Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

“Young Americans Turn Against Boomers Over Social Security”

Yes, the hell unleashed on Palestinians — carte blanche accepted by the Anglo-AmeriKKKan-Klanadian-Saxons-Francos-Iberians-InbredQueendomers — is just a little bit of 2023 “scrolling throug the genocide of “our” first nations.

Imagine if those images were happening now, real time, posted on Telegram, TeleSur, or wherever there isn’t a Jewish Overlord Lobby Controlling ‘Our/Their/His/Her’ Narratives.

Well, we do get that with the Keystone Pipeline played out in their own land: Palestine near Pine Ridge!

Interview of the filmmakers.

They are Palestinians.


United States map showing areas of tribal land in many states

Imagine, now, the Native Tribe of Palestine being decimated in all the hi-tech, drone-razzing, smart-bomb dropping, dumb-bomb carpeting, mowing of that lawn glory played out second by second, yet we are primed for the Christmas Shopping, for baby Jesus, when Jesus was a Palestinian!

Here, Vanessa Beeley contacts her Gazan friend: Gaza – a personal account: In the last few days I have managed to make contact with a dear friend in Gaza – this is their story

“My lands,” he said, “are where my people lie buried,” and “One does not sell the earth upon which the people walk.”

—Crazy Horse chose to continue fighting after other chiefs such as Red Cloud and American Horse had chosen to seek peace with the United States.

refer to caption

Or, 2023: IDP? Internally Displaced Person which is Intentionally Displace Person in my mind!

The tragic reality at KYTC underscores the immense catastrophe these IDPs endure. Privacy concerns, social issues, and the catastrophic living conditions paint a grim picture, but these individuals are resilient. Their struggle for improvement persists, and they depend on the world’s compassion and support.

The Khan Younis Training Center (KYTC) is the only choice amidst a relentless storm. Driven from their homes by unceasing conflict, individuals and vulnerable groups have sought sanctuary at KYTC. Hope mingles with despair in this place, where conditions are far from ideal.


• Total IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons): 22,093

• Families: 4,290

• Children under 3 years old: 1,006

• Persons with Disabilities: 234

• Cancer patients: 16

• Newborn babies with their mothers: 52

• Vulnerable individuals before displacement: 561

• People with chronic diseases: Approximately 300

Living Conditions:

• Space per person: Less than 2 square meters per person.

• Toilets available: 24

• IDPs per toilet: 613

• Daily solid waste generated: Approximately 20 tons

• Food shortage: Families face dire uncertainty due to a lack of food supply.

• Privacy and Space: The per-person space is alarmingly inadequate, leading to a loss of privacy and social issues.

• Skin Diseases: Scabies and other skin conditions proliferate due to insufficient water and hygiene.

• Drinking Water: Most IDPs are left with no choice but to consume irrigation water, endangering their health.

Infrastructure and Utilities:

• Electricity: Unavailable since the first day of shelter operation.

• Power source: Generators running on fuel.

• Fuel shortage: Restricted fuel entry into Gaza Strip adds to the crisis.

• Water source: An in-house well, primarily used for irrigation and toilets, necessitates electricity for water pumping.

• Wastewater system: Overwhelmed and facing flooding issues.

• Sanitation: Toilets and bathrooms are in deplorable, unsanitary conditions.


• Sustainability: The shelter faces unprecedented challenges, with generators on the brink of failure.

• Support Efforts: Tireless efforts continue to provide essential support, including blanket and food distribution to address basic needs.

• Recent Interventions: In response to the catastrophic conditions, the following measures have been implemented to alleviate the crisis:

• Digging of septic tanks for sewage management.

• Installation of 6 units of precast toilets and showers.

• Distribution of plastic sheets to provide shelter from the sun and rain for those sleeping outside.

• Establishment of 3 medical points within the shelter, providing critical healthcare.

• Public Awareness and Psychosocial Support: A foundational program is in place to elevate public awareness and provide psychological and social support activities for children, offering a ray of hope in dire circumstances.

So, the daft Newsweek poll, and headline, speaks to the brainwashing, to the narrative framing, to the dumb-downing, to the constant savagery and brutality of Capitalism in its glorious forms — casino, predatory, shock and awe, penury, zombie, inverted totalitarian, take your pick.

