Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

minyan: quorum of 10 Jewish adults required for certain religious obligations. In more traditional streams of Judaism, only men 13 and older may constitute a minyan

This is what a continuing criminal religious and military enterprise looks like:

And so the ICJ states to prevent any genocide, do Hthings to do better with the killing Palestinians. Because supposed just going after “just” Hamas soldiers is, again, the Lies of Empire, or in this case Little Big Man Eichmann, Isra-Hell.

Ceasefire? Asking to report from Israel to prove that they are tidying up the murder? Shit. These people are stopping medicines, blocking humanitarian aid.

Israel has a month to issue a fucking white paper lie “report” about how they are doing a better job of murdering people? More than a fucking joke. Orwellian — war is peace, children are combatants, pregnancy is terrorism!

A large percentage of European plastic sent to Vietnam ends up in nature

Speaking of toxins and green porn: And, so it is EuroTrashLandia, backing genocide, and their plastic shit is dumped on “third world” countries, unexceptionally the pollution and poison new colonialization.

[Despite strict EU regulations on plastic recycling, there is little oversight on plastic waste shipped from the EU to Vietnam. A large percentage of the exported European plastic cannot be recycled and gets dumped in nature. This is the finding of new research led by Utrecht University’s Kaustubh Thapa. and published in Circular Economy and Sustainability.

About half of Europe’s plastic waste is exported to a number of countries in the Global South, including Vietnam. A Dutch and Vietnamese research team ventured to Minh Khai Craft Village, the largest recycling hub in Vietnam, to follow the recycling path of European plastic.]

Faye Franklin of Matawan bags her groceries with a reusable bag, which she purchased during her self-checkout, on the first day of the plastic bag ban at Stop & Shop in Aberdeen Township, NJ Wednesday, May 4, 2022.

Fuck, this life cycle analysis has been done a few hundred times around single use bags bans, and here you have it — money money money for the oil-plastic industry:

Plastic consumption in New Jersey tripled despite the state’s 2022 plastic ban meant to and address the “problem of plastic pollution,” according to a study from a business-research firm.

The study found that the state’s law banning single-use plastic bags led to a 60% decrease in the total bag volume, according to analysis from the Freedonia Report,’s business research division.

However, as consumers started searching for alternatives and purchasing plastic reusable bags, the state saw plastic consumption triple, largely because of the material used in the alternative bags, the report shows.

“Most of these alternative bags are made with non-woven polypropylene, which is not widely recycled in the United States and does not typically contain any post-consumer recycled materials,” the report states.

New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft at AT&T Stadium on October 1, 2023 in Arlington, Texas.

Talk about Jewish toxins at the Church of Football? Superbowl poison: A Super Bowl ad set to be shown during next month’s game will highlight the rise of antisemitism, with a 30-second spot from “Stand Up to Jewish Hate,” a campaign from the nonprofit organization founded by Robert Kraft, the billionaire businessman and owner of the New England Patriots.

It’s the first time his Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS) is buying an ad during the “most visible platform,” which last year was watched by 113 million viewers and was the third most-watched television program of all time.

Ben Gvir slams ICJ as antisemitic, says Israel should ignore ruling on  provisional measures | The Times of Israel

More Jewish Toxins: National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir slams the International Court of Justice for issuing a series of provisional measures against Israel, calling the international body “antisemitic.”

“The decision of the antisemitic court in The Hague proves what was already known: This court does not seek justice, but rather the persecution of Jewish people. They were silent during the Holocaust and today they continue the hypocrisy and take it another step further,” he says.

Israeli far-Right leader handed top government security job

Ahh, the Wailing Wall White House putting out bounties on Arab scientists and businessmen: The U.S. said it would pay up to $15 million for tips on Hossein Hatefi Ardakani, an Iranian businessman who is alleged to have helped acquire technology for attack drones sold to Russia.

The move to put out a bounty for information on an alleged export-control violation comes after the U.S. sanctioned and charged Ardakani, chair of an electronics company, over his alleged work sourcing dual-use technology for drone production by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The Commerce Department, which administers U.S. export controls, publicized the bounty on Wednesday.

It is a Jewish Bounty on “the other.” We are all in Jews’ sights.

Minyan - Wikipedia

Kevin Barrett: “Now many of the Jews who have taken over the United States are liberal. They are not fanatical Zionists like Netanyahu. But there’s an ethnocentric ethnic nepotism that goes on in which ethnic groups vie with each other for control. The United States was dominated by Protestants, or WASPS, up until World War II. Since World War II, the dominant, most powerful ethnic group in the United States has become Jews. We can see this in the Ivy League admissions, where Jews basically took over the Ivy League institutions and now that’s why we have so many of these cases where Ivy League presidents are being fired for criticizing Israel and so on. Ron Unz has proven that Jews are grossly overrepresented in Ivy League institutions based on their test scores, grades, etc. That is, there has been a very powerful bias towards admitting Jews in disproportionate numbers to their abilities in the Ivy League now for decades.

