Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

…mothers, daughters, aunts and sisters; wives and neices; grandmothers getting in on the Killing Action

Monkey Suits. Does it matter which gender genocides you?

[There is broad agreement about the dearth of women in the most senior leadership positions at our institutional institutions. From the lack of women candidates in the election for UN Secretary-General, to the lack gender parity at the United Nations more broadly, to the multiple ways in which getting to the “top table” has proven consistently difficult for women. The International Court of Justice illustrates the leadership gap acutely as only four women have served on the Court as judges since its establishment 76 years ago. As Philip Alston has succinctly identified only 3.7 percent of the historic membership of the Court has been female. ]

But first, an interlude: gil scott heron —

Angola, Lousiana (Palestine under Jewish Zionists)

Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson – Angola, Louisiana Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

Well I’m feeling fine

I could’ve been doing time.

Well, I’m doing fine, thank you,

but I could’ve been pulling time.


I know a brother man doing time,

and he didn’t commit no crime.

So, thank you, I’m doing fine,

cuz I could’ve been pulling time.


I’ve been painting a picture of Angola, Louisiana

pictures of deals in back alleys where politicians often hide

But it’s much more important to me than Angola, Louisiana

Got a lot to do with justice but more with Gary Tyler’s life

I got a letter from his mother (that) said,

“Please! Say somethin’ to my son.”

Truth is: Angola, Louisiana, you’re the one.


I ain’t never been nowhere near Angola, Louisiana.

Down in St. Charles Parish where the sun won’t go alone.

But injustice is not confined to Angola, Louisiana.

It can walk in your livin’ room

as long as it surrounds your home.

I send love to brother Tyler, but after all is said and done;

Truth is: Angola, Louisiana, you’re the one.


I can’t tell a man not to defend himself,

not at this late stage.

I can’t tell a man he got no rights, nowhere,

not in this day and age.

This song may not touch a whole lot of people

persuaded by the truth,

but take a look at what’s goin’ on, people,

’cause this all could happen to you.


I’ve been painting a picture of Angola, Louisiana

Down in St. Charles Parish, where the sun won’t go alone

But injustice is not confined to Angola, Louisiana

Well, it can be in your living room

Brother Tyler, hold on, be strong, you’re not alone!

I got a letter from his mother that said,

“Please, say something to my son!”

Truth is: Angola, Louisiana, you’re the one.


Louisiana’s Angola: Proving ground for racialized capitalism

Louisiana’s Angola: Proving ground for racialized capitalism

Just think of Gaza, of Palestine, of those 75 plus years of Jews experimenting with food intake/outake, forced feedings, dum-dum bullets to the knees, forced displacement, constant surveillance, stink weapons, robot machine guns, drones, heat seeking anal probes, drugs in, drugs out, Thirst, deprivation, exposure.

John Kirby: It is not the Israeli Defense Forces strategy to kill innocent people. It’s happening; I admit that. Each one’s a tragedy. But it’s not like the Israelis are sitting around every morning and saying, hey, how many more civilians can we kill today? Let’s go bomb a school, or a hospital, or a residential building, and just cause civilian casualties. They’re not doing that. They’re trying to go after Hamas, and it’s a very difficult task.

When Hamas — oh, by the way, in addition to deliberately slaughtering people — is deliberately hiding themselves in residential buildings, in hospitals, in tunnels, putting the innocent people of Gaza directly in the crossfire. Now, you tell me, is that right?

Jeremy Scahill: Now, there are a lot of problems with John Kirby’s rant — he’s the National Security Council spokesperson — but one big problem with what John Kirby is saying there is that attacks against civilians, schools, and hospitals, that is exactly what Israel is doing, and it’s doing it repeatedly. It’s irrelevant what John Kirby believes the IDF’s intent to be.

Better Killing with a Skirt and a Vagina?

This piece of STD stain, Military Mercenary at the Colonel Level, again, bat to the heads of Pelosi and her body-guard: female Army colonel fired over sexual assault, harassment allegations

Many of the biggest and best-known OEMs and business units are led by women:

  • Marillyn Hewson leads Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest defense contractor.
  • Phebe Novakovic, who served in the Pentagon and the CIA, is CEO and chairwoman of General Dynamics.
  • Kathy Warden is CEO of Northrop Grumman.
  • Leanne Caret is CEO of Boeing’s Defense, Space & Security unit.

[How Women Can Help Close the Talent Gap in Aerospace and Defense]

Women CEOs in the tech space
In aerospace industry, female execs soar to top |
five female defense ministers of nato armed forces

You think any of these human stains are doing a paper towel and blue plastic tarp and food drive for Gaza?

[Documents Reveal US Gov’t Spent $22M Promoting Anti-Russia Narrative in Ukraine and Abroad]

Disaster and Shock and Awe Capitalism at its most scientific!

