Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

… I’ll be railing against more than Vox and this bimbo writing about Exodus, the fucking movie!!!!

While those Jews turn up the flames of genocide, we get Jewish Writers in LALA Land writing this?

An illustration of Paul Newman as Ari, holding a gun, with Alexandra Stewart as Jordana in the background.

In Our Exodus: Leon Uris and the Americanization of Israel’s Founding Story, Israeli college professor and historian M.M. Silver notes that the book was a gift to Israel’s tourist industry. “More tourists fly into Tel Aviv with Exodus than with the Bible,” said the director of the Israeli government’s tourist office in 1959. David Ben-Gurion, the country’s first prime minister, reportedly proclaimed, “I don’t usually read novels. But I read that one. As a literary work, it isn’t much. But as a piece of propaganda, it’s the greatest thing ever written about Israel.” Production images from the Otto Preminger film, featuring a shirtless Paul Newman wearing a Star of David necklace, only increased the story’s allure.

A shirtless Paul Newman in shorts smoking and leaning on a chair. He is wearing a chain necklace with a Star of David charm.

While she cums over her private poste of Newman! Fuck her. Leon Uris’s bestselling epic Exodus — and its hit movie adaptation starring Paul Newman — influenced generations of Americans, from the suburbs to the State Department. By Marjorie Ingall.

Until we get this top of the scum bucket bastard:

White House national security spokesperson John Kirby answers a question during a press briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S., January 3, 2024. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby last week called the lawsuit “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever,” while Israel has rejected it as “blood libel.”

This is the latest divergence in a series of diplomatic disagreements between Washington and Pretoria, which the U.S. sees as being too close to Russia and China.

Middle East crisis live: Blinken says toll on civilians in Gaza 'far too  high' but calls genocide charge against Israel a 'distraction'

Fucking Jewish Only Fucking Monsters: President Isaac Herzog says that “there is nothing more atrocious and preposterous” than the lawsuit filed in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of genocidal actions against Palestinians in the war against the Hamas terror group.

Speaking to visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Herzog censures South Africa for bringing the case, which is due to begin hearings on Thursday, and thanks Washington for its support of Israel.

A demonstration in support of Israel is scheduled to take place in The Hague, Netherlands, this Thursday. The event is a response to the recent legal actions taken by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Monsters: The Center for Information and Documentation Israel (CIDI), in partnership with Christians for Israel and other organizations, is organizing the event. “In these challenging times, it’s crucial to show our unwavering support for Israel,” said a CIDI spokesperson. “We urge everyone who stands with Israel to join us in this peaceful demonstration of solidarity.”

“Christians” are so focused on Israel that they ignore Jesus’s words, like:

Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.

Matthew 25:40

Yep. Biden and Trump are typical US politicians with no signs of humanity or morality. Only candidates who have sold their souls can hope to become president of the US.

Trump would be even “tougher” on poor beleaguered Palestine than Biden has been, who so far has presided over the deaths of possibly 30,000 civilians in cold blood! Another Trump term could be the death knell for the Palestinian nation and people. (Source)

While those Jewish Terrorists in the form of Blinken and Larry Fink gut the world, and this is what shit-hole North AmeriKKKa faces, thanks to billionaire parasites. And their bootlicking Israel Forever thugs: Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024

Inefficient Building Electrification Risks Prolonging Fossil Fuels | SPH

Over the next several years, many regions of the US and Canada may struggle to ensure a reliable electricity supply amid soaring energy demand from the tech industry and electrification of buildings and vehicles.

So, kidney machines, AC, heating, keeping the food from spoiling, and we have those pieces of Mengele Stains, Sam Altman or whomever in the Digital Gulag class, send them back to their cubbie in a pine box.

Global Energy Crisis – Topics - IEA

Oh oh, those hormone charging/masking/hacking plastics. What a 21st Century of “You Will Eat Bugs and Own Nothing” fucking plastic heads in the making unfolding.

In the past, researchers have shown bottled water can contain tens of thousands of identifiable plastic fragments in a single container. However, until recently, only the larger microplastics were detectable with available measuring tools. The realm of the nanoplastics was largely a mystery.

“Previously this was just a dark area, uncharted. Toxicity studies were just guessing what’s in there,” Beizhan Yan, an environmental chemist at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, said in a statement.

A nation of takers, a nation behind the blood mobile van eight ball. Is there anymore proof how shredded U$A is, and how vapid the population is. Is there plastic in that plasma?

The American Red Cross announced that it is experiencing the lowest number of people giving blood in the last 20 years, in what the organization says is an emergency shortage.

