Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

moderated crap on the Jewish Media and Censoring Cabal will make a grown semi-lefty man, not cry, buto, well, vote for another lesser and lesser and lesser . . . no, not lesser evil, but lesser human!


  • With Western Military aid uncertain, Ukraine builds its own weapons
  • US schools are sending more kids to psychiatrists out of fears of violence . . . . Clinicians are worried
  • Close US Partner in the Middle East Demand Air Defenses after Iranian Drone Attacks
  • “You play the card you’re dealt’: is Viggo Mortensen Hollywood’s most versatile star?
  • Sam Altman’s $7 trillioin AI chip dream has him rounding on critics: ‘You can grind to help secure our collective future or you can write Substacks about why are going [to] fail — The billionaire OpenAI CEO wants to raise more funding than the entire US federal budgets, or enought to pay for universal health care for years.
  • Franchetti confident prototypes will usher in manned-unmanned fleet
  • Cisco Systems to lay off more than 4,000 workers in latest sign of tighter times in tech
  • Oregon fishermen and tribes angered by surprise federal announcement of offshore wind energy
  • Worldwise ‘deteriorating security landscape’ sparks record $2.2 trillion global defense spending
  • US Navy preparing to buy EMALS and AAG for CVN 82, 83 and PANG Aircraft Carrier
  • Lighter, more protection: Army Next-Gen Helmet Now Fielded to 82nd Airborne
  • GOP warming of ‘national security threat” is about Russia wanting nuclear weapons in space
  • Crimea Warship Sunk by Drone Wolfpack
  • Satellite beamed power from space to Earth for the first time ever
  • US to deploy aircraft carriers in western Pacific in show of strength to China
  • US forces launch self-defense strike targeting Houthi missile in Yemen, track projectile in GUlf of Aden
  • After 12-month wait, the Ukrainians are finally firing their 90-mile Glide Bombs at Russia

The Nobodies:

Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escaping
poverty: that one magical day good luck will suddenly rain down on
them—will rain down in buckets. But good luck doesn’t rain down
yesterday, today, tomorrow, or ever. Good luck doesn’t even fall in a
fine drizzle, no matter how hard the nobodies summon it, even if their
left hand is tickling, or if they begin the new day with their right
foot, or start the new year with a change of brooms.

The nobodies: nobody’s children, owners of nothing. The nobodies: the
no ones, the nobodied, running like rabbits, dying through life,
screwed every which way.

Who are not, but could be.
Who don’t speak languages, but dialects.
Who don’t have religions, but superstitions.
Who don’t create art, but handicrafts.
Who don’t have culture, but folklore.
Who are not human beings, but human resources.
Who do not have faces, but arms.
Who do not have names, but numbers.
Who do not appear in the history of the world, but in the police
blotter of the local paper.
The nobodies, who are not worth the bullet that kills them.”

― From Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent

carol munder 2

Did you get that one yet? Tap tap tapping people on Substack or talking monsters over at CNN or all of you out there, you’re just nobodies, or little somebodies eating the crumbs of these fucking AI, self-propelled heathens, these ministers of death and destruction. The Jews? They are the Jews of Zionism: These Are the Jewish Megadonors Helping Fund Biden’s – and Republican Congress Members’ – Reelection Campaigns.

Does it fucking matter if you and I point out who these thugs are, who these mafiosa pricks are?

More fucking whistling while passing our own fucking graveyards barely built for us by the Minyans, the Wailing Wall White House and their rabbi-loving pricks:

  • Israel kills another US teen; Biden steady in support for Israel, regardless of Rafah outcome;
  • Israel ravages hospital; blocks flour for Gaza in spite of promise to US; Israeli snipers kill Palestinians searching for internet signal;
  • 2 journalists targeted in direct strike by Israeli drone; Palestinians arrested by Israel surpasses 7,000 since Oct 7;
  • South Africa calls on ICJ to stop Israel’s planned attack on Rafah; UN special adviser on preventing genocide won’t say “genocide” for Gaza; updates on aid to Israel bill

These are fucking sadistic and self-immolating fucking headlines which mean zero to the Jews with Money and the Jews with Guns and the Jew-loving Pricks like Republican and Democratic fucking Goyim End Times Motherfuckers.

JEWISH values, don’t be fooled by the term Israeli or Zionist:

According to video testimony by Palestinian journalist Mohammed Akram al-Helo, which was shared by local media, the man was detained and arrested in the hospital, before being sent back to tell others that they needed to leave the building.

“He said the Israeli forces harassed him and treated him badly, and that if he did not do as he was told, they would storm the hospital, wound people and kill him,” Helo explained.

“When he finally left the hospital after doing what he was told, the Israeli soldiers shot him, he was shot three times in cold blood, in the vicinity of the hospital,” he added.

The Palestinian man, sent inside the hospital to warn others to evacuate, was reportedly shot three times

The fucking Nikki’s and Donalds and a slew of millions in the USA, passed out fucking country that it is, are laughing at every hit, every snipe.

Kill the Messenger!

Two journalists, including an Al Jazeera reporter, have been wounded in an Israeli attack north of Rafah in southern Gaza.