That’s just one example of American Jews becoming the dominant ethnic group. They also totally dominate the media, Hollywood being the most extreme example, and are grossly disproportionately represented at the high levels in the financial world.

Now, you’re not supposed to say this. It’s said to be anti-Semitic to say these things, but they are true. And I don’t understand why you would call somebody a bigot if they speak the truth about this.

You weren’t a bigot if you said the Protestants dominated the United States in, say, 1910. So why are you a bigot if you make the same observation about Jews dominating the United States now, which they obviously do?

I mean, look at Biden’s minyan. The Jewish newspapers say Biden’s cabinet has enough Jews to make up a minyan. Biden is totally surrounded by Jews and by people with Jewish spouses.”

Funny stuff, believing it isn’t the UnUnited $nakes of Israel: Biden’s Jewish A-Team

Jan 19, 2021

As President-elect Joe Biden announced his picks for the Cabinet, the joke went around on Jewish Twitter that the West Wing would have a minyan.

Minyan - Wikipedia

Bill Ackman’s battle with the Ivy League is about more than DEI: Gen Z are graduating without the right behavioral and emotional skills for the workplace. Jew Ackman is a terrorist of another Jewish mother:

“In higher ed, you have to build consensus to get anything done. You just can’t dictate.”

Bill Funk, college search consultant

It’s misleading to imply, as some in the Wall Street camp do, that business voices are absent from that campus consensus-building. Charlie Eaton, a sociology professor at UC Merced and the author of Bankers in the Ivory Tower, says that while former business leaders hold few presidencies, they nonetheless wield outsize influence—reflected in the number of executives who sit on university boards and in the growing clout of the schools’ chief financial officers and chief investment officers.

In promulgating the idea that universities are business-ignorant, he says, “Bill Ackman’s criticisms are all pretty silly and unserious.”

Bill Ackman and wife Neri Oxman buy 5% of Tel Aviv Stock Exchange for $17  million | Ctech

Dirty, ugly criminals: Shoot all first degree murderers? Quoting Cal Tech: “Jewish billionaire Bill Ackman and his Israeli wife Neri Oxman have bought over 4.9% of the Tel Aviv stock exchange for around $17 million. This is Ackman’s first major investment in the country since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 and the war in Gaza erupted.

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange said it sold an 18.5% stake in total to a group of foreign and local investors for 242 million shekels (approximately $64 million). Ackman and Oxman were the only ones it named. The shares were previously held by Israeli banks Bank Hapoalim, Mizrahi Tefahot, and the First International Bank of Israel.

24 Massacres in 24 Hours, 210 Gazans killed – Day 110

24 Massacres in 24 Hours, 210 Gazans killed – Day 110: This is what those dirty Jewish Billionaires are purchasing!

Speaking of Jewish pogroms: Ukraine in 2024: Offering Up the Personal Data and Lives of its Citizens to Western Powers.

The self-confidence of Zelensky and his entourage comes from the conviction that Ukraine is defending the interests of the West, so the West owes them everything possible. The Odessa anarchist Vyacheslav Azarov wrote in his Telegram channel recently,

“The main problem of the current government in Ukraine is not a shortage of ammunition or manpower, but ‘puffery’, that is, inflated egos and devotion to self-esteem and importance. Of course, this is the birthmark of any nationalism, but in our country, it has been inflated to global proportions. There is the belief that our country of Ukraine is the most important acquisition for the West, with Ukrainians being dear and welcome guests there. Therefore, we defend the entire Western civilization, and in exchange, it will forever feed, supply and rebuild us in exchange.”

Fucking-A, that zombie, spineless, slag of skin, Italiano Pelosi — hand jobbing ZioAzovLensky, Mister Coke Penis Piano Man Zelensky — making bank on the same AI and tech stuff killing us softly: U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-California, has achieved significant financial gains from her recent investment in Nvidia Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA), a prominent company in artificial intelligence (AI) and semiconductors. On Nov. 22, Pelosi acquired 50 call options for Nvidia with a strike price of $120, expiring on Dec. 20, 2024. The transaction value ranged between $1 million and $5 million​​.

As of early 2024, Pelosi has reportedly made nearly $500,000 from this investment, surpassing her annual government salary of approximately $223,500. This gain is attributed to Nvidia’s stock performance, which has seen an increase of over 21% in value since Pelosi’s acquisition​​, according to Finbold.

Mark Zuckerberg is raising cattle while reportedly building a huge underground bunker in Hawaii — the cows will drink beer to make ‘the highest quality beef in the world.’ What’s he up to?

Speaking of Fuckerberg and his little big man prepper deal: Mark Zuckerberg is raising cattle while reportedly building a huge underground bunker in Hawaii — the cows will drink beer to make ‘the highest quality beef in the world.’ What’s he up to?

PHOTO: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen speaks during an interview with ABC News' Elizabeth Schulze, on Jan. 25, 2024.

Then this kosher side of beef on a hook? Imagine, say, looking at every aspect of your daily living in a house or apartment: You think those prices went down after the Planned Pandemic? GOing down down down, those electric bills, fees, fines, USPS deliveries, food, hardware, durable goods, big ticket items. Shoot mass murderers on the spot?