As severe weather approaches, frenzied grocery stores are commonplace. Stores stock extra cases of water, batteries, and toilet paper in anticipation of crowds, and the stereotype is that people stock up on bread, milk, and eggs. Understandably, consumers also purchased  cookies, chips, and alcohol, said Elyria Kemp of the University of New Orleans.1 But did you also know that the demand for Strawberry Pop-Tarts also goes through the roof when there is a hurricane forecasted?

According to Linda M. Dillman, former chief information officer for Walmart, Strawberry Pop-Tarts increase in sales, like seven times their normal sales rate, ahead of a hurricane. And the pre-hurricane top-selling item was beer.2 Walmart has learned that Strawberry Pop-Tarts are one of the most purchased food items, as they require no heating, can be used at any meal, and last forever,” economist Steve Horwitz, who studied Walmart’s response to Hurricane Katrina, told ABC News in 2011.

Haiti’s homeless get tarps, want tents

Ask any of the hundreds of thousands of earthquake victims living outdoors in Haiti’s shattered capital and you’re apt to get the same plea: “Give us a tent.”

Written by a woman! FUCK. “The planet-warming emissions generated during the first two months of the war in Gaza were greater than the annual carbon footprint of more than 20 of the world’s most climate-vulnerable nations, new research reveals.”

Greenwashing, green porn, and now, green killing/warring!!

Here you go, LaLa LA-Landia: Letters to the Editor: Should the U.S. spend billions to rebuild Gaza after the war?

No women’s groups in the U$A advocating not just a ceasefire, but much more:

A real fucking journalist: Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi gained fame in 2008 for hurling his shoes at then U.S. President George W. Bush in a news conference to show his anger at the chaos that followed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Almost 15 years on, he is still furious.

You think those skirts and vaginas in the Offensive Weapons Industry would toss their Pradas?

The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at George Bush is still not ready  to forgive | The Independent

Gaza women and the isdal robes that shield them as war strips their privacy: Palestinian women and girls are relying on this cover-up garment to help them face the most difficult moments of Israel’s war on Gaza.

You think Dirty ZioAzovNaziLensky-Loving Janet Yellen or K.Emoff-Harris or Hillary give a shit about women?

Where are the Walton Family Members, the Koch Brothers, and the other fucking dirty felonious billionaires?

Nearly 1 million women and girls have been displaced, and more than 24,620 Palestinians have been killed. UNICEF have called Gaza the “most dangerous place to be a child”.

The people of Gaza are in the midst of an epic humanitarian catastrophe. Four in five Gazans already face hunger and starvation, according to the World Food Programme, and there is risk of famine. The data below, consisting of estimated figures, offers a snapshot of how women and girls in Gaza have endured attacks and displacement, as well as social and economic disruptions, since 7 October.

Millions for media campaign to push the Isra-hell lies and hasbara? A billionaire real estate tycoon in the United States is rallying support for a high-dollar media crusade to boost Israel’s image and demonise the Hamas armed group amid global pro-Palestinian solidarity protests.

[Social media giants such as Instagram, X, YouTube and TikTok have been accused of censoring pro-Palestine voices by reducing their reach, a practice known as shadowbanning.

Axios reported last month that pro-Palestine posts on TikTok were being viewed four times more than pro-Israel posts. This came as people around the world have reacted with horror to the mounting death toll in Gaza where most of the killed are civilians.]

The media campaign — called Facts for Peace — is seeking million-dollar donations from dozens of the world’s biggest names in media, finance and technology, according to an email seen by news website Semafor.

Dirty dirty criminals, and I say, Bats to the head!

Die, War Lords. DIE>

Five of the top six global defense corporations are based in the U.S. They are Lockheed MartinRTX (formerly Raytheon)Northrop GrummanBoeing and General Dynamics. All five have long sold weapons to Israel that are used against Palestinians, and they have been mentioned in the news recently as being tied to weapons sales or potential weapons sales around the current assault on Gaza. Most of their stock prices shot up with the onset of the current war.

These five companies took in an astounding $196 billion in military-related revenue in 2022. Their five CEOs rake in huge amounts of compensation. From 2020 to 2022, these five CEOs together have taken in around $318 million in total compensation — salary, stock awards, and other forms of payment. Moreover, the CEOs own massive amounts of corporate stock, meaning they profit handsomely when stock prices go up. These CEOs are powerful figures, often also serving as company chairs and presidents, and having influential ties to the wider corporate and political world.

Corporate Enablers of Israel’s War on Gaza

Southern Batter Up!

Ahh, Asian Batter Up!

Fucking A, imagine these two working together at Davos and in the European Union meet-ups, and, well in the Biden Wailing Wall White House Minyans!