Younger generations in the U.S., including millennials and Gen Zers, are much more likely to believe that the Social Security system needs reforming than those in their 60s and 70s, according to a recent survey conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies on behalf of Newsweek.

A majority of 63 percent of Americans “strongly agreed” (28 percent) or “agreed” (35 percent) that the Social Security system needs to be reformed, according to the Redfield & Wilton Strategies/Newsweek poll. Only 10 percent “strongly disagreed” (5 percent) or “disagreed” (another 5 percent).

The poll was conducted on December 8 among a sample population of 1,500 eligible voters in the U.S.

“They have been told by Republicans in Congress, seconded by deficit hawks in think tanks, that the money will run out before they can claim it,” he said. “None of that is true. But, luckily, the younger generation’s skepticism of experts and politicians will help prevent the kind of unnecessary tinkering with future, never present, Social Security payments that some older folks advocate.”

So, here, we must stop and listen to Aspen Institute and the Jewish Leader?


Ida Rademacher, vice president at the Aspen Institute and co-executive director of the Aspen Financial Security Program, told Newsweek that there are a number of proposals to lower costs or increase revenues for Social Security.

“While making those hard choices, policymakers should ensure the benefits of people who depend most on Social Security remain protected,” she said. “Policymakers should also consider changes to our worker retirement savings systems that also significantly impact people’s retirement security,” Rademacher added. “Fifty-seven million workers lack access to a workplace retirement plan, one of the primary tools beyond Social Security for ensuring a secure retirement and building wealth. Closing or eliminating that savings gap would help millions prepare better for retirement and build wealth, ideally making Social Security one of many retirement security pillars for those workers, not the only one.” Without any reform to the system, Rademacher said, “different generations will face unique costs.”Younger generations “would have the largest gap to cover in terms of lost revenue in retirement,” she added, while “older generations, especially younger baby boomers, would have the least time to prepare for significantly lower Social Security income.”

Fuck this fascist Jewish criminal: Aspen is a wonderland for the world’s top 1 percent and Aspen Institute, a school for elite politicians seems to be an ill suited place to learn emphatic leadership

They must die! Today: Aspen is a far cry from Historian Monroney’s description. In 2015, celebrity Drew Barrymore hosted a session at the Aspen Food & Wine Classic festival with around 5,000 attendees paying up to $1,450 to listen to Barrymore shill her brand of Pinot Grigio along with other ultra exclusive talks like “Wines for IPO Billionaires”. More recently, Mariah Carey and paramour made headlines in 2018, tossing snowballs at awaiting paparazzi as she shopped at Louis Vuitton.

Given that the Institute purports to confront the world’s greatest challenges – climate change, trade wars and rising inequality, politicians from all over the world including France, Spain, Italy, and even Ukraine where nearly 10% of their parliamentarians including the Ukranian Prime Minister, have attended Aspen. The altruistic, do-gooder policy centre with affiliate branches in Berlin, Kiev, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Rome, Mexico City, New Delhi and Tokyo; albeit all in elite enclaves of their respective cities – case in point: Institut Aspen France is on 203 rue Saint Honore – the same street as Hermes. 

They truly must die.

Thespian or Politico or CEO, all leeches on society: Starvation begins to bite in Rafah

Bread is prepared in a makeshift oven.

Some drooling Islamophobe named @PaulKingsnorth called Kevin Bartlett an anti-Semite.

To atone, I am going to record a video berating myself for failing to purge myself of every last anti-Semitic thought, like “Palestinians are human” and “this media coverage sure seems awfully one-sided” and “I’m not sure the Israelis are telling the truth about those headchopped babies.”

Of course, Jesus was a Palestinian:

Like Abraham grabbing an axe and smashing the idols of his fathers, today’s young people need to pick up a fire extinguisher and put out the flames of Jewish Supremacism before they burn down the world.

