Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

war, bombing markets, cancelling college, dropping homeless in a dump, no ater, no electricity, AI is coming to a body near you — burping up the bile of non-journalism at 8 am!Trump’s mental fitness?

Read Mike “Toothless in Wisconsin” Fish at the very end of this wrap up of the news. I could start here, at the retarded:

May be an image of 1 person and text

Trump’s mental fitness? All of theirs. Any main-scum politician has been neutered of thought, intellect and empathy. Hailey? Pence? Harris? Biden? Trump?

We all shudder at their incompetence and intellectual incontenence!

[“Nikki Haley questions Trump’s mental fitness after he appears to confuse her for Nancy Pelosi”]

Or move to the STD of mass media, Maddow: There was little doubt that the former president would easily dominate the rural state. But the rush to declare him the victor — in violation of policies that prohibit such calls before the polls close — was a blatant attempt to soak up the election night audience.

[This followed another departure from traditional editorial practices when MSNBC and CNN refused to screen Trump’s victory speech. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, casting herself and her network as defenders of the republic, justified the unusual decision with typical, exaggerated commentary.

Maddow said her network would suffer by “knowingly broadcasting untrue things.” The Iowa primary heralded “democracy falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government.”

For his part, Jake Tapper of CNN suggested his network had to shield viewers from “anti-immigrant rhetoric.”]

hoot on sight — rabid viral Jewish Only Monster.

Rachel Maddow on the GOP's shameful support of Donald Trump: "They have  kind of created this monster" |

Her fucking war crminal fornicating daddy: Israeli government divisions deepen as cabinet minister says defeating Hamas is unrealistic.

FILE PHOTO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs a cabinet meeting at the Kirya military base, which houses the Israeli Ministry of Defence, in Tel Aviv, Israel, December 24, 2023. Ohad Zwigenberg/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo

Multi-billionaire fucking John Pussy I Am a Winter Soldier (Vietnam) Who Will Toss My Medals into the Sewer Kerry (but I sure like arms and bombs to UkroNaziLandia!)

Goodbye Mr Kerry, farewell Mr Xie: end of an era in global climate politics: As the US and China climate envoys retire, more than a leadership gap opens in crucial bilateral relationship and climate politics.

Yale students (hundreds, not thousands) ditch first day of spring classes for ‘there is no back to school in Gaza’ walkout: report

Yale University is one of many campuses across the country that has seen pro and anti-Israel activity.

[Fucking dirty rotten YALE!]

‘Just ridiculous’: Multnomah, Washington counties keep shelters closed despite icy conditions

More One Paycheck Lost Away from a tent! 4 worrying trends in tech that are fueling Google and Amazon layoffs. [Technology jobs were once synonymous with job security. But after last year, one of the biggest for layoffs in over a decade, combined with the rise of potentially job-killing artificial intelligence, a bleak horizon hovers over the humans in the technology industry who are now at risk of losing their livelihoods. ]

We need another rotten fucking celebreity millionaire to tell us this? Fuck, Amereica is rotten to the core. Bombing Gaza and Syria and Russia and Isran and Yemen, while the fucking USA cries over lost multi-millionaire fottballers, their fucking queer shoulder injuries, the end of a fucking season!

Jon Taffer says the restaurant industry's switch from gas to electric stoves will 'haunt' the restaurant industry.

“Bar Rescue” Executive Producer and host Jon Taffer is sounding the alarm on a potential industry switch from gas to electric stoves that could pose a massive challenge to restaurants. 

These are not small matters. They’re economic matters, they’re culinary matters. These regulatory issues haunt us as an industry,” he stressed.

During his appearance on “Varney & Co.” Tuesday, Taffer explained that not only is the “regulatory issue” a “massive investment” but proves why this year’s presidential election “means something.”

Sports Illustrated layoffs

Ahh, no bartending jobs for these dudes and dudettes laid off by the monsters of Jewish Controlled Media:

[Sports Illustrated’s Entire Staff Told Their Jobs Have Been Eliminated After Authentic Brands Revokes License To Publish; Union Vows To “Fight For Every One Of Our Colleagues”.]

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman

Criminals, one and all, and there they are with their pedeophile dreams, behind closed fucking doors. Blow them open with Thermite Grenades UkroNaziLandia got from U$A but sold on the war lord market! [TECH: What the global elite are saying about AI behind closed doors.]

An Exxon Mobil refinery with tanks, smoke stacks and towers in the background. A small body of water is in the foreground.

Ahh, always a fucking hundred billion dollars behind the hundreds of thousands of murdered Ukrainians and Russians! [Surging U.S. oil production may set a record in 2024, shielding consumers from Mideast war and pressuring OPEC]

Billions for the Jewish Cocaine Penis Piano-Man Cowboy ZioAzovNaziLensky, but shit, infrastructure for Iberia, for the mass murderers’ offspring? [Army called in to rescue about 600 Spanish motorists stuck in snow.]