Where oh where are the mothers, daughters, aunts, sisters, grannies, neices, and wives, man?

On the USS Harry S. Truman’s seven galleys the ship’s 114 cooks make more than 17,000 meals a day. The ship’s crews can go through 1,600 pounds of chicken, 160 gallons of milk, 30 cases of cereal and 350 pounds of lettuce in that time.

It is not unusual for a supply ship to deliver 400,000 to 1 million pounds of food every seven to 10 days.

USN to retire USS Harry S. Truman, Cutting Aircraft Carrier Fleet from 11  today to 10 - The Aviation Geek Club

The Ford class galleys are updated from the Nimitz class. Some examples are the self-cleaning touch-screen steam and heat convection ovens with settings for cooking every kind of meat in a variety of styles. More automation means less guesswork and more consistency when serving the crew.

The cold storage rooms are designed with a number of modular refrigeration units in order to maintain everything in storage at a steady temperature. When individual units go to defrost, the temperature stays the same everywhere else. In the Nimitz’s legacy system, with storage set up around a centralized refrigeration unit, a change to the temperature of one section would cause the temperature of everything in the unit to climb, resulting in poorer storage conditions and risking spoilage.

Further, the Ford class includes a centralized galley to the aft of the aircraft and a forward galley that will be manned only when the carrier’s air wing is aboard. While this means the ship’s food service crew will be more centralized and the mess they dish up more consistent, it also means that officers, chiefs and enlisted sailors will be eating the exact same food, even though they still eat on different mess decks.

Good old Jewish Rabbincal Values:

The Israeli army released footage on October 22 of its Maglan commando unit deploying a new precision-guided 120mm mortar bomb called the Iron Sting, against Hamas in Gaza.

The bomb’s Haifa-based manufacturer, Elbit Systems, has been advertising its qualities on the public relations page of its website since March 2021, when it was integrated into the Israeli military.

Benny Gantz, then Israel’s defence minister and now a part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet, described the Iron Sting as “designed to engage targets precisely, in both open terrains and urban environments, while reducing the possibility of collateral damage and preventing injury to non-combatants”.

It’s a claim echoed by Mark Regev, Netanyahu’s former spokesperson, for the country’s overall approach to its war on Gaza, in which, he has said, Israel is “trying to be as surgical as humanly possible”.

Yet, more than three months after Israel launched the aerial bombardment of Gaza following a surprise Hamas attack, it has killed at least 25,400 Palestinian civilians, and injured 60,000 in the besieged strip and the occupied West Bank. More than 14,700 of Gaza’s children are dead.

Israel’s devastatingly “surgical” killing machines, tested on Palestinians, have global takers, say analysts.

As shown in the new book Merchant of Death: Money, Guns, Planes and the Man Who Makes War Possible by former Washington Post correspondent Douglas Farah and the Los Angeles Times‘ Stephen Braun, Bout flew hundreds of flights for the Pentagon and its contractors in Iraq. He did so despite having been: 1) identified by U.S. and British intelligence as a supplier of weapons, ammunition and aircraft to the Taliban and, indirectly, to al Qaeda; 2) the subject of an Interpol arrest warrant at the request of the Belgian government; 3) named in almost a dozen U.N. public reports as the chief illegal provider of weapons to Africa’s rogue regimes, and; 4) the subject of an executive order signed by George W. Bush in July 2004 making it illegal to do any business with Bout. The executive order was followed by an order from the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in May 2005, freezing the assets of Bout, his senior partners and main companies, again making it illegal for U.S citizens or their government to do business with any of the named entities.

Yet the flights in Iraq went on, at the request of Halliburton, KBR and others, on behalf of the U.S. Army, Air Force and Marine Corps, until early 2006. Farah and Braun, based on flight and refueling records from Iraq, estimate Bout’s companies may have flown up to 1,000 flights as a secondary contractor for the U.S. government. Each flight cost about $60,000 — not a bad chunk of taxpayer dollars. Bout managed to up his profit margin considerably by having his pilots apply for and receive special refueling cards that allowed them to gas up for free when they landed in Iraq.


Or, (and don’t believe these reformed creeps)

Book Summary: Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins

Fuck Perkins! Bat to the head.

Sanctions are used as a tool by the United States, the European Union and the United Nations to apply political and economic pressure to countries they allege are doing wrong. Beyond the question of who should face sanctions and who decides this, the question of the impact of these unilateral coercive measures is also necessary to consider. From Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, to China, Haiti, Yemen, and Zimbabwe these measures are felt most seriously by the peoples of these nations. They suffer from food and medicine shortages, deterioration of social and economic conditions, and more. Sanctions are collective punishment on peoples who dare to defy US hegemony. The people continue to rise up against these illegal measures and demand full freedom and autonomy!

Of course, grandma Albright, it was damn worth IT!

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