Wearing protective gear identifying them as members of the press, they were documenting the condition that displaced Palestinians face, when they were directly targeted by an Israeli drone strike. Ismail Abu Omar and his cameraman Ahmad Matar were seriously wounded and taken to the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Younis. A physician said,

“Upon examination, his right leg had already been severed. In addition, he had shrapnel lodged in his chest and head, as well as his left leg…He was bleeding heavily and lost a lot of blood, to the degree that his blood pressure and pulse were not readable,” the doctor continued.

Al Jazeera reports: In a press conference shortly after the incident, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said.

“Let me offer, of course, condolences to your colleagues who have been injured. And I know that they are not the first Al Jazeera journalists to have been harmed during this conflict.”

He added, “We continue to engage with the government of Israel to make clear that journalists ought to be protected.”

Minutes before Miller made his comment, Biden had urged the House of Representatives to pass a foreign aid bill that includes $14bn in military aid for Israel.


The bill also bans US funding for UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, which rights advocates have described as indispensable for addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Jewish values, and look at those headlines I listed above. We know where this fucked up world is taking us, taking down the majority.

You don’t hate Jews in Israel? You don’t suspect Jews in your schools, in those high and low offices, Jewish lawyers, the lot of them, you don’t suspect them of racism, supremacy, genocide-lusting, Arab hating, baby-killing rooting? Fuck you then.

A comprehensive report on Shireen Abu Akleh’s murder, and why it played out the way it did. Her story, like that of the Palestinian people, is one of courage in the face of injustice. In mourning her murder, let us acknowledge the facts of Palestinian life – and death.

by Kathryn Shihadah

Shireen Abu Akleh’s death exposes Israel for what it is – a murderous regime

Those bulleted headlines: mostly war, mostly subjugation and murder abroad; some fuck face celebrity; fucking Sam Fucking Psycho Altman and AI and then the fucking billions spent on energy beamed down from a satellite; then Tech Rising and Techies Sacked; tribes and fishers told to stand down for fucking wind energy shit farms?

More zingers? And what captures Americans now? President Sales?

  • The UN is Complicit in the Forced Displacement of the Palestinians
Palestinians, including children, collect usable belongings in the heavily damaged buildings after Israeli attacks in Rafah, Gaza on February 12, 2024 [Yasser Qudih - Anadolu Agency]

Really, this headline means squat, just means something more for us Substackers to rail against, to no fucking end:

Does it matter what this fucking prick, this Black Face Mother Fucking Prick does? No jail-prison-machete for these sub-humans:

LILLEY: Trudeau's compromise on genocide accusation against Israel |  Toronto Sun
Pierre Poilievre - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You just don’t have a saw or hammer or machete handy? Wouldn’t you love to chop these mass murderers? Fuck, gimme gimme gimme these fuckers.

  • When Courts Intervene: Halting the Transfer of Military Equipment to Israel

The fucking murderous Dutch? A Dutch appeals court in The Hague has further added its name to this growing list of legal interventions. In siding with the human rights groups making the application, including Oxfam Novib, Judge Bas Boele had no qualms about questioning government policy towards Israel and the shipping of parts vital for its F-35 fighter jets. While the Netherlands does not assemble or produce the F-35, it hosts at least one storage facility at Woensdrecht, where US-made components are stored in advance of onward shipping to various countries.

Oh, no, it doesn’t matter that these two fucking sub-humans are Jews? What fucking rock did your slither out from then?

Fucking Anglo-Saxon Pedophiles?

Fucking Toothless and pain-killerless InBred Un-United Queendom, dumbing down the entire country. Go Ukraine Thieves, Go!

Peace as well as “Cease Fires” are not “Good for Business”.

“Ukraine’s people desperately need a future based on welfare and peace, but in reality Ukraine is being driven towards the kind of huge indebtedness that leads to subservience and dominance.” (Bharat Dogra, Global Research, June 28, 2023)

And finally I think we have to be prepared for a world where we see a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological dimensions. —Klaus Schwab

Fuck these Torah and Talmud and Rabbi-Soaked Subhumans:

Israeli forces blindfold and strip Palestinian prisoners who are arbitrarily detained

The New Arab reports: The Israeli army brought groups of Israeli civilians into prisons to watch Palestinian prisoners getting tortured, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor revealed on Monday. 

Palestinian detainees released from two Israeli detention centers told the human rights group that they were stripped naked, beaten with metal batons and electric sticks, and verbally brutalized under the watch of civilian visitors.

The visitors came to watch the torture sessions in groups of “ten to twenty”, seemingly organized by the Israeli army. In many cases, they were allowed to film the torture sessions on their phones.

Israeli military reportedly invited spectators to watch torture of Palestinians – Day 129

Wring those fucking hands peaceniks or whatever the fuck you think you are. You love this fucking religion? These people? They are the Nazis, the Neo-genocidaires. And the fucking Jews in Israel are saying there might be a few toughies in the Military and Political Schema who are part of the “messianic wing who see this war as the fulfillment of the Jewish people’s manifest destiny,” but Israel is not committing mass murder!

A Palestinian mourns a relative killed in the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip in Deir al Balah, Gaza Strip, on Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024
A Palestinian woman in Gaza mourns the death of loved ones in Israeli strikes on Rafah, on 10 February, 2024

Fuck the Jews of Israel and those Jews in Diaspora who see fucking Israel as their Mother-Fucking-Ship!

This is it: US schools are sending more kids to psychiatrists out of fears of violence . . . . Clinicians are worried

Fucking the slipping Un-United $nakes of American Wailing Wall White House!

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