Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

…. No academic freedom, boys and girls . . . I remember at Washington State University, Michael Pollan, and his book, an attack on agri-biz, they said, cancelled and then reinstated!

Now that the NYT has weighed in, I guess it’s fair to say this story broke through to the mainstream. I’ll spare you all the assurances from WSU that this Bill Marler-funded resolution proves that the driving issue really was financial. In my view, Marler graciously provided a fig-leaf to a university administration that was very much caught by surprise that anyone would have ever noticed what they’d done. There remain too many bits of evidence that the book was originally canceled due to political pressure. Indeed, Spokane’s newspaper even claims to have identified the culprit:

That political pressure apparently was brought to bear by a member of the board of regents, Harold Cochran, who disapproved of the author’s characterization of agribusiness. Cochran owns and operates a 5,500-acre farm near Walla Walla, is a founding stockholder in the Bank of the West in Walla Walla and is a member of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers.

UPDATE: It’s official WSU announces that it “will reinstate the original plan for distribution of its Common Reading book, ‘The Omnivore’s Dilemma,’ as a result of a private contribution to support the program.”

The good old days of 2009. I was teaching in Spokane and finishing another thesis for a graduate degree in urban and regional planning at the WSU-Eastern WA Spokane campus. My students did have a chance to read Pollan’s so-so book. I was a big sustainability dude back then, and a board member of the Washington Sustainable Farm and Food Network.

Yes, Monsanto DID weigh in vis-a-vis that wheatwehat “grower” (notice farmer isn’t ysed to describe this sod buster!)

Palouse Wheat Fields, Washington #2 by Alan Majchrowicz
The Palouse - The Seven Wonders of Washington State

Of course, universities are the conduit for Eichmann-Faustian-Prince of Darkness disease: Again, controlled, contrived, currated death by one million nano-bot CUTS, and the universities will be on that cutting edge somehow, some way.

Quoth, the Raven – Mythological weave of Ice & Fire

Artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize nearly every sector, and it is important to consider how AI technology will influence higher education within classrooms and university operations.

Loughborough University’s vice-chancellor, Nick Jennings, wrote how AI will soon “power” universities as it transforms research and education.

During a global leadership interview with Chronicle deputy managing editor, Ian Wilhelm, Jennings will share the historical significance and implications of using generative AI in higher education.

You betcha, the universities will not be discussing why ChatGPT and OpenAI ARE the monsters of the 21st Century; the nuclear digital fallout and perp in this “new age of ethical and human devolution.” You can’t get spineless academics to talk about much these days for fear of Harris-Emoff or Trump-Fox or Israel-Jews.

Oh, it’s not guns that kill, it’s the finger behind the gun.

Guns Don't Kill People People Kill People " Sticker for Sale by AYACHI90 |  Redbubble

As AI advances, so does its weaponization. Experts warn that AI applications including lethal autonomous weapons systems, commonly called “killer robots,” could pose a potentially existential threat to humanity that underscores the imperative of arms control measures to slow the pace of weaponization.

Yep, it’s not Monsanto and Vioxx and mRNA bioweapons that kill, it’s your own fucking weak immune system, fuckers. If your child can’t take the Atrazene, then move. If your family can’t take the poisoned wells, buy bottled water. If your children have nervous ticks, ADD/ADHD, austim, then move to Canada for some MAID.

The Babylon Bee' takes aim at Canada's MAiD madness
Guns don't kill people, people kill people - Wikipedia
Albert Camus quote: what doesn't kill you make you stronger and stronger
Batman Mens Joker What Doesn't Kill You Simply Makes You Stranger Shirt New  XS | eBay

Ahh, so, no more kill switchs on these fucking middlings, milquetoasters, Jewish-Run Media, Christian-Run Self-Flaggelation Factories.

You know we are those fucking monkeys whipping ourselves daily with schizoid thinking, bi-polar mania, drip-drip-drip neutering of the brain, and thoughts just like dust in the wind as we pull out the dumb phones to find an image of the sky above us to make sure it isn’t falling. Check the phone, man, the app.

Controversial spraying method aims to curb global warming - CBS News
Climate change means geoengineering under pressure to keep our CO2 budgets  under control - ABC News

Oh, shit, all that green porn, all those cooked up climate hoaxes, and the failure to rein in all the fucking military polluters, the actual people maimers, the killers, those places bombed and sanctioned and traumatized for generations, where the population, after a few billion with the mRNA jabs (Sputnik V was not mRNA jab), will be weathered into aging quickening, turbo diseases, rampant cancers, and younger and younger people with epigenetic inflencers turning them into bundles of raw nerves and gut problems that would make a chemo patient shudder!

