Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

NY minute expression is supposed to convey a sense of urgency and the hustle, which we stereotypically know of the fast-paced nature of life in New York City. But New York is Dead!

This morning, talking with my buddy from Wisconsin, Toothless in Wiscons, who has been ripped off by someone, unfortunately, I intrduced him to (and my friend in Wisconsin, 66, is sucking wind BADLY . . . Bills, sick dog and $6000 sick vet bill. Water heater on the fritz, and in Wisconsin, ain’t no Bruce Willis or NBA star coming to his piss poor poor rescue) … he reminded me that the fucking dirty billionaire-owned shit show of the NBA, with the shit-show spoiled pieces of crap basket-case players in fucking tow, that they took it up the rearend and enjoyed every fucking minute of that goddmaned Bubble.

The National Basketball Association was a leader in the sports world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is the face of future fucking lock-downs:

Essentially, everyone invited to the bubble would be quarantine at the Disney World Resort until their team was eliminated from the playoffs or their services were no longer required. No one was allowed to enter or leave the bubble, unless consent was given by the NBA. Personnel were fined or suspended if they were discovered to have broken any of these rules.

[I found this Rutgers chronicling Covid-19 shit: Dirty dirty ideas: Beginning on September 1, 2020, a group of fourteen of us at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey — comprised of graduate students, undergraduate honors college students, and a history professor — began to journal about our experiences of living through the COVID-19 pandemic.]

Rutgers University - Wikipedia

[For six months now, high alert about the risk of Covid-19 contagion persists within the U.S.A. These journal excerpts reflect thoughts from six different people throughout the same day: Saturday, September 5, 2020. It highlights a shared reality experienced in different ways. –Amalia Mallard, journal curator]

Everything that happened in the NBA bubble - ESPN

Disneyfication of the dunces of Western Culture:

NBA preserved $1.5B in revenue at Disney, but losses are steep

I guarantee, these fucking slimeballs in the NBA all have stocks and portfolios embedded in those top 100 offensive weapons companies and, the other more explosive and deadly ones — AI, VR, MR, AR, Digital Lockdown Industries.

Obama’s Oreo Cookie Package (minus the Celtic creep — he’s just the fucking white sugary cream):

Who are the Top 10 Richest Teams in NBA in 2023? | sportinglad

Richest? Dirtiest!

Richest NBA players in the world

Here, these grand fucking players’ blow job masters, Goyim and Jewish all Zionists, one and all. Billioanires who want unions made illegal, I guess, all unions are anti-semitic! And you, dumb fuck Americano, just pay these fornicators, these syphilis queens and kings until they have us all in a pine box coffin (more likely a recycled tampoon and condom sheet).

[Lawyers for Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’s Amazon say the Court erred in 1937 by letting workers have rights on the job.]

How many restaurants closed during the planned pandemic? How many got that fucking $600 SARS-CoV2 gov’t check? How many lost SNAP benefits? How many lost lost lost, while thee self- buggering rich folk made out not just like bandits but like murdering highway smash and grab artists?

The Richest NBA Owners: Steve Ballmer's Net Worth Is $100 Billion, Dan Gilbert Is 2nd With $22 Billion

And, here, from the ANTI-semitic The Forward, that Jewish rag that points out all the GREAT things the Jews do. You know, Jews as in taught by rabbis and bar and bat mitzvah-ed into not a religion, but an ethnic cult.

It will be hard to find Jews on the court in the National Basketball Association playoffs. But toss a basketball into an NBA owners’ meeting, and you’ll probably hit one.

There are only three Jewish players in the NBA, and no Jewish head coaches. Yet nearly half the principal owners of NBA teams are Jewish, as are the league’s current commissioner and its immediate past commissioner.

No other major pro league in the United States has such a high proportion of Jewish owners. The NFL comes closest: Roughly a third of that league’s owners are Jewish. Just a handful of pro baseball and hockey owners are Jews.

Fucking nuancing motherfucking monsters. Yiddish? Kneytsh? Wow. How many Jews have disavowed my very existence for writing thist like this, but very good shit indeed, in some people’s estimations. No fucking push back then, and now? Genocide here, genocide there, tens of thousands murdered in the USA Proxy EuroTrashLandian war against Russia.

This is what the fucking Forward does, no? No headline like this — How many will die in Gaza, outside of Gaza, in the next six months? Never talk to a non-Jewish doctor, in Gaza, who has that death toll number at 60 fucking THOUSAND.

60,000 will PERISH — gut diseases mixed in with sepsis mixed in with organ failure mixed in with infection mixed in with no electricity for liver, lung, heart machines. Jews in Israel are MONSTERS. Calling a fucking spade a spade is not MONSTER-like fucking behavior, so now I am being tracked, man, by B’Nai B’Rith and others. I have the fucking emails, man.

Jews hating Jews, oh, what a fucking “I Wish I Was a Rothschild” deadly world:

It is an academic study of the emotions that have shaped Zionist thought and practice since the movement’s inception. But Penslar, a Harvard history professor, found his work and public statements under new scrutiny when he assumed leadership of the university’s antisemitism task force after the university’s president, Claudine Gay, was forced to resign in part over her response to campus activism after Oct. 7. 

