Paul Haeder, Author

writing, interviews, editing, blogging

and Jerry Springer was all about shaming Goyim to the Max! And many Jews are Goyim shamers, splainers, masters, overlords!!!

Ahh, more Jew know it all, telling the world that China did it to the world, and that antisemitism is saying Israel is a Murderous, Genocidal, Dirty Country Harboring Sex Offenders.

Although it took a shocking display of antisemitism, many normal Americans seem to finally be waking up to the reality that the Ivy Leagues and the rest of our oh-so-very prestigious institutions are in fact intellectually bankrupt cesspools.

He is the gain of function and cleaved furon expert: Daniel Mandel Sirotkin arrested for sex offenses against teenager

Goddamn, a Jew accused of luring 14 year old girls, and then his Jew Layer:

“It’s a been a very troubling time for him. He is of course very concerned and understands the nature of the charges. He’s taking it very seriously, and we’re going to respond appropriately,” defense attorney Gary Gerstenfield said of his client, who he claimed, has been cooperative with authorities.

Md. coach gets 7 years for girl's sex abuse |

Well, this puke would never be on Jewish Springer’s carnival show:

Before Jerry Springer’s TV career, he worked in politics, serving on the Cincinnati city council before being elected