The huns are coming”!!!

Look out, the Huns are coming! – History of International Relations
The Coming of the Huns - The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Well, huns of a different mother!

I despise those fucking freaks who believe Russia is “winning” and that the “war” is coming to a close in say a year. Even the Russian people know YEARS, if they are lucky, before the dirty Jewish-Nazi clones of Ukraine are kaput.

Russia IS not winning shit! Forget the Larry Johnsons, the McGregor’s, the Ritters, the Duran, the lot of them. They are fucking war-mongering pieces of stain (not all) who see this as a grand historical game on a fucking chessboard.

So, we get dozens of stories a day about how American cities are decaying, how violence is spiking, how thievery is rampant at the 7-11 level all the way up to the JP Morgan Chase level.

Decay, but imagine you are big ass Russia with puny ass 185 million souls. Too many borders, too many resources, not enough people.

You got the USA in on the torture, murder:

Translation of Alina Lipp’s recent Telegram on the murder of Gonzalo Lira.

Outrageous facts have come to light about the murder of journalist Gonzalo Lira: The American, who was tortured to death in SIZO, a Kiev pre-trial detention center in a special wing controlled by the SBU, was the victim of extortionists. SIZO employees and an SBU agent extorted $250,000 from Gonzalo for a change of preventive treatment. The vice-consul of the US embassy, who dealt with the problems of Lira, knew about the blackmail and twice wrote a statement to the SBU and the OP. As a result, the extortionists began demanding $500,000 for Lira’s transfer at his own expense.

The money was to be transferred in cryptocurrency to the SBU agent’s bank.

News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Three days after the increase in rates, Gonzalo called his lawyer, but before the lawyer got there, he was killed. An ambulance crew found that he had died of cardiac arrest, with multiple burns from stun guns. The US embassy is silent, Zelensky’s office is silent, the Ukrainian security service is ready to pay for the delivery of the body to Poland, and that’s it. Curtain closed. (Telegram, Lipp)

Torturer in Chief: The Title Fits Ten Million Current Fucks in Corporations and Governments!

Quoting: The horrors of Nyayo House torture chambers are still alive today and wherever its living victims are interviewed, they mention a retired Deputy Commissioner of Police, James Opiyo. 

Secrets, Politics and Torture | FRONTLINE

Born in 1945 to a carpenter in Ranen village belonging to the Onyango Abungo clan, a sub-clan of the larger Kogelo clan, Opiyo is said to be the ‘torture-in-chief’.

According to a past piece published by the Standard Digital, Opiyo received the best torture training including from CIA. He was also trained in Germany, Russia, Czechoslovakia and Britain.

His torture skills were great if the narration by some victims is anything to believe.

“First, it is fairly friendly. It is like persuasion. Then, if you persist, the following day, they become more intimidating, threats. After that, the third day, they would then become more violent. You would be taken down to be tortured. They would begin to pour the waters in the cells and so on. Until you finally give in and confess,” ODM leader Raila Odinga narrated in 2009 as quoted by Voice of America (VOA).

There was chaining, stripping, starvation and freezing among other methods.

“I was ordered to strip naked… my hands were chained to the chair and I could not move at all. From the moment the brutal interrogation started, everything in the room changed and the language of coercion and violence was introduced,” historian Maina wa Kinyatti was quoted by SDE.

Even screams could not help until the torture experts got what they were after whether imagined or real.

Opiyo has been painted as a cruel man by victims. However, his family describes him as a loving husband of three wives and the best father.

He joined the police in 1971 as a cadet and rose through the ranks until he was Deputy Commissioner of Police thanks to his relation to late powerful Internal Security Permanent Secretary Hezekiah Oyugi.

Susan Crawford, the retired judge in charge of determining which Guantanamo detainees should be tried by a U.S. military commision, has refused to refer the case of Mohammed al-Qahtani to prosecutors because of that assessment, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

“We tortured (Mohammed al-) Qahtani,” Crawford told the Post. “His treatment met the legal definition of torture. And that’s why I did not refer the case” for prosecution.

Bats to the head, botulism put into their fucking medium rare prime rib:

The CIA Lied to Everybody About Its Torture Techniques
Former U.S. President George W. Bush waves while signing copies of his new memoir "Decision Points" at Borders Books on November 9, 2010 in Dallas, Texas.