In all, the Red Cross says that the number of people donating blood has dropped by 40% over the last two decades, and that the shortage could worsen in coming months if winter weather or seasonal respiratory illnesses like the flu or COVID-19 cause people to cancel their donation appointments.

What? Nah, with all that NFL and Celebrity and Rapper and Israel Genocide News, this can’t be true! A new study has found that the overwhelming majority of protein foods such as meat and fish are contaminated with microplastics. 

The comprehensive study, conducted by researchers at the nonprofit Ocean Conservancy, found that approximately 88% of protein samples tested contained microplastic particles.

“Highly processed products contained the most microplastics per gram,” the study said in its findings.

That fucking Raytheon and DoD monster, and he never told his boss? The news is — Biden isn’t in the driver’s seat, and the Blinken-Nuland-Kagan-Emoff-Yellen-Garland Wailing Wall White House don’t care about your cancer, sir, general. Austin diagnosed with cancer, didn’t tell Biden for weeks.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin speaks.

The disclosures come amid controversy over the Pentagon’s decision to keep members of the national security team, including Biden, in the dark for several days over his medical emergency.

Facing mounting criticism over the lack of transparency — including from a few powerful Democratic lawmakers — the administration took two steps on Tuesday aimed at addressing the fallout. The first was a directive from Jewish Guy Jeff Zients, the White House chief of staff, instructing executive departments to review how they delegate authority when Cabinet secretaries are unable to perform their duties.

As always, back to my county, in my neck of the woods, and this is the reality of parasetic capitalism, and, fuck, we’re priced out of getting some homeless housing, even temporary shelters, going. Fucking Motel vouchers! Zelensky, can we have some of that blood money returned?

Lincoln County has started its temporary winter program for the homeless in Lincoln City even though it has been unable to find and purchase property for a permanent shelter there.

The county’s new shelter in Newport and a similar service now in Lincoln City is its first attempt to establish a walk-in shelter system for the homeless that are open seven days a week. It’s also the county’s first effort to create and operate a six-month shelter program not pegged to bad weather or relying solely on volunteers to run it.

Can’t we just get along and watch Exodus in Technicolor?

Speaking in relation to the Yemen front, Al-Husseini said:

“Any attack on Yemen will put all calculations and considerations aside, all options will be open to us, and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq will respond.”

He emphasized that “the United States will see days that [it] may not forget throughout its history.”

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq is a coalition made up of several Iraqi resistance groups allied with the wider Axis of Resistance and have been targeting US bases since the beginning of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, as well as recently targeting Haifa with an advanced ballistic missile. 

Is it so easy to say, “Fuck Your Fucking Exodus and Half Jew Newman Bullshit Fawning”?

Exodus is a novel, but the foreword begins, “Most of the events in Exodus are a matter of history and public record.” The rest of the book’s 608 (!) pages are filled with a litany of historical names and real places. There’s no afterword offering clarification; I had to keep looking up what was factual and what Uris had invented. The Jewish characters are wholly noble, though their politics differ, with some swearing by diplomacy and others by violent freedom-fighting. The Arabs — both Christian and Muslim — are evil cartoons. Uris luxuriates in phrases like “so illiterate and so backward,” “blood orgy,” “slithering along the ground with knives between their teeth,” “nearly insane with rage,” and “the dregs of humanity.” He makes sweeping generalizations like “There was little song or laughter or joy in Arab life. It was a constant struggle to survive. In this atmosphere, cunning, treachery, murder, feuds, and jealousies became a way of life.” (source)

A papercut-style illustration of figures hoisting a flag with the film’s title on it, with flames in the foreground.

Yeah, New York/East Coast Trash, giving the world her Jewish angst about the movie and book and about her Jewishness.

The movie changes the book’s ending, making it bleaker. Ari stands over an open grave containing two corpses wrapped in linen. A double funeral, for an Arab and a Jew. Ari says, in Trumbo’s words,

“I look at these two people and I want to howl like a dog. I want to shout ‘Murder!’ so that the whole world will hear it and never forget. It’s right that these two people should lie side by side in this grave, because they will share it in peace. But the dead always share the earth in peace. And that’s not enough. … I swear, on the bodies of these two people, that the day will come when Arab and Jew will share a peaceful life in this land that they have always shared in death.”

But in the final shot of the film, a line of jeeps come, and the men and women with rifles hop in, and we know there will be more killing.

How about this fucking Holly-Dirt ending?

Israel denies WHO’s request to deliver medical supplies – Day 93

Israel denies WHO’s request to deliver medical supplies – Day 93

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