Though most people, aside from conspiracists like Dan Brown, agree that Jesus left no descendants, clearly he was Palestinian. That means that today’s Palestinians, who converted to Christianity and Islam down through the centuries, are descendants of Jesus’s relatives. So Sarah Silverman’s only half-joking remark “I hope the Jews did kill Jesus, I’d do it again in a second!” is all too apropos. They are doing it again, in Gaza, practically every second. Every Palestinian child who expires slowly in agony under the rubble of what had been her home is another baby Jesus dying on the cross of Jewish Supremacy. And the Jewish supremacists know it, and relish that baby’s pain. — Kevin Barrett

Ahh, so we should just dump Social Security and give it (our money) to Vanguard and Blackrock and the top (sic) 100 investment products? Here’s the House N*g*e* Obama and his Oh-Bombing Us with his for-profit song and dance.

Present times call for exactly the policy recommended in vain by Roosevelt’s Left advisors. Obama’s response could have been penned by Roosevelt himself. At the December 3, 2009 “jobs summit” he repeated a favorite refrain:

“I want to be clear: While I believe the government has a critical role in creating the conditions for economic growth, ultimately true economic recovery is only going to come from the private sector.”

In September 2010 he flat-out dismissed government creation of jobs:

“I’ve never believed that government’s role is to create jobs or prosperity…I believe it’s the private sector that must be the main engine of our recovery.”

With outsourcing and technological labor-displacement proceeding apace while the captains of industry and finance reap historic profits in a stagnant economy, the current neoliberal settlement portends permanent unemployment. The rustling sound you now hear is Keynes tossing in his grave.

Why the World Needs Bloodsucking Creatures | Science| Smithsonian Magazine

Just like Reagan, or FDR?

A photo-illustration of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama

Aristocrats like Roosevelt disparaged relief as encouraging public expectations of government provision of social benefits, and as an alternative to workers’ dependence on the employer to make a living. Roosevelt displayed unabashedly the disdain for relief characteristic of his class. In the 1935 Address he declared that

“[D]ependence upon relief induces a spiritual disintegration fundamentally destructive of the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. It is inimical to the dictates of a sound policy. It is in violation of the traditions of America. Work must be found for able-bodied but destitute workers. The federal government must and shall quit this business of relief.” (Source)

So, here we have fucking polls by fucking NewsSpeak, and we have young people polluted with ignorance, coded with zero history, and emboldened with this attitude of “have them eat Purina dog chow and live in a tent mentality.” Instead of TAXING those mother fuckers, the Rich. And this war economy? These fucked up STEM people producing more expensive everything? The constant cost of doing simple business burdened by us, so the freaks like Barrymore can jerk off with Pinot Gris with the other monster in Aspen? Imagine every sofware application deployed in government, at DMV, shopping, workplace, medical facility, everywhere, adding and adding to the cost and time of living and just breathing.

FDR Wearing Native American War Bonnet - 1932 Photograph by War Is Hell  Store - Pixels

“How Franklin D. Roosevelt Botched Social Security” by Alan Nasser:

WPA would have to be universalized as enduring policy. This was indistinguishable from Keynes’s position noted above. The provision of social welfare could be maximally just and respectful of a citizen’s right, affirmed by Roosevelt himself, to earn a living only if public policies were in place to ensure full employment. Universal coverage of the elderly, CES proposed, would be effected by pensions paid for at first by both workers’ own contributions and the general revenues of the Treasury. Gradually the Treasury’s contribution would grow to cover most or all pension payments.

Roosevelt was adamantly opposed. The “relief” bugaboo kicked in, and the president dismissed the proposal as “the same old dole under another name.”  (6) Roosevelt wanted a plan with no traces of relief, no form of government contribution to Americans’ welfare unrelated to their own work contribution. This was to apply both to unemployment and to retirement. It was essential for the president that the program’s financing not draw on the Treasury.

Here was the vital link between Roosevelt’s rejection of any trace of relief and his prioritization of budget balancing. Social Security had to be “self-financing,” i.e. paid for by the co-parties of the work relation, employee and employer. Each would pay, out of her income, a tax which would be placed into a fund from which the worker would draw upon her retirement. No demands would be made on the Treasury.

Roosevelt wanted to design Social Security in such a way as “to preserve the system of private enterprise for profit…[and] compete as little as possible with private enterprises.” The program was to deliver what the market by itself could not, yet at the same time should embody to as great an extent as possible the principles of capitalism. To Roosevelt, this meant that a plan for social insurance must conform as closely as possible to the existing system of private insurance; it must reflect actuarial principles. A capitalist conceptual framework models the provision of public benefit such that the individual is prior to the social, the private prior to the public. Social Security was made to inhabit and accommodate itself to the space within which private profit is made.