I know daft people, even simple religious fools, who get teary eyed in airports when they see mercenary motherfucking punks in uniform in public! Just a snub-nosed .38 will do, Jack Ruby (Jewish sicarios) STYLE.

James R. Leavelle, Detective at Lee Harvey Oswald’s Side, Dies at 99 - The New York Times

Nearly 40 [50]years ago, Alistair Horne wrote a magnificent book, A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962. It tells the story of the French-Algerian War, which ended with the victory of the National Liberation Front (FLN) and an independent Algeria, a land that France had considered an integral part of metropolitan France itself. This book has often been revisited in the decades since its publication, most recently during the Iraq War, when – in 2007 – President George W. Bush invited Horne to speak with him at the White House.

One of the most powerful lessons from the book is on the issue of torture. Torture was used, arguably to great tactical effect, by the French during the war, particularly during the Battle of Algiers. Once the extent of the use of torture became public knowledge, however, it changed the debate about the war, in both France and the rest of the world. Given the ongoing debate about torture in America’s war against jihadists, reignited by the recent report on the CIA’s interrogation practices by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, we could do much worse than to revisit what Horne wrote about the use and impact of torture during this savage war of peace. We are proud to re-print a portion of this book with the permission of New York Review Books. We hope that this elegant and haunting passage will illuminate America’s national debate on an issue that is inextricably linked to both America’s counterterrorism strategy and its core values. Our choice to re-print this passage is not an attempt to claim or even comment on any moral equivalence between France’s torture scandal and our own, but to draw attention to the common shape and form that these debates tend to take, within military and intelligence organizations and in society as a whole. This passage, from Chapter 9, begins with the death of Larbi Ben M’hidi, one of the nine original leaders of the FLN. – RE (source)


Back to Russia’s demise:

A view shows a damaged multi-storey apartment block following a reported drone attack in Voronezh, Russia January 16, 2024. REUTERS/Stringer

The ministry also said that it intercepted four drones in the nearby Russian Belgorod region.

Voronezh, a city of more than 1 million people, lies some 250 kilometres (155 miles) from the border with Ukraine.

There was no immediate comment from Ukraine. Kyiv has intensified its air attacks in recent months in what it says are strikes targeting Russian military infrastructure to undermine Moscow’s war efforts.

Russia has an air base near Voronezh city, where some Sukhoi Su-34s bombers are based, according to Russian media. Russia often deploys the fighter-bomber aircraft during air strikes on Ukraine.

A woman removes broken glass next to a damaged multi-storey apartment block following a reported drone attack in Voronezh, Russia January 16, 2024. REUTERS/Stringer

Russia can’t do SHIT against UK-French-USA-Coalition of the Willing Terrorists. Five Eyes, and, Russia is TOO small and TOO beckward to launch anything against the WEAPONS of Sam ALtman to Come!

And so it goes, the death-ray USA, with these fucking psycho clowns, but they are OUR psycho clownsm don’t you know? (source = Simplicius’s Garden of Knowledge: New War Drums Chill Europe with Renewed “Putin Invasion” Fears )

U.S.: Vice President Endorses Torture | Human Rights Watch

Are you connecting the dots? Connecting your own liver spots?

Waterboarding: The Meaning for Japan | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

It’s so much worse thatn THIS:

I didn't know who I was any more': how CIA torture pushed me to the edge of  death | Guantánamo Bay | The Guardian
The forever prisoner': Abu Zubaydah's drawings expose the US's depraved  torture policy | Torture | The Guardian
A collage of Abu Zubaydah’s drawings
Drawing of a man tied to a chair with technicians inserting a tube into his nose in order to force-feed him.

Here, read all about it! Link.

Think ISRA-HELL. Think JEWISH VALUES. Think AMERICAN JEWISH (most of their values) VALUE. This is the people who believe their DNA is superios, so ANY other people on earth are a threat to their DNA line.

Since 7 October, all birthdays in Gaza have become potential death days.

Families are living dark and bleak days, almost just waiting for their turn to be murdered.

24 December was supposed to be a special day for Marwa Abed. It was her fifth birthday.

And despite the situation, her family were determined to hold some kind of celebration. Her father Muhammad knew that if they had not arranged a party, Marwa would have kept asking about a birthday cake.

Marwa, despite her tender years, has already lived through two wars on Gaza.

