Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

…yet the monster Jew in Ukraine and the monsters called Jewish Ethno-Supremacist Jews of Jewish Occupied Palestine, they get blank checks, and much much more!

There is NO real LEARNING going on — a picture is worth 80 million K12 dunces:


This is the value of AmeriKKKa — can’t fucking pay folk trying to keep their substitute teacher credentials!

“Schools spent little of $19 million from state on substitute teacher training”

When Debbie Fery started hearing this year from substitute teachers who had not been paid for time spent taking mandatory trainings, it felt personal.

Fery, treasurer and chair of government affairs for the Oregon Substitute Teachers Association, and a substitute teacher herself, took her own fight to get paid for a required safety training to the state’s Bureau of Labor and Industry back in 2020.

“It’s like no one respects us enough to pay for it,” she said.

Sub Training

All teachers are required to take certain training courses, some each year, and most full-time teachers take the classes during the week before school starts when they’re technically back on the clock. But substitute teachers often have to complete the training when they’re not on the clock.

Many of the courses that districts require substitute teachers to take – on things like cybersecurity, federal academic and health privacy laws and what to do in the event of a school shooting – take no more than a few hours online, and by law, districts must pay substitute teachers for their time. But Fery said many aren’t doing so and that state money set aside for this since 2022 has gone unused.

District officials told the Capital Chronicle that’s because they didn’t need the money.

Fery settled her claim of wage theft with the Willamette Education Service District, 16 of the 21 districts it encompasses and the substitute teacher staffing company Edustaff, all of which had told her they didn’t owe her money for the time she spent taking the online courses in 2018, 2019 and 2020.


That “blue” state, right.


This is a typical show that would not only be banned from k12, but in many higher ed institutions. George is spot on here, again, nothing the average fucking Blue State or Red State human stain — I call Homo Consumopethicus or Retailopethicus Homo, but now, the groveling species: Groveling for Jewish God. Homo Sapiens-Grovelpethicus.


So, the Jewish Ethno-Supremacy Jewish State of Jewish Occupied Palestine is looking for African and Latin American countries to “take” the Gazans, all of Palestinians.

Divided? Voters in the USA are Zombies, or 41 percent do not vote in the POTUS feces show consistently. So which scum bucket will the Homo Sapiens-Grovelpethicus populating the land of Chaos-Terror-Usury-Hell-Theft?

Gaza health ministry releases detailed list of 7,000 victims

Nine House Democrats voted against a resolution Wednesday that expressed support for Israel and condemned militant group Hamas’s attack against the country earlier this month. In a 412-10-6 vote, the House chamber voiced strong support for Israel.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.)
Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.)
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.)
Rep. Al Green (D-Texas)
Rep. Summer Lee (D-Pa.)
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.)
Rep.-elect Delia Ramirez (D-Ill.)

Oh, these folk are still supporting the Jewish Monster in his Meatgrinder, for sure, ZioAzovNaziLensky.

But again, these shows are BANNED in schools.

And schools are being reinvented by the outfit funded by that dirty Scotsman, Andy Carnegie. . . . Here, that dirty Carnegie outfit: What Changes to the U.S. Education System Are Needed to Support Long-Term Success for All Americans?

That piece of human stain, Carnegie: The Homestead Strike was ended after the Carnegie Steel Company asked Pennsylvania Governor Robert Emory Pattison for help and he responded by sending in 8,500 soldiers of the state National Guard. The plant was turned over to the militiamen on July 12, 1892.

Steelworkers posing for photo in three levels

The 1892 Homestead strike in Pennsylvania and the ensuing bloody battle instigated by the steel plant’s management remain a transformational moment in U.S. history, leaving scars that have never fully healed after five generations.

The skilled workers at the steel mills in Homestead, seven miles southeast of downtown Pittsburgh, were members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers who had bargained exceptionally good wages and work rules. Homestead’s management, with millionaire Andrew Carnegie as owner, was determined to lower its costs of production by breaking the union.

Carnegie Steel Co. was making massive profits—a record $4.5 million just before the 1892 confrontation, which led Carnegie himself to exclaim,

“Was there ever such a business!”

But he and his chairman, Henry Frick, were furious workers had a voice with the union.

“The mills have never been able to turn out the product they should, owing to being held back by the Amalgamated men,” Frick complained to Carnegie.

Even more galling for them was that, as Pittsburghlabor historian Charles McCollester later wrote in The Point of Pittsburgh,

“The skilled production workers at Homestead enjoyed wages significantly higher than at any other mill in the country.”

Seated white man with beard wearing large black coat and holding top hat in black and white

As Sidney Lens pointed out in his classic The Labor Wars: From the Molly Maguires to the Sit-Downs, membership in the Amalgamated Association plummeted from 24,000 to 10,000 in 1894 and down to 8,000 in 1895. Meanwhile, the Carnegie Steel Co.’s profits rose to a staggering $106 million in the nine years after Homestead. And for 26 long years—until the last months of World War I in 1918—union organizing among steelworkers was crushed.

Coalworkers next to cart rail lines

Not something taught in k12:

“Father Was Killed by the Pinkerton Men”

Twas in Pennsylvania town not very long ago,

Men struck against reduction of their pay.

Their millionaire employer with philanthropic show

Had closed the works ’till starved they would obey.

They fought for home and right to live where they had toiled so long,

But ere the sun had set, some were laid low.

I see that in Oregon, Oregon State University and University of Oregon has almost equal in-state and out-of-state student bodies. Yep, that’s why my taxes go nowhere.

Higher education? It’s starting to look like a threadbare marketing shit show:



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