Roosevelt’s conception of Social Security required, then, an economic counterpart to the private individual insurance premium. This was to be the payroll tax, a deduction from the wage. Roosevelt held to this conceit well before he was elected and he reiterated the same commitment years after the Social Security Act was passed. As early as 1930 he declared that any benefits accorded to workers through legislation should “be a result of their own efforts and foresightedness” so that they would “be receiving not charity, but the natural profits (sic) of their years of labor and insurance.” In 1934 he instructed Congress that the program’s funds “should be raised by contribution rather than by general taxation.” In his first meeting with the drafters of the legislation he reiterated that old age insurance “must be self-supporting, without subsidies from general tax sources.” Shortly thereafter he told an assemblage of experts on social insurance programs that Social Security “must not be allowed to become a dole through the mingling of insurance and relief….[and] must be financed by contributions, not taxes.” In response to strong objections from Rexford Tugwell, one of his most articulate underconsumptionist advisors, the president emphasized that he was “inclined toward a wholly contributory scheme with the government not participating.” Two years after SSA was passed Roosevelt reiterated his basic conception of social insurance, and its grounds: “[A]s regards social insurance of all kinds, if I have anything to say about it, it will always be contributed, both on the part of the employer and the employee, on a sound actuarial basis. It means no money out of the Treasury.” (7)

Not only did the contributory scheme mean no money out of the Treasury, it could become a cash cow for Treasury. Roosevelt and his fiscally conservative Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau were in accord that the contributory system had the double economic advantage of linking social benefits to work and ameliorating some of government’s financial problems. Morgenthau anticipated that Social Security taxes could be lent to the Treasury to finance New Deal deficits (much as Lyndon Johnson in 1967 concealed deficits by creating the “unified budget,” counting Social Security surpluses as part of the government’s general operating budget), reducing government’s borrowing needs. Funding Social Security out of general revenues would not have permitted this gambit.

Commenting on the final legislation, historian William E. Leuchtenburg observes that

“[T]he law was an astonishingly inept and conservative piece of legislation. In no other welfare system in the world did the state shirk all responsibility for old-age indigency and insist that funds be taken out of the current earnings of workers.” (8)

 In this Monday, June 13, 2016 photo, graffiti is written on the side of a mobile home at the Little Farm trailer park in El Portal, Fla. In a city known for its glitzy, luxurious condo towers, affordable rental housing is hard to come by. Residents,

So, only the slightly well-endowed with disposable income tourista will be putting all their shit onto the digital (Jewish controlled) Dashboard, after having body parts and anal cavities scanned:

“The system will register the person’s name, type of the travel document, biometric data (fingerprints and captured facial images) and the date and place of entry and exit, in full respect of fundamental rights and data protection,” reads a description of the program on the European Union’s Home Affairs website.

“The kiosks have been tested in Paris and are being reworked for improvements but we will be ready, especially as we are sure now EES will start after the Olympics, even perhaps at the start of 2025,” Union of French Airports delegate Nicolas Paulissen said in a statement in August 2023. 

People rushing through the terminal as others stand in line at counter.

ETIAS is also likely to cause disruptions at airports outside of Europe, predicts Jun Wen, professor of tourism at Australia’s Edith Cowan University. He says that in the months after it launches, many travelers won’t know they need an ETIAS, and will then be barred from boarding their flight to Europe.

However, both Wen and Lee believe that ETIAS won’t deter many people from visiting Europe.

Yeah, the sheeple will continue to let the rich and the Mossad and Unite 8200 and Wadi and Silicon Valleys take their anal probes. Willingly. You can’t find easily which Tel Aviv and Silicon Valley outfits are running this giant Gestapo: Major Shifts in Travel Industry Through 2024

All for the same fucking cell phone camera shot a million others have taken in 2023?

Amadeus Predicts Major Shifts in Travel Industry Through 2024

Yeah, this is the new normal, man: young and slightly middle aged hating on the old people. Perfect world the Zionists and Jews and Eichmann Goyim have created!

A protest sign reads: I condemn you neutrality

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