Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

… is anyone listening . . . to the cries . . . to the death heaves . . . to the thirsty tongues . . . to the bellies of starvation . . . to the mental trauma blank stares?

Come on all you antisemite-aspersion-tossing fools. These are Jewish Leaders and Jewish soldiers and Jewish citizens of Isra-hell, so these are their VALUES:

Israel has killed over 3,800 Gazans in 4 weeks since ICJ genocide ruling – Day 140

Middle East Monitor reports: Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, an independent organization based in Geneva, reported Friday that it documented: “The killing of more than 3,847 Palestinians by the Israeli army, including 1,306 children and 807 women, in addition to the injury of about 5,119 since the ICJ issued its ruling.

The organization confirmed that it had observed six main indicators that Israel is continuing the crime of genocide in the Gaza Strip within four weeks of the ruling issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which required it to take measures to prevent this.

These indicators include continued mass killings of civilians, intentionally inflicting severe physical and psychological harm, deliberately subjecting residents to miserable living conditions with the aim of actual destruction, starvation, blocking the entry of humanitarian aid, imposing measures aimed at preventing childbirth within Palestinian families, and official and public incitement by Israeli officials to escalate its genocide.

Are we going to scour YouTube for more rabbinical fucking nonsense about Judaism being a beautiful and amazing and lovely relgion/culture/ideology?

Monsters in Israel and the Wailing Wall White House, including all those self=-described Super Jews, Emoff, Nuland, Yellen, Garland, Blinken, et al — do not listen to ANYONE. Masters have told them what to tell the goyim.

How’s that fucking Situation Room, Jewish Catholic Genocide Biden? This all acceptable to you and your Jewish NeoCons and Jewish and Gentile Neoliberals?

Operative word, FUCKING ‘could.’ Demons in the UN.

A team of United Nations experts have said the transfer of weapons and ammunition to Israel for use in Gaza could violate international humanitarian law, raising the prospect that countries such as the US – that have enabled Israel’s campaign in Gaza through large weapons transfers – could be complicit in possible rights violations.

Summary of International Court of Justice proceedings, Friday

  • Namibia said it still suffers from the effects of a long and unlawful occupation, but the ICJ “played a vital role in our liberation struggle”. In its 1971 opinion, the court confirmed the right to self-determination as a “legal imperative”, paving the way to Namibia’s independence in 1990.
  • Norway stated that the legal consequences arising from a prolonged occupation violate the principle of self-determination and every state has the duty to refrain from any action that deprives people of this right.
  • Oman told the court that the people of Palestine “have been living under occupation, oppression, injustice and daily humiliation, while the international community failed to assist them in realizing their aspirations to an independent state”.
  • Pakistan said that while Israel has sought to make its occupation of Palestinian territories irreversible, history shows that reversibility is possible, such as when France withdrew more than a million settlers from Algeria in 1962.
  • Indonesia said there is no ground for the court to decline giving an advisory opinion (as the US suggested). Some countries have argued that doing so would undermine the peace process, but this argument is invalid because there are no viable negotiations taking place at the moment and the court is not called on to decide on the conflict as a whole.
  • Qatar said there is growing perception that some basic tenants of international law “apply to some but not to others, that some people are seen as deserving security, freedom and self-determination but others are not…Some children are deemed worthy of protection while others are killed in their thousands. Qatar rejects such double standards. International law must be upheld in all circumstances.”
  • The UK said Israel’s occupation is illegal and called for a two-state negotiated solution, but argued against the court giving an advisory opinion on a number of grounds, including: the court’s advisory jurisdiction cannot be used to provide a form of judicial recourse for parties, nor should the court resolve disputes between the parties using its advisory jurisdiction.
  • Slovenia said, the right to self-determination is not “some random right” but runs parallel to the equal rights of people. It is a “fundamental human right having a broad scope of application.” The people of Slovenia were able to establish their own sovereign and independent state and believe this right to be an “indispensable pillar of the international legal order”.
  • Sudan said that the ICJ should issue an advisory opinion to “convey a definitive message to both Israel and Palestine that they need to redouble their efforts to achieve peace and security”.
  • Norway said, “the injustice to which the Palestinians are subjected must stop” and “while the eyes of the world are focused on the horrific war in Gaza, the situation in the [occupied] West Bank, including [occupied] East Jerusalem, is also very serious”.
  • Switzerland said that Israel has put in place in the occupied Palestinian territories a “coercive environment” that “cannot be justified under security requirements because it affects the well-being of the population and is discriminatory in nature”.
  • Syria said that the “huge record of UN resolutions” that Israel continues to violate – 180 from the UN General Assembly and 227 of the Security Council – testify to its wrongdoings, that Palestinians must be able to exercise their right to self-determination, and that Israel must remove all settlement structures “without delay.”

The Jews of Jewish State of Occupied Jewish Stolen Palestine will kill ANYONE.

Here’s an ardant Jewish Figure of the Wailing Wall of White House, back in the UkroNaziZioLensky Land. Schumer!

If this isn’t White Jewish Supremacy, then, I suppose I need another dozen rabbis to teach me something?

Standing on Ukrainian soil in a surprise visit with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer challenged House Speaker Mike Johnson to take up a $95 billion national security package that includes aid for the country as it battles Russia’s invasion.

“The weight of history is on his shoulders,” Schumer told reporters in Lviv on Friday after he and four other Democratic senators met Zelenskyy and other officials. “If he turns his back on history, he will regret it in future years.”

Schumer said he was in Ukraine “to talk directly to Speaker Johnson,” as the aid bill passed by the Senate has stalled in the House and Ukrainian forces run dangerously low on ammunition and weaponry.

[If this doesn’t look like a fucking White Democratic Party New York Mother Fucking Jewish Racist with his fucking Minyans, then you need fucking magnifying glasses.

Here are some Jews with IDF and ADL and Mossad targets on their righteous backs!

Genocide is Israel. From Fucking Day One of its Stolen History!

Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Fuck it: Find Your Own Form of Jewish Tyranny. (source)




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