On the Justice of Roosting Chickens: Reflections on the Consequences of U.  S. Imperial Arrogance and Criminality: Churchill, Ward, Glenndinning,  Chellis: 9781902593791: Books

Some chickens — cluck cluck cluck — coming home to roost, motherfucking settler colonialists of every fucking stripe?

White fucking piece of shit AmeriKKKan attempting to toss grenades at Malcolm? Good fucking luck!!

The Jews in Racist Jewish Occupied Jewish Palestine are going to investigate their own fucking BOMBING? Priceless, motherfuckers.

[After US ire, IDF says it is probing controlled explosion of campus in Gaza last week . . .] Just like WTC!

Yeah, one set of versions, but Israel did it, you know that.

People try to recognise a body of a victim killed during the shelling that Russian officials in Donetsk said was conducted by Ukrainian forces, in Donetsk, Russian-controlled Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine in Donetsk, Ukraine, Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024. Local officials say at least 18 people have been killed by shelling of a market in Russian-occupied Ukraine. The attack hit Tekstilshchik, a suburb of the city of Donetsk, on Sunday. Alexei Kulemzin, the city's Russian-installed mayor, said that the shells had been fired by the Ukrainian military. (AP Photo/Alexei Alexandrov)

[At least 25 people are reported killed in an attack on Donetsk in Russian-occupied Ukraine]

People walk past bodies of victims killed during the shelling that Russian officials in Donetsk said was conducted by Ukrainian forces, in Donetsk, Russian-controlled Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine in Donetsk, Ukraine, Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024. Local officials say at least 18 people have been killed by shelling of a market in Russian-occupied Ukraine. The attack hit Tekstilshchik, a suburb of the city of Donetsk, on Sunday. Alexei Kulemzin, the city's Russian-installed mayor, said that the shells had been fired by the Ukrainian military. (AP Photo/Alexei Alexandrov)

Fucking Putin needs to go. Legit option: Just fucking Nuke Kiev. Full stop. Russia is that Banada Republic, and USA-UK-EU-The Huns-Japan-Five Fucking Eyes, they are bleeding Russia with that death of 10,000,000,000 billion cuts.

Yeah, square those fucking round rabbit holes the Western World, and the rest of the world, will be sinking into, viral sewage and all.

Part Four — The Wisconsin Series from Mr. Haeder



JULY 31, 2023

Part Four -- The Wisconsin Series from Mr. Haeder

Would You Leave Your Pet Monkey Alone with this Guy? a few more photos of the Wisconsin for ‘This is Your Life’ Bullshit! … a 10-part series now (goddamn, I hope not!) Dog and Dude: A holy place in Merrill…

Read full story

Mister Mike Fish, here, his last comments on the previous written post I sent out to this shitty little Substack World.

[RE: His partial stories here:

Part One — Wisconsin with a Curd Smile

Part Two — Wisconsin on My Mind

Part Four — The Wisconsin Series from Mr. Haeder


Quoting Mike Toothless in Wisconsin” Fish:

“I’ve been thinking about some of this, frequently, over the past few weeks. The past two, particularly.

Fortunately, it’s warmer tonight, than it has been for the past week or so. But, it’s still -1 Fahrenheit, with a thirteen below wind chill, as of five minutes ago.

I think that one of the primary reasons that we run into the shortage of shelter, for the house/home-less, is because some powerful dumbasses seem to think that shelter for the impoverished is only a necessary evil when it’s colder than a motherfucker outside.

How’s about we think about shelter shortages, when it’s sixty five outside? Or 85? Or a hundred and five? It should be able to be done, seeing as “we’re” the greatest democracy/cuntree on earth, shouldn’t it?

Today I seen a bunch of Halloween revelers, in an outdoor stadium in Baltimore , Merryland, watchin’ some big, big, big, strong, strong, strong athletes, don their own costumes, and smash into each other, for sixty minutes.

The actual whole process takes a day or two, or three, though. It was colder than a motherfucker there too. Maybe the folks without shelter could stay in those people’s houses, when they’re busy with the gladiator shows, at the stadium/coliseum???

They should be able to afford it, seeing as tickets to the show averaged over a thousand dollars a piece. There should be some shelter available in Wisconsin too. Because, Paul Robeson’s old team, the Green Bay Packers, went to San Francisco to play games too. And they took all their local fanatics with them.

I know it’s cold in Wisconsin. I bet that pilgrimage out west cost way more than a thousand bucks a head. Tomorrow, the same shit’s goin’ on in Detroit, and Buffalo, New York. Hell, maybe while they’re outa town, they could play take a bum to the game day.

And, take em back to their hotel, after the “contest”/battle/grudge match/elimination game. With all them military jets I seem flyin’ around, maybe they could give some of them hard up/down on their luck folks a ride someplace, if they got someplace to be.

I went out in this shit for forty five minutes. Hour tops. I couldn’t imagine bein’ out there all night, after night, fter night, after night. It’s fuckin’ cold out. And, I was dressed for it. Snowmobile jacket, and boots, and gloves.

