Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

Minyan at the Wailing Wall White House, and Certainly with New York Times, Washiongton Post, NPR, et al

Ceasefire now!": Anti-war protesters interrupt Antony Blinken's Senate  testimony |

What was it I as scanning the radio for? Jazz. That’s right, but I caught, today, another voice, from the OPB, Oregon, maybe, affiliate. Some woman, professor, who was speaking about the “genocide decision” by the International Court.

The interviewer, maybe Scott “Zionist First” Simon, let her speak, and then, he quoted some self-proclaimed Jewish Zionist who stated that Gazans are reaping what they sowed, or should have expected, you know, because of Hamas — kill all the babies, even their fucking Jewish Fucking Settlers and Party Goers, one and all SOLDIERS of IDF. Great fucking shit, a Jewish-Almost-Only NPR/PBS and then a Jew at the WaPo, stating in some fucked-up editorial that she is Jewish, Zionist and for the bombings and killings. Her caveat is that she is against Bibi Baby Netanyahu? These people should be sent to fucking GERMANY.

I guess I was also thinking about more Minyan stain, this financial criminal, this tumorous economic hitwo-man-thing, Janet Fucking Zelensky-Loving, Israel-Fondeling Yellen.

We are a dying society, truly, as babies are crushed and burned, and as Gazans are grinding up stray and hay to make fucking flour.

This Wailing Wall White House Criminal has the time to flippantly press her STD personality onto the WWW and into the Radio Wave Net, those 15 months of Andy Whore Hall Fame.

But also, those eyes, man, those cold, stone-hardened eyes. I am not thinking Bibi or Blinken as tough in the real sense — couldn’t have handled any of my shit in Vietnam, in Mexico, throughout Central America, anywhere, doing scuba, hitchhiking to Panama, hard-ass desert motorcycling. Working in prisons. I have seen cold-stone killers, talked with a few around the block and neighborhood. Blinken and Bibi? Shoot rabid dogs. Fuck these pussies. But they are Minyan Monsters.

Here, Francis Boyle: He alludes to the Biden Administration, but in reality that is the Minyan Kabal — the Nuland and Kagan and Emoff and Yellen and Blinken and et al SHOW, well, you already got a piciture of that Minyan yesterday:

Minyan in DC: There Will Always be Blood on Goyim? Minyan: quorum of 10 Jewish adults required for certain religious obligations. In more traditional streams of Judaism, only men 13 and older may constitute a minyan

Jewish news (sic) papers celebrate the number of Jews in Biden’s War Cabinet.

Minyan - Wikipedia

Francis Boyle: Biden’s UNRWA cuts a violation of international and US law

Here’s a summary of some of the key points Boyle made during the interview:

  • The Biden administration’s aiding and abetting of Israel’s genocide is a violation not only of Article 3(e) of Genocide Convention, but also the US government’s own Genocide Convention Implementation Act, which Biden himself sponsored as a Senator.
  • Countries abruptly cutting off UNRWA funds are now in violation of Article 2(c) of the Convention: “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
  • The Biden admin’s UNRWA funding cut is a felony under the Genocide Convention Implementation Act.
  • Countries who send weapons to Israel can now be sued at the ICJ for their role in the genocide. “This is exactly what I did for the Bosnians.”
  • He suspects the Biden administration will veto any resolution of enforcement in the UN Security Council.
  • It would then be turned over to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) under the Uniting for Peace resolution, where there could be “very severe consequences for Israel.”
  • The UNGA could: (1) Suspend Israel from UN participation, (2) Set up an int’l criminal tribunal and start prosecuting top Israeli officials, (3) Recommend that all member states sever diplomatic relations with Israel, (4) Recommend comprehensive economic sanctions against Israel, and/or (5) Admit Palestine as a full-fledged UN member state.

Professor Boyle teaches international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. You can read his full bio here.

Further analysis of the ICJ order has been provided by human rights lawyer and former UN official Craig Mokhiber and British ambassador turned author, broadcaster, and human rights activist, Craig Murray.


Judge Jury Executioners, but they also write the laws, and they are corrupting global banking, academics, the arts, media, and, shoot, Tel Aviv, Wadi Valley, Unit 8200 and many more secretive high tech sicario squads have ram-rodded the world this fucking pathetic Judaism Fear, Zionist Zealotry, and Israeli Damnation!

