Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

… take a look at the insipid AI-enhanced/regulated/defecated stuff coming across my Chrome box!

….From Austria — that Hitler Joint — cutting ties with Harvard because it has a black president . . .

… to more hi-tech bullshit around polymers (artificial plastics) created to kill bacteria …

… to a fucking 30 year old story out again on ski resorts using environmentally fucked up techniques to keep the runs full of artificial snow as real mother nature snow declines

… to those marvelous “scientists” working on bringing back extinct species in a world of petri-dish and DNA splitting science (sic) called Resurrection Biology . . .

… then, again, the 100th story in a month on the Salton Sea having the world’s biggest lithium supply, in the half a trillion dollars range . . .

… then, to include the current geo-political world of Austin Power’s (Lloyd) Raytheon coming on strong with their female CEO building a weapon to “zap” all weapons . . .

… oh, then the water crisis daily, in the U$A and globally — locally, well, toilet water will soon be California’s reclaimed Perrier Water &

…all those Lake Meads and et all in the West drying up quicker than expected, but certainly predicted

… then the scare econ porn of middle agers being $500,000 short on retirement

… mixed in with the NPR (National Propaganda Radio) news that 22 states are increasing the minimum wage a dollar her, $1.25 there

All tied together with a big fat motherfucking bow of trillions going out the window for the Nazi’s in Ukraine and for the Nazi’s in Israel and for the Nazi’s in the M.I.C. and for the Nazi’s that collectively are NATO, Five Eyes, U-inbred-Queendom, EuroTrashLandia, and the Un-United $Nakes of Amnesia-Terror-Chaos-Pollution-Usury States’ Nations of the Cockold — New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Australia, shit, and many in Latin Ameria, and a few Arab prostrates!

Ahh, let’s not forget about some overrated Oreo Cookie actor complaining about/to Holly-Dirt (run by those unHoly – Clan Tribesmen/Women with Occupied Palestine Tithing Monthly – Wood) that he lost a part on some big-ass TV series on HBO because his skin was too dark messing with the “historically accuracyof the Holly-Dirt script.

Imagine that, no? All those Jewish actors and actresses playing liars club thespian as Goyim throughout the ages, but no complaints there, don’t you know!

Boardwalk Empire ran for five seasons on HBO until 2014, and was a major hit (Picture: Craig Blankenhorn/HBO)

After the callback, a historical researcher on the show reminded producers that the maître d’s in those nightclubs were typically light-skinned, and Domingo was not. Boardwalk Empire had passed,’ the publication reported.

‘That’s when I lost my mind,’ Domingo revealed, adding that he told his agent: ‘I can’t take it anymore, I think this is going to kill me.’

Oscar hopeful Colman Domingo has revealed why he was rejected from Boardwalk Empire (Picture: Getty)

Here, I’ll include just the hard http links below.

Oh yeah, more freaks of the Hi Tech Perversion Kind:

  • Bryan Johnson travels to a remote Caribbean Island for one of his anti-aging treatments, he says.
  • The gene therapy costs $25,000 a treatment; it’s not FDA-approved.
  • “I am now a genetically enhanced human,” Johnson wrote on Instagram.
Bryan Johnson

Here you go — Austrian business school cuts ties with Harvard University ‘in solidarity with the Jewish student community’

A view of Harvard campus on John F. Kennedy Street at Harvard University is pictured in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on December 7.


Scientists are now one step closer to eliminating that threat, thanks to a Texas A&M University-led collaboration that has developed a new family of polymers capable of killing bacteria without inducing antibiotic resistance by disrupting the membrane of these microorganisms.

e coli

The impact of artificial snow use for up to 100 consecutive days would raise water consumption by about 540m litres of water and pitch resorts against local communities because of competition over water use.

In the French Alps water consumption could increase ninefold by 2100 from this reliance on artificial snow, according to the study.

Cannon spraying snow in 2022 for a Zermatt-Cervinia cross-border alpine ski race

Yeah, what could go wrong with Zombie Viruses?

Quand la Salton Sea se réinvente en « Lithium Valley

World’s Largest Reserve Of REE Lithium Discovered Beneath California’s Salton Sea: $540 Billion Motherlode Could Meet America’s Supply Demands For Decades

Raytheon Directed-Energy Weapons Down Drones in Air Force Demonstration |

The Air Force and the Navy have tapped Raytheon to design, build and test systems that fry electronic components with blasts of energy. The company, a division of the rebranded RTX, plans to deliver prototypes for the Directed Energy Front-Line Electromagnetic Neutralization and Defeat program, or DEFEND, in fiscal 2024 and 2026.

Colorado River

Purified toilet water could soon be flowing through Californians’ taps as the state battles drought

Lake Mead

“We can’t forecast water levels in 2024 until we know how much snow falls in the Rocky Mountains over the coming winter, but we do know the situation will get worse over time as climate change continues to diminish the Colorado River,” Pitt said.

Elderly couple

When it comes to retirement savings, Gen X might be in for a rude awakening. The group of Americans born between 1965 and 1980 will retire after their Baby Boomer elders, but a recent survey found that many are not prepared to exit the workforce comfortably.

Schroders’ 2023 U.S. Retirement Survey found that Gen Xers said they needed an average of $1,112,183 for a comfortable retirement. However, they expected to have only an average of $661,013. That means middle-aged Americans are short a half-million dollars for retirement.


Ahh, the Jews in Ethno-Supremacy Occupied Jewish Palestine, supported by the Jews worldwide, minus a few (we are not sure how many Jews really do not support Israel as a fucking illegal ethno-supremacy state, which it ALWAYS has been, since before Nakba 1.0)

Yeah, the fucking Western World is Alright with these stories above coming through on the “news” feed:

Fucking amazing GUTS.

Fucking Hi-Tech Monsters:

And, all’s well with the Slaver Dutch Company, Booking (dot) com: still offers accommodations in at least 21 illegal Israeli settlements. Human rights organisations say that the Dutch company contributes to the violation of the civil and political rights of Palestinians.

Swaying palms, watermelons and a dreamlike view of the Dead Sea. That’s what you can find in Kalya, a seemingly idyllic village a short drive from Jerusalem. Tourists flock down to the town to pose for photos floating on the salt water and relish in healing mud baths. 

For a relaxing stay, they can indulge in the Biankini Village resort; included in the stay is access to a private beach. According to online travel platform, the resort offers spacious and uniquely furnished suites. There are also two outdoor swimming pools and, for foodies, a Moroccan restaurant to pamper the taste buds. 

The problem? It’s in an Israeli West Bank settlement. 

Israel 2015: Day 4 -

Before Oct. 7 — ‘The most successful land-grab strategy since 1967’ as settlers push Bedouins off West Bank territory’

Sliman al-Zawahri, 52, prays in the empty village of Ein Rashash in Area C of the West Bank.
The empty village, Ein Rashash. The Bedouin community left this week.
ruin of small house on the hillside with only stone foundations and rubble remaining
The abandoned village of Wadi a-Seeq.
Alia Mlehat, from al-Mu’arrajat – young woman wearing black headscarf and red lipstick, standing against stark landscape
The abandoned village of Wadi a-Seeq – empty animal sheds and buildings with loose sheets of corrugated iron, an upturned plastic barrel and torn vehicle tyres on the ground

Yeah, show me a Jew who believes Israel should be ripped from their warm dead hands?

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