I wonder how cold it FEELS, in Palestine right now? Betcha it’s cold in Ukraine/Russia. Not hospitable at all. And, the fucks that caused/cause all this shit-I wonder if they’re cold, right now? For them, I hope the rigor is settin’ in!!!

Well, Robeson’s Packers blew it. They coulda/shoulda won, tonight. So the Wisconsin beer/booze moods will be sad, or pissed off, or falling down stupid. Take it from an insider, you can bet, and make money, if you wager on that outcome.

They probably won’t be very nice to the “people without places” they encounter on the streets. At least that’s the way I’ve seen it go sometimes.

And, then after my venture outdoors, I see a headline on the late night news that said AI is going to babysit your kids!!!!!!! Leave the kids home alone with the AI.

I wonder how many moms, how many parents, have been thrown in jail, and/or had their kids taken away, because they left em home alone, so they could go out and earn a buck, or scavenge, or hustle their kids something to eat/wear/whatever.

How the fuck is that right? What if something bad happens to the kid(s), when old AI is babysittin’, and mom and/or dad are off doin’ their thing? Who’s held accountable then? The babysitter? Mommy and Daddy dearest? Shit, the kid will probably take the rap. Gonna throw AI in jail, and charge it with involuntary manslaughter?

Then I had the misfortune of listening to Cornhole Dug-L-ASS Mack-Greg-Whore analyze the conflict(s) in the Middle East. And, you know what that cocksucker is troubled about??? That Israel could be destroyed!!! That the United Snakes could be damaged!!! That supply chains will be disrupted, and the economy will take a serious hit. Maybe very serious. Isn’t he just a lover of defenseless people being killed, and justice!!!

Why is it that I think that Scotty Ritter thinks exactly the same way as the Corn-Hole? And, old judge Neapolitan-whore, well, I have a hard time making out what he says, because he’s got Trump’s dick so far up his ass that his annunciation is impeded .

But, let’s look on the bright side. There was a predominance of black millionaire guys getting their bodies and brains scrambled, on the grass and artificial turf battlefields today, for blacks’s hiss-tree month.

And, no nigger was takin’ a knee during the singing of the sacred national anthem, and disrespecting our wonderful flag and low enforcement officers/thugs. They got rid of that son of a bitch, and his black gangster rap buddies, too.

Fuck that worrywart Corn-hole, and his dire predictions. Things are looking up in the good ole U$A. I mean, we’re bombing the shit outa them filthy Muslims, them terrorists, sand niggers. And, the big games went off without a hitch.

Tomorrow, Taylor Swift will be featured at the Chiefs game, cheering on her boyfriend, as he runs to daylight, and another Pfizer ad contract.I hear that the hospitals are fillin’ up. That’s good for business.

We’ve got the best healthcare/insurance premiums in the whole wide world.

And, the economy is getting a big boost, from all of the high/higher prices from the big games sales. FOX Business said so. And, I heard that M&M, or is it Enema, and the child Kid Rock, will be on hand at the big game in Detroit tomorrow, to get out the vote.

While it doesn’t make me feel patriotic or constipated, it probably assists someone who drank too much beer, to throw up.

I’m really getting tired of all of this Russian disinformation though. They’ve even got some of our own, fine journalists on the tee-vee sayin’ that communist Russia is winning its war of aggression against our ally in democracy, Ukraine.

And, we’ve got turncoat terrorists in our own beloved country, trying to interfere with our mission to wipe out Muslim terrorists around the world.

Thank gawd I’ve got the Sunday morning news shows, and the big games today, to remind me of the righteousness, and the beauty of america.

But, we gotta get busy killing them billion or so KKhamas, before they can make more trouble for ameriKKKa, and gawd’s other chosen people in Palestine, I mean Israel.

It’s past time to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.

It was probably them that bombed our oil fields/facilities in Syria.

And, we gotta get that wall finished on our southern border, to stop them dirty Mexicans from forcing all them drugs on our innocent, victimized, good citizens, of European descent.

And, stealing the jobs from our legal riff raff. It can wait till Monday I guess.

I’ve got a shit ton of food to gorge on, and shove down my gullet, and a bathtub of beverages to guzzle, before, after, and during the real man’s football games.

Hell, I don’t even have to go out for supplies, and have to look at/put up with them lazy degenerate, eyesore people, fouling up our beautiful streets/nation.

Ya know, if we get another lock down, and we get them drones up and runnin’ and deliverin’, I won’t even have to leave the house, or see them homeless losers.

Like I said, things are lookin’ up. Head’s practically in the clouds.”

++—-End Quote—-++

One thought on “Start Backwards: Dirty Money, Dirty Politicians, Dirty Dregs of Davos, Dirty Minds of the Mendacious Money Laundering Pukes

  1. N30rebel says:

    In summation, having progressed through many segues here, I can only reflect that we’re in a pickle, Dick. To put a fine point on it, however, I feel we all live in the U.S. of Israel now. Can you say…Goy? Or, better yet, I’m no anti-Semite, but fuck Israel!


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