Critics slammed Penslar for having signed an open letter that described Israel’s control over the West Bank as “a regime of apartheid.” Larry Summers, a former president of Harvard, called for Penslar to resign his position as co-chair of the task force, and Rep. Elise Stefanik said in a statement that he is “known for his despicable antisemitic views.” Bill Ackman, a billionaire Harvard alum who led the campaign for Gay’s ouster, posted on X that by appointing Penslar, Harvard “continues on the path of darkness.” 

This is published Feb. 2024???? Jews hating JEWS.

Question: This book provides a new taxonomy of different kinds of Zionism and examines the emotions underlying each. Why do you think it’s important for people today to be able to distinguish between the Zionism of solidarity with Holocaust survivors, the Zionism of love for the Ari Ben Canaan-style Jew, and the Zionism of feeling inspired by seeing Hebrew letters on a Coke can? 

It’s very important for Jews the world over to appreciate that there are many ways to be connected to Israel. The adoration of Israel which was very common in my youth, and that I experienced quite strongly as a young man, is not the only one. There are connections to Israel based on solidarity, there are connections to Israel based on fear for the survival of the state. There are connections to Israel based on worry that the state has taken the wrong direction.

One of the great signs of love is worry. Something I didn’t write about in the book, because it came up right as I finished, was the crisis after the 2022 elections and the attempts by the government to limit the power of the judiciary. A lot of American Jews who are very connected to Israel began to express trepidation, worry, fear for Israel. A word that entered the vocabulary, which I hadn’t seen before, is “anguish.” Anguish is a sense of near despair for something that you care about deeply. And that’s a sign of connection to Israel. Now, in the wake of Oct. 7, there’s yet a new wave of emotional responses. 

Something else I point out in the book is that younger American Jews are less likely to be passionately connected to Israel than their parents. They’re not necessarily anti-Zionist, but there’s an emotional cooling going on. A lot of American Jews in their 20s are aware of Israel, but it’s simply not central to their Jewish identity in the way it was for an older generation. So that’s a different emotional connection. 




Owen Jones: Miko Peled is absolutely extraordinary to listen to. An Israeli-American activist and author, his family were Israeli national heroes: his grandfather signed Israel’s 1948 Declaration of Independence, and his father served as a general in the Six-Day War of 1967. Peled hear tells me about his journey away from Zionism, about how Palestinians are dehumanised, opposing the revising of history, the prospects of a genuine peaceful answer – and much more.

How Germany's Major Art Exhibition Became a Massive Antisemitic Scandal -  Israel News -


Note: There are still “sows of Jews” adorning cathedrals in present-day Germany or in countries formerly under German influence. These sculptures or bas-reliefs usually depict a sow whose udders are suckled by Jews, while other Jews lick the sow’s tail or even her bottom. The oldest of these representations gives the sow a Jewish face, recognisable by its pointed hat. In general, however, the animals are sculpted in their natural form, without hybridization. The Jews, on the other hand, always have a human head. The Middle Ages never ventured to express their hatred by putting a pig’s head on them.  Later antisemitism remained relatively faithful to this pattern: while there are known representations of pigs or octopuses with caricatured Jewish faces, there are few instances of a Jew with an animal head. In this respect, documenta 15, which is currently taking place in the city of Kassel, has kept the promise on which it has based its international reputation since 1955: to show, to document, what is new on the art scene. Thus, an artwork was exhibited in which the Jew wore a pig’s head instead of the pig a Jew’s head.

Jewish principles: 1,000 mosques destroyed in Israeli onslaught on Gaza, local authorities say & More than 100 Muslim preachers killed in Israeli attacks since Oct. 7, Ministry of Endowments says

This is what Jewish Values supporting Jewish Occupied Palestine call values-based Judaism?

All those Benjamins supporting this apartheid and genocidal religious stolen state? Here you go: “The latest war on Gaza was not the first time Israel targeted heritage sites. Dozens of sites, including the now-obliterated Great Omari Mosque, suffered damage in 2014.

A report by UNESCO, the United Nations body that designates and protects World Heritage sites, cites further destruction of cultural and historic sites in Gaza in 2021.”


Wonderful art! Mohammed Al Hawajri

Fucking AMAZING! The omnipresence of Israeli aggression is strikingly conveyed in internationally acclaimed Gazan artist, Mohammed Al Hawajri’s new exhibition, Guernica – Gaza 2010-2013, featuring 28 extraordinary artworks which present the Israeli reign of terror invading the artistic vision of certain Old Masters.


Versus the biggest fucking pussies (deadly one, albeit) in the fuckng world!


Aerial and satellite footage showed more than 2,000 aid trucks stacked on the Egyptian side of the southern Palestinian city of RafahAl Jazeera TV reported on Sunday.

The footage was recorded on 22 February, the channel said.

It showed aid convoys lined up on the Egyptian side while Palestinians on the other side were “struggling with famine and severe malnutrition”, Al Jazeera’s report said.

The outlet estimated that the trucks were carrying around 20 tonnes of aid each, enough to feed more than two million people in the besieged enclave.

Samer Abdeljaber, the World Food Programme’s director for emergencies, confirmed to Al Jazeera that there was “enough food across the borders, even from Jordan and Egypt, to be able to support 2.2 million people”.

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