You want to see living, breathing, cold-as-a-rattlesnake Nazi’s? Fucking griding up stray and hay while USA and EuroTrashLandia and ZioNaziAzovUkroLandia and other countries have surplus wheat? NAZIS!!

Residents of northern Gaza have turned to grinding animal feed as an alternative to flour amidst growing hunger. Large parts of the besieged Strip have been plunged into famine as Israel’s siege and war continues into its fourth month. The north of Gaza in particular has been cut off from the rest of the territory for months and barely any aid enters the area.

While that fucking Yellen Fiddles on the NPR Roof and talks about what the fuck?

The right to resist means, just fucking pull out all the stops and hunt down the Minyans of the Wailing Wall White House.

Myriam responded to the ICJ ruling with the following statement:

We, the sons and daughters of this land, remain resolute in our cause. We do not seek acquittal from the International Court, nor do we wait for the international community’s approval to exercise our right to resist and liberate any occupied territory, especially from Israel and foreign military forces.

For decades, we’ve paid a heavy price in blood and sacrifice, aiming for liberation, the end of oppression, and the preservation of our dignity and land. The failures of the international community and its courts are glaring, with examples like Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Libya, where our suffering goes unaccounted for.

The Arab-Israeli conflict remains the core issue in the Arab world, and we firmly believe that what was taken by force can only be reclaimed through force – a historically proven equation.

Yesterday, the International Court of Justice and the world were put on trial as they witnessed a live-streamed genocide. Will they choose to preserve their humanity in the face of this ongoing atrocity? By failing to confront the occupation as a whole, including the ongoing genocide in Gaza and systematic ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and Occupied AlQuds, they admit to prioritizing their interests over their humanity.

As for us, the people who have chosen the honorable path of steadfastness and resistance across the Axis, we will continue to stand with our most honorable Resistance until we achieve liberation, regardless of the cost. Resisting oppression and occupation is our fundamental human duty.

Much blood has been spilled, and our pursuit of vengeance has become a sacred endeavor. This time, our vengeance will be in the form of liberation.

Red Ink – by Mr. Fish


Gaza was pounded with bombs, missiles and artillery shells as the ruling was read in The Hague — at least 183 Palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. Since Oct. 7, more than 26,000 Palestinians have been killed. Almost 65,000 have been wounded, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Thousands more are missing. The carnage continues. This is the cold reality. 

Translated into the vernacular, the court is saying Israel must feed and provide medical care for the victims, cease public statements advocating genocide, preserve evidence of genocide and stop killing Palestinian civilians. Come back and report in a month. 

It is hard to see how these provisional measures can be achieved if the carnage in Gaza continues.

“Without a ceasefire, the order doesn’t actually work,” Naledi Pandor, South Africa’s minister of international relations, stated bluntly after the ruling. 

Time is not on the side of the Palestinians. Thousands of Palestinians will die within a month. Palestinians in Gaza make up 80 percent of all the people facing famine or catastrophic hunger worldwide, according to the United Nations. The entire population of Gaza by early February is projected to lack sufficient food, with half a million people suffering from starvation, according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, drawing on data from U.N. agencies and NGOs. The famine is engineered by Israel. 

At best, the court — while it will not rule for a few years on whether Israel is committing genocide — has given legal license to use the word “genocide” to describe what Israel is doing in Gaza. This is very significant, but it is not enough, given the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. 

This is Nazism: Starvation, destitution, death. And bombs. Thirty THOUSAND dropped, onto civilians = stores, apartment blocks, hospitals, bakeries, schools, mosques, churches. This is butchery. And Blinken and Yellen and Nuland with their cold stone black eyes, and their smirks, and their unending racist minds working overtime on how to exact more punishment on Goyim.

UNRWA - Executive Briefing Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, U.N. Under-Secretary- General and Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works  Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Geneva, Tuesday 24  January 2023 |

The ruling, quoting Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), continued:

Overcrowded and unsanitary UNRWA shelters have now become ‘home’ to more than 1.4 million people,” the ruling read. “They lack everything, from food to hygiene to privacy. People live in inhumane conditions, where diseases are spreading, including among children. They live through the unlivable, with the clock ticking fast towards famine.