At kindergarten she loved English and Arabic. She loved memorizing the Quran.

She is the first child of Muhammad and his wife Aya and the second grandchild of the Abed family. She is always friendly and smiling and speaks almost too politely.

“She always got up early in the morning and had her breakfast to go to the kindergarten. Her activity is inspiring, and all her teachers praised her,” Muhammad said.

Now, however, her mornings are distressing.

“From getting up early in the morning with a huge smile on her face, to crying every night because of the massive bombardment, this is her life now. She cannot sleep at night and always cries out in panic, ‘I am afraid.’ Her life is nothing but torment,” Muhammad said.

Aya tries to keep her happy, but it’s a tough task to make a birthday cake under the circumstances.

“We have to fight for flour, so how can I make her a cake? Baking powder and other ingredients are not available and, if found, too expensive.”

Days before her birthday, Aya prepared some things for the birthday party, such as paper birthday crowns and some toys.

Normally, Marwa would get presents from her uncles, aunts and grandparents on her birthday. This year she only had two gifts, from her father and mother.

“We managed to make a simple cake, some popcorn, and date balls,” Aya said. “Her uncles, aunts and grandparents, all displaced and evacuated from Gaza to Deir al-Balah, gathered in the house to celebrate the birthday. Our goal was to make her happy. Nothing less. Nothing more.”

Singing louder

Every day in Gaza now is dark and miserable. Like everywhere else, Deir al-Balah – a city in the middle area – has suffered a series of airstrikes.

One landed very near Marwa’s house on her birthday.

“Instead of singing ‘Happy Birthday,’ the party was disrupted by intense bombings,” Muhammad said. “We waited for minutes, hoping the bombings would end. The sound only became louder. It was nerve-racking.”

Yet despite this, the children were intent on having fun. Over the sound of the missile strikes, they just sang louder, Muhammad said.

a group of children celebrate
Marwa, third from right, ended up with a happy birthday after all. Abubaker Abed

“I honestly couldn’t speak for tears. I was so happy for her and the children. This is the first smile I have seen on her face for more than two months.”

Aya agreed, choking back her emotions.

“I know this is not the usual birthday party we hold. But at least, it made her day. It was truly delightful. But the fear that her fifth birthday could also be her last, never left me.”

Hassan, Muhammad’s cousin, was so happy for his three children – Ali, 8, Waleed, 6, and Hamza, 3 – that he couldn’t find the words.

“Hamza kept clapping and singing ‘Happy Birthday.’ I can’t remember a night he slept better during this war.”

Ali and Waleed’s birthdays are in February, Hassan noted.

“I hope this war ends soon. We are displaced and suffering from everything, so I can’t even think of planning their parties. I should be able to give them a nice birthday, like any child in the world.”

Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has harmed children the most. More than 10,000 have been killed.

As children will, however, they are adapting, getting used to terrifying moments and terrifying days. Their childhood is turning into a nightmare.

But it’s the only childhood they have.

Marwa never imagined her birthday would be this way. But at least, she celebrated.

She had a moment of happiness. Her birthday did not become her death day.

Abubaker Abed is a journalist and translator from Deir al-Balah refugee camp in Gaza.

Connect the fucking dots. Note: I see many pukes are un-subscribing from my free Substack. Says it all, says it all!!!!)

Verdict’s in: GUILTY of Amnesia and Terror and UniParty Politics. There is no shame in Biden or Trump’s game.

Since the start of Israel’s bombardment in retaliation for Hamas’s strike on October 7, Israel has dropped more than 29,000 bombs on the tiny Gaza Strip, according to a U.S. intelligence reportOpens in a new tab last month. And for the first timeOpens in a new tab in U.S. history, the Biden administration has been flying surveillance drone missions over Gaza since at least early November, ostensibly for hostage recoveryOpens in a new tab by special forces. At the time the drones were revealed, U.S. Gen. Pat Ryder insistedOpens in a new tab that the special operations forces deployed to Israel to advise on hostage rescue were “not participating in [Israel Defense Forces] target development.”

But several weeks later, on November 21, the U.S. Air Force issued deployment guidelinesOpens in a new tab for officers, including intelligence engagement officers, headed to Israel. Experts say that a team of targeting officers like this would be used to provide satellite intelligence to the Israelis for the purpose of offensive targeting. 

It’s only 11 pages ofr Murder, so read it PDF. Connect the fucking dots.

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