“Consumers and households feel confident enough about their own personal financial situation and about the economic outlook to be spending in a way that’s creating jobs, creating growth and is providing them with the income to go on doing that,” Janet Yellen said. “So, I see no reason why that can’t continue.”

Yeah, in Lesbian-Governed Oregon, we get buggered three fucking times. After big rate hike, PGE customers may also be on the hook for winter storm power restoration work

“Ultimately, PGE is going to ask for a bunch of money from customers to help cover the cost of the storm restoration,” Jenks said. “If the storm restoration was harder and more expensive and difficult to manage because these systems didn’t really communicate well, the company didn’t fully understand what was happening in the field, then we can ask that the company not get full recovery for it. We can also in the process find out if there’s fixes that the company needs to do in order to make this system work well.”

Fucking minyan: Housing is now unaffordable for a record half of all U.S. renters, study finds.

In Philadelphia, Campbell moved her family out of their unaffordable apartment and in with friends this month. She’s making a bit more working as a driver with Lyft, and also does people’s hair on the side.

Her plan is to stay until she gets her tax refund to help with a fresh start. She has already started looking around for a cheaper place, and hopes to find something for $1,000 or $1,100 a month.

“It’s like you’re dreaming of a fairy tale,” Campbell says. “But I’m going to try to find something that I can handle.”

Where does all the energy and human lifetimes go? That’s right, the Jewish and Goyim Tech Fascists and their finaciers:

“We have a new way of fighting, we have a new way of engaging targets with direct energy. Lasers and microwaves are slightly different. We don’t talk about microwaves so much. There’s different classification hurdles. But … we need to have a command-and-control capability. Not to prescribe how the services would implement the C2, but somewhere in their command and control they need to understand, well, what would the direct energy system do against this target? So now you have to know which target it is — or at least roughly the class if not the actual specific type. Do we have understanding of lethality against that target? If we don’t, can we make some assumptions given, you know, similar characteristics? Do we have a timeline for engagement for the kill chain that makes sense?”

Bankruuptcy soars

From Israel with Debt: Thanks Jewish State of Jewish Occupied Palestine — the lost generation: Bankruptcies Surge Among Gen X and Millennials!

The trend, disproportionately impacting younger generations, points to a latent economic strain that macroeconomic figures may not fully capture, which hints at a potential credit reckoning on the horizon.

It’s reflected in broader economic data. U.S. household debt has seen an increase, rising 1.3 percent in the third quarter of last year to a record $17.29 trillion. The uptick was propelled by increases across mortgage, auto loan, credit card, and student loan balances, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Palestinians wounded during the Israeli air and ground offensive in Khan Younis are brought to a hospital in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024(AP)

Fuck this 15-1 ruling: ICC’s Chief Prosecutor Keeps Asking for Evidence Israeli is Committing Genocide in Gaza

Quoting above: “One of the main principles of International Humanitarian Law (Law of War) is the principle of distinction, which states that all parties of a conflict should at all times distinguish between civilians and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and should only direct their operations on military objectives.

Since October 7, Israeli occupation forces have been using weapons, such as white phosphorus, which not only lacks distinction but is also severely detrimental to civilians and is restricted under IHL. White phosphorus when exposed to air burns at extremely high temperatures and starts fires in the areas in which it is released causing severe environmental damage and leading to respiratory damage, organ failure, and extreme burns.

Another weapon being used is “Habsora” (Hebrew for “The Gospel”), which is built on AI and can generate targets almost automatically at a very high unprecedented rate. This weapon allows the IOF to track Hamas’ positions and can even calculate an estimation of deaths before the attack. Hence, this allows accurate yet widespread targeting. However, it is only being used by the IOF to target residential homes, according to many testimonies.

A testimony from an Israeli official confirmed that the occupation has used inappropriate munitions during its attack on al-Maghazi Refugee Camp. Research by the United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence confirmed the latter, stating that 40-50% of the munitions being used in Gaza have been unguided as they are inaccurate and widespread.

The occupation has also been using bunker buster bombs, which carry a warhead weighing more than 900kgs, as well as JDAMs, which use GPS to guide bombs and improve their accuracy only under proper guidance. However, an Amnesty International investigation confirmed that US-made JDAMs were used by the IOF to bomb homes in Gaza, killing 43 members of two families in one incident.

So why are the Israeli occupation forces using such weapons when it has shown the world in martyr Saleh al-Arouri’s assassination in Beirut that it has high-accuracy weapons? They managed to target the martyr in a single apartment in a very crowded area, causing minimal casualties, killing those in the direct vicinity of al-Arouri, and in plain sight. Have you heard of the saying: “If he wanted to, he could?” Well, had the Israelis wanted to limit civilian casualties, they could have easily.”

Fuck them all, from Superbowl Kraft to Harvard Ackman. This is their country first, their religion over others, their shekel machine (war) and their mother ship of fucking sicarios — Isra-Hell.

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