The plight of children in Gaza is especially heartbreaking. An entire generation of children is traumatized and will take years to heal. Thousands have been killed, maimed, and orphaned. Hundreds of thousands are deprived of education. Their future is in jeopardy, with far-reaching and long-lasting consequences.

Oh, come on. Who controls the AMA, American Medical (Doctors) Association? The American Medical Association rejects a resolution for ceasefire in Gaza

For these well-established and well-heeled physicians, the genocide in Gaza meets none of their “neutrality” criteria and warrants no discussion. But that was not the case with regards to the US-NATO proxy war in the Ukraine against Russia. A month after the conflict commenced in February 2022, the AMA had no problem asserting their opinions, regardless of their “neutrality.” The group released a statement noting, “The AMA is outraged by the senseless injury and death the Russian army has inflicted on the Ukrainian people. For those who survive these unprovoked attacks, the physical, emotional, and psychological health of Ukrainians will be felt for years.” 

The AMA claims to represent the interests and values of our nation’s doctors. But it has long been the public relations face of America’s private health insurance system, which treats healthcare as a commodity. This approach has resulted in some of the worst health outcomes in the industrialized world: the highest rate of infant mortality, the highest number of avoidable deaths, and health spending that eats up nearly 18% of America’s GDP. [Why we’re fighting the American Medical Association]

Oh, well, can the AMA also be liable for promoting genocide in Gaza? Let’s hope so.

Duh!!! [Religious Characteristics of U.S. Physicians]

War profiteers are on notice. On 26 January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that South Africa’s case against Israel for its genocide of Palestinians has merit. While the Court has not yet ruled on whether Israel’s mass slaughter of Palestinians since 7 October 2023 is genocide—a ruling at which it may take years to arrive—it did order Israel to prevent and not commit genocidal acts against Palestinians, prevent and punish public incitement to commit genocide, ensure the provision of humanitarian aid, preserve evidence related to allegations of genocide, and submit a compliance report within one month. These orders have a significant impact on the provision of weapons to Israel: governments arming genocide can be held accountable for genocide themselves. [RAY ACHESON]

More cold stone black eyes:

Those fat-cheeks, those fucking USA military criminals: tons of food for each fucking battle ship, thousands of tons for those aircraft carriers. All those fucking Super Bowl Party millions of pounds of cheese and beef and soda and beer and chips.

I was at a fucking restaruatn awaiting the delayed flight for my daughter’s trip back to Spokane from Portland.

Imagine that. Alaska out of Seattle, well, it just kicks in witha two hour delay, with no reaosn why (missing door bolts, drunk or hung over pilot, not enough flight attendents. There were no “weather” issues.

Other flights get cancelled and the ticket holder gets no fucking refund. Zero. This is the way of the Dog Eat Dog, corrupt and casino and totalitarian capitalism.

There, awaiting the 10:30 pm hour to hit. You know, off the airport boundary, since we are fucked up stupid idiots who play this dirty feet game at TSA. Imagine that, the old days, ,where the restaurants were there, near the gates, and families could go eat and drink.

And on the TVs in this fucking heavily lighted food and tap room? Fucking dirty owners, dirty coaches, dirty athletes. Lions v Forty-Niners.

Twelve fucking TVs, no sound, and there you have it, Fox Queer Guys for the Straight pigskins, TV, and these human stains. Fucked up black, white and mixed race multimillioniares – spoiled pussies. Not one Palestinian flag, not one anything to show that the world is in the midst of Jewish Nazism. Zilch.

San Francisco Forty Niners Going To Super Bowl LVIII | Uber Drivers Forum

Brokeback Mountain:

49ers news: Where the Niners have their biggest advantage over the Lions -  Niners Nation

Ahh, then talking with my Toothless in Wisconsin, Kelly, the widower, still on paper, still with a PO for fucking life — going on four years after the total 10 years he spent in the can in various places around Wisconsin.

He has had his driver’s license taken away, his wife died a year ago, he is left alone with a hoarder’s household, a dog, and he’s 65 on Social Security.

He’s basically fucked. One finger almost was taken off completely, and now around 9 months later, the criminal medical millionaires fucked him, and the finger was reattached, and it hasn’t healed. Pain pain pain. Stink stink stink.

