It may seem that German society is, in essence, driven insane by persistent feelings of guilt. On that assumption, the puzzle is how to explain its deeply uncompassionate and even brutal response to the suffering of the Palestinians: How can those racked with guilt over the genocidal crimes of their forebears find it so easy to not only abandon another group of victims to a genocidal attack, but also help the perpetrators?

Attempts to answer that question – and I have tried myself in this vein – usually turn on some notion of perverse over-compensation (let’s call it the “guilt-and-perverse-response theory”). Many Germans, so this argument goes, use their demonstrative loyalty to Israel – even and especially when the latter commits atrocious crimes, including genocide – to assuage that old sense of guilt. In that logic, the Palestinian victims either do not matter – that is, they are, in effect, dehumanized by reducing them to mere objects of Germans’ emotional needs – or, in a more pro-active variant of the mechanism, their suffering even serves to validate the German self-unburdening operation: The Palestinian victims of Israeli violence, whether apartheid or genocide, become a kind of psychological human sacrifice to appease the demons of German souls tormented by what earlier Germans have done. The horrifying irony of this “displacing colonialism of memory management” (as I have called this mechanism elsewhere) is, of course, that a perverted attempt to atone for one immense crime is leading to obstinate, if largely indirect participation in or at least justification of yet another one.”

Tarik Cyril Amar’s Substack and Podcast – The Ninth Wave Pride and Prejudices and “Totalausfall”

Since the beginning of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, Germany has shocked much of the world by its callous response. In essence and with far too few exceptions, the German elites – in government, media, and culture as well – have chosen to support Israel’s assault and, at home, to aggressively suppress any criticism of it, habitually by smearing it as “anti…

Bushnell deliberately entered this hell on earth to sacrifice himself for fellow human beings being put through a hell of their own. He burned himself in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington as, in his own words, an “act of extreme protest” against the genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinians in Gaza. He also explained that he did not want to be complicit in this crime, a reference to the fact that his country, the USA, its government, and armed forces are complicit, as is the West in general.

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