Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

they will draw blood and yank babies from wombs and inject syphilis int your brother and put poisons in our food and test how many breaths of air it takes before we black out and calories before death

Fucking viral diseased Anglo Saxons: In “The White Man’s Burden” Kipling encouraged the American annexation and colonisation of the Philippine Islands, a Pacific Ocean archipelago conquered in the three-month Spanish–American War (1898).As an imperialist poet, Kipling exhorts the American reader and listener to take up the enterprise of empire yet warns about the personal costs faced, endured, and paid in building an empire; nonetheless, American imperialists understood the phrase “the white man‘s burden” to justify imperial conquest as a civilising mission that is ideologically related to the continental expansion philosophy of manifest destiny of the early 19th century.

Oh, you don’t need Hilary “Happy to Honor Sodomy by Sword” Clinton or Joe “Blow-Fish Jewish” Biden to tell us about super-predators, those other races, man, you know, how it is in AmeriKKKa, since every fucking president has been a white supremacist, hands down, so having their sycophants and admirers as wing men and wing women means — Support a Racist Day for the K12 Bring Your Parent to School Day!

The White Man’s Burden”: Kipling’s Hymn to U.S. Imperialism

Take up the White Man’s burden—

Send forth the best ye breed—

Go send your sons to exile

To serve your captives’ need

To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild—

Your new-caught, sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child

Take up the White Man’s burden

In patience to abide

To veil the threat of terror

And check the show of pride;

By open speech and simple

An hundred times made plain

To seek another’s profit

And work another’s gain

Take up the White Man’s burden—

And reap his old reward:

The blame of those ye better

The hate of those ye guard—

The cry of hosts ye humour

(Ah slowly) to the light:

“Why brought ye us from bondage,

“Our loved Egyptian night?”

Take up the White Man’s burden-

Have done with childish days-

The lightly proffered laurel,

The easy, ungrudged praise.

Comes now, to search your manhood

Through all the thankless years,

Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,

The judgment of your peers!


Oh, Whitey on the Moon, in Space, on Mars, in Gaza, all over with their viruses, evil seeds, seed killers, taker mentality, and in 2024, we’re living in the Kingdom of Raytheon and other Parasites!

Many? ALL presdients, and more than just fucking dirty quips, man, all racists in their Manifest Destiny, Settler Colonialist, Land-Stealing, Resource-Plunger, Economic Hitman SOPs and Mentality.

Many of America’s presidents were racists and pursued racist policies. The racial views and policies of each American president are examined in this ebook. George Washington, for instance, owned slaves. Harry Truman made racist comments about Blacks and Jews, and how he hated the Chinese and Japanese. Abraham Lincoln claimed not to like slavery but he was a racist who wanted Blacks out of America. He did not emancipate Blacks from slavery. Nixon said bad things about Blacks, Mexicans and Jews, and believed that abortion was necessary when a Black and White couple had a baby. Benjamin Harrison was responsible for the Wounded Knee…

Jan. 6?

Fun titles:

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Presidents and Black America: A Documentary History,” examines the record of the first 44 presidents on racial issues and explores their relationships with African Americans. What emerges is a portrait of chief executives who were often blatantly racist and commonly subordinated concerns for racial justice to their own political advantage.

Here are a few examples:

• Rutherford Hayes, president from 1877-1881, claimed to be a friend of African Americans’ rights. At his inauguration, he said “a true self-government” must be “a government which guards the interests of both races carefully and equally.” But he cut a shady deal to win the presidency in the 1876 election, whose result was as hotly disputed as the 2000 Bush-Gore contest. In that deal, he agreed to withdraw federal troops from Southern states where they’d been protecting Blacks from the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacist depredations. Over the next two decades, Southern whites drove virtually all Black elected officials from office, often by fraud and sometimes at gunpoint, and about 1,500 Southern Blacks were lynched.

• William McKinley, president from 1897-1901, delivered an inaugural address extolling equal rights and declared, “Lynchings must not be tolerated.” However, he remained silent when white supremacists in Wilmington, North Carolina, staged an 1898 coup that ousted all Black elected officials and killed at least 60 Blacks. His lack of response to lynchings prompted a Black-owned newspaper to observe, “The Negroes of this country turn with impatience, disappointment and disgust from Mr. McKinley’s fence-straddling and shilly-shallying discussion of lynch law.”

• Theodore Roosevelt, president from 1901-1909, believed in white superiority while simultaneously advocating educational opportunity regardless of race. In a letter to a friend, he wrote, “Now as to the Negroes! I entirely agree with you that as a race and in the mass they are altogether inferior to the whites.”

President Woodrow Wilson, speaking from a platform.
President Woodrow Wilson told Black leaders, ‘Segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit.’ Hulton Archive / Stringer/Getty

• Woodrow Wilson, president from 1913-1921, promised fair treatment for African Americans in his 1912 campaign. But once elected, he defended his Southern Cabinet members who segregated workers in federal departments that hadn’t been segregated, writing, “It is as far as possible from being a movement against the negroes. I sincerely believe it to be in their interest.” Black Democrat Robert Wood of New York unsuccessfully urged Wilson to reverse the segregation policy: “We resent it, not at all because we are particularly anxious to eat in the same room or use the same soap and towels that white people use, but because we see in the separation in the races in the matter of soup and soap the beginning of a movement to deprive the colored man entirely of soup and soap, to eliminate him wholly from the Civil Service.” In a testy White House exchange, Wilson chastised William Monroe Trotter and other Black leaders, asserting that, “Segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen. If your organization goes out and tells the colored people of the country that it is a humiliation, they will so regard it … The only harm that will come will be if you cause them to think it is a humiliation.”

• Franklin Roosevelt, president from 1933-1945, was widely admired among African Americans. While his New Deal programs did not benefit Blacks and whites equally, Blacks did receive benefits. But FDR’s actions were always guided by his need to appease Southern segregationists in Congress to pass his other agenda items. And his attitude could be condescending, as when he met with Black leaders about integrating the military. He advised a gradual approach, particularly with the Navy: “We are training a certain number of musicians on board ship. The ship’s band. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t have a colored band on some of these ships, because they’re darn good at it.”

Political calculation has always been at work in presidential dealings with African Americans, from George Washington to Donald Trump.


Here, a book I reviewed a long time ago, when I had a gig at the El Paso Times as book editor/reviewer. Not in digital form. Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon

John Horgan —

This is the story of the unhealthy meeting of two cultures: an indigenous tribe, the Yanomami and the western anthropologists who came to the Amazon to study them. Over three decades the Yanomami Indians were transformed from the “last Stone Age tribe” so prized by those anthropologists to the most exhaustively documented and filmed tribe on earth.

Napoleon Chagnon built his reputation – and sold over a million books – by claiming to demonstrate the innate ferocity of Yanomami. He dubbed them The Fierce People. In 1968 his biggest expedition and most famous film were both lavishly funded by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. He targeted world-famous geneticist Dr James Neel, who literally wanted their blood – he was on the lookout for a ‘virgin soil’ population and was keen to know how diseases spread through such populations. Coincidentally or otherwise, a serious and deadly outbreak of measles happened during their expedition, killing hundreds in its wake.

Chagnon friend and fellow anthropologist Jacques Lizot, was a young prodigy and favoured student of the godfather of cultural anthropology and French intellectual icon, Claude Levi-Strauss. Like practically all other anthropologists in the field, they both distributed gifts, in order to ease their way into a tribe’s affections. “Chagnon is the golden goose for the Yanomami. He brings steel tools, machetes, fishhooks and they tell him what they think he wants to hear.” Lizot’s gifts included shotguns, but his favours were not confined to the academic and his illegal sexual predations amongst the Yanomami were kept sated over years, funded by the Collège de France and Académie Française over decades.

A leaked email from two top anthropologists notes: “This nightmarish story – a real anthropological Heart Of Darkness is beyond the imagining of even a Josef Conrad – though not, perhaps, a Josef Mengele.”

Darkness in El Dorado - by Patrick Tierney (Paperback)

Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon, by journalist Patrick Tierney. The book contained allegations of misconduct by scientists and journalists scrutinizing the Yanomamö. Tierney’s chief villain was Chagnon, whom Tierney accused of projecting his belligerent personality onto the Yanomamö and of inciting their violence.

I was still working on my review of Darkness when I received emails from five prominent scholars: Edward Wilson, Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, Daniel Dennett and Marc Hauser. Although each wrote separately, the emails were obviously coordinated. They had learned (none said how, although I suspected via a friend with whom I discussed my review) that I was reviewing Darkness for the Times. Warning that a positive review might ruin my career, the group urged me either to denounce Darkness or to withdraw as a reviewer. 

To the Editor:

In Darkness in El Dorado, Patrick Tierney accuses scientists of inciting lethal violence among the Yanomami and deliberately or negligently spreading a devastating epidemic among them. These are extraordinary charges, and call for a serious evaluation. Your reviewer, John Horgan, writes only that Tierney ”should have worked harder” to prove them. He failed to mention that the charges have been examined in detail and shown to be false. The National Academy of Sciences, the University of Michigan and the University of California, Santa Barbara, have consulted the historians, physicians, epidemiologists, filmmakers and anthropologists with firsthand knowledge of the events in Tierney’s book, and they have systematically refuted its accusations….” Richard Dawkins, Oxford, England. Daniel C. Dennett, Medford, Mass. Marc Hauser, Cambridge, Mass. Steven Pinker, Cambridge, Mass. E. O. Wilson, Cambridge, Mass. 

John Horgan replies:

Richard Dawkins et al. are understandably concerned about the impact of Darkness in El Dorado on the reputation of Darwinian social science. But as representatives of that enterprise, they risk further damaging its reputation–and exposing themselves as defenders not of truth but of sociobiological dogma–by declaring that Tierney’s book has been ”systematically refuted.” The evidence they cite comes not from impartial evaluations of Darkness but from partisan attacks… Tierney’s book raises painful, embarrassing questions about how scientists and journalists have treated isolated, indigenous people. I believe that in the long run, science and journalism — and the human objects of their observations — will benefit if these questions are faced rather than suppressed. “

My Regrets about Controversial Anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon (RIP)

My Regrets about Controversial Anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon (RIP)

Chagnon’s views of the “fierce” Yanomamö and of the roots of war were more subtle than his critics or admirers suggested — John Horgan  September 27, 2019

So, the real dirty “scientists” wanted the review to be quashed or outright not published.

5000-year-old skeletons of Harappan Civilization excavated in India | Ancient Origins

In 1901 the soon to be first president of the American Anthropological Association wrote that “through observation of a typical [Native American] tribe,” it was clear that “the savage stands strikingly close to sub-human species in every aspect.”

Measuring Human Skulls in Physical Anthropology

An outgrowth of the pseudoscientific theory of racial and cultural hierarchy, William McGee’s words in American Anthropologist, anthropology’s flagship academic journal, echoed racist 19th-century views that justified mistreatment of Indigenous communities and propped up arguments for eugenics. (Anthropology Association Apologizes to Native Americans for the Field’s Legacy of Harm – For decades anthropologists exploited Indigenous peoples in the name of science. Now they are reckoning with that history)

Navajo sisters look out over Monument Valley.

Regarding the AAA’s apology, Jacquetta Swift of the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C., says, it is “about damn time.” Swift, who is a member of the Comanche Nation and descended from the Fort Sill Apache Tribe, runs the department responsible for returning items in the museum’s collections that are eligible for repatriation. Although objects and ancestral remains came into the collections a number of ways, including occasionally with the cooperation of the tribe to which they belonged, the modern notion of consent was not part of anyone’s paradigm when those collections began.

“I do not consent for anyone to disturb, excavate or study my remains or otherwise violate me in my final resting place,” Swift says. “And to any extent that my voice carries weight on the matter, I do not consent on those same issues for my relations, regardless if they are blood-related or not.”

When the museum was established as part of the Smithsonian Institution in 1989, the collections it inherited held around 1,000 Native American remains, according to Swift.


Israel paint Palestinians as ‘animals’ to legitimize war crimes: Israeli scholar, Neve Gordon, a member of the Faculty of Law at Queen Mary University in London

Israel “interprets its actions in such a way as to show that they were carried out according to the laws of war, and therefore, it claims that it is moral … At the same time, it dehumanizes the Palestinians in claims that they are immoral,” he explained.

“Palestinians are presented as barbarian and as primitive and as people who do not understand the laws of war, people that do not make distinctions between civilians and combatants, and so forth, and therefore they are immoral, while Israel claims that it tries to protect civilians.”  

‘Legitimizing’ war crimes

Statements like Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant saying,

“We are fighting against animals” are clear examples of the strategy to try to legitimize war crimes, said Gordon.

Comparisons of Palestinians to “rats or snakes” on Israeli social media accounts are an effort to “dehumanize” them and “legitimize civilian deaths.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that Gaza is a “city of evil,” he said, adding:

“When Israel tells 1.1 million Palestinians to move south, and then claims that any Palestinian civilian that stayed there is involved in the conflict, and therefore, a legitimate target, is a way of manipulating the laws of war.”

Israel paints Palestinians as 'animals' to legitimize war crimes: Israeli scholar

How about 2015?

New deputy defense minister called Palestinians ‘animals’ Later that year, while discussing his opposition to Knesset legislation that would offer same-sex parents the same tax breaks as their heterosexual counterparts, Ben Dahan told Maariv that homosexual Jews were superior than gentiles — gay or straight.

“A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual,” he said.

Fucking Dirty Jews in the Israeli Political and Rabbi class, and then what’s this billionaire piece of shit got to do with higher education?

Ahh, that AmeriKKKa, israel and jewish first?

Business Insider reported that Ackman’s wife Neri Oxman plagiarized in her doctoral dissertation. Oxman, a former MIT professor, acknowledged omitting quotation marks and apologized in a post on X, and added that she will check the citations and “request that MIT make any necessary corrections.”

After Ackman announced the plagiarism probe of MIT’s leadership and faculty on Friday, the outlet published a follow-up piece that accused Oxman of plagiarizing portions of her dissertation and other papers, including passages from Wikipedia and other scholarly and technical writings. 

Ackman responded to the follow-up story in his post on Saturday, saying that Neri will review the new allegations when she has time to do so. He also questioned whether using definitions from Wikipedia without citation should be considered plagiarism, saying,

“I think that’s worth an important discussion among the experts. It does not strike me as plagiarism, nor do I think it takes anything away from her work. I am not sure who would even complain that they were not cited properly.”

As Norman Finkelstein states, there is spillover of good people looking at Jews who support Israel, Jews who do not call for a ceasefire, Jews who defend Israel’s Nakba and its role in killing Gazans BEFORE Oct. 7, and Jews who act badly,, defend love of money, who have a spirit of hoarding power, and other lovely Jewish historical realities that do not shine a positive light on Jews as a self-defining group or people or religion or ethnic tribe, that is, clumping Jews into the category of bad genocidal Jews when seeing what horrors are unfolding in Jewish Controlled Jewish State of Jewish Occupied Palestine.

You think looking at Ackman and his wife is easy to somehow separate his fascist ideology from his billions gained from “investment” thievery from his stance on Israel-First/Only from his own Jewishness? You would have to be brain injured to not at least make some connections.

Nakba refugees

Jewish Atrocities in the Holy Land (1948)

Palestinian Arabs leaving the port city of Jaffa as Zionist forces advanced on the city [Associated Press]
Little children play amid lines of laundry drying out at Baqaa Camp in Jordan for Palestinian refugees of the 1967 war - some were refugees from 1948 [The Associated Press]
Palestinians wait to cross the Qalandia military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank as Israeli officers stand guard, in 2016 [Reuters]
 There are hundreds of checkpoints, roadblocks and flying checkpoints in the West Bank, and between Israel and the West Bank where Palestinians must show proof of identification and be searched [Reuters]

Key facts and figures on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine


Lost cities of Palestine

June 13, 1967: Egyptian prisoners of war hold their hands aloft after being rounded up by Israeli forces in the Sinai desert following the Six-Day War [Getty Images]

WATCH: Al Jazeera World – Going Against The Grain

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