But he was left with the dog he and his wife loved. Old Weiner dog, who just stopped eating and drinking Thursday . . . seems to have had an impaction or something wrong with his guts, and so, Kelly had to get his semi-estranged daughter to head him and the dog to a vet in Minnesota. He’s now got the dog back, after $5900, and that is without any surgery, just IV’s and x-ray imaging and a few meds. He — Elldee, the dog — did eventually pass the grainy material, and that’s real dog-eat-dog AmeriKKKa.

Only the rich and well-heeled and super middleclass can afford cars, lawyers, food, restaurant outings, vets, pets, vacations abroad, extra booze, etc. That’s the STD Yellen’s best economy in the world — 300 percent increase in fees, fines, taxes, costs, bills, whether from the vet or the painter or roofer or even DIY bills heading to the local Home Depot.

THREE FUCKING PERCENT INFLATION, fucking STD Yellen the Zelensky Jewish Lover.

Useless eaters, drinkers, sleepers, homemakers, students, children, families, pets. That is, us! Them. Gazans. Houthis. Iranians. Name them . . . NAME them.

While those stone-cold black/blue eyed Jewish-Only Minyan Wailing Wall White House Thugs laugh all the way to their fucking Super Bowl parties.

Fucking Lions v 49-ers.

Oh, USA USA, murder incoporated, the pigs on and off the field.

Dan Campbell's aggressiveness cost the Detroit Lions a spot in the Super  Bowl | AP News

The world under the Un-United $nake$ of AmeriKKKa-Israel First is doomed.

Inside stadium, Detroit Lions collapse leaves fans crushed, in tears

Food, water, medicine, man. And how much consumption do we have? Look at the crowd, the monsters, the Homo Consumopethicus.

Doomed: Gates open 2 ½ hours before the game, so for 1 p.m. star times, you can get in the stadium as early as 10:30 a.m. During that first hour and a half, the Lions host “Power Hour.”

During Power Hour, you can get food and drink specials throughout the area. Those specials include $3.99 beers, $6.99 Bloody Mary drinks, $3.49 hot dogs, $2.99 pops and $3.99 cocktails.

On top of the regular concession items you can get at the game, there are plenty of local restaurants to try out. Those include Bert’s BBQ, Big Boy, Coppercraft Distillery, Grobbel’s Gourmet Deli, Honcho, Lefty’s Famous Cheesesteaks, Uncle Joe’s Chicken Fingers and more.

If you want to hang outside before the game, there is Pride Plaza on Brush Street. It’s the official Lions tailgate and it starts about three hours before kickoff. There are bars, music, food trucks, games for fans and more.

Tailgreeter - Premium Tailgates: Lions vs. Eagles Game Day Party

Fucking insanity:

Normalizing Nazism!

No Country for Young, Old, Children, Women, Disabled. Israel.

Fuck the new Israel-First, Jewish-Always Minyan DEAL:

Ain’t gon’ say it will be morning
Ain’t gon’ pick no time of day
It’s gonna hit you without warning
And simply carry you away
It’s gon’ be so doggone easy
You know you knew about it all the time
It will answer all the questions
That were playing with your mind
It’s the Third World Revolution
And we’re standing at the gate
You can add to the solution
While the world is changing shape

Ain’t gon’ say it will be evening
In time, it all makes sense to you
Just takes working, working and believing
To see the whole Third World come true
We gon’ take this world through changes
Not the other way around
See, the world now sure ‘nough rearranging
And can’t nobody stop us now
It’s the Third World Revolution
And we’re standing at the gate
You can add to the solution
While the world is changing shape

Ain’t gon’ say it will be morning
Ain’t gon’ pick no time of day
It’s gonna hit you without warning
Simply carry you away
We gon’ take this world through changes
Not the other way around
See, the world is sure ‘nough rearranging
Can’t nobody stop us now
It’s the Third World Revolution
And we’re standing at the gate
You can make your contribution
While the world is changing shape

It’s the Third World Revolution
And we’re standing at the gate
You can make your contribution
While the world is changing shape
It’s the Third World Revolution
And we’re standing at the gate
You can add to the solution
While the world is changing shape

Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson

We Almost Lost Detroit

Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson

UGLY American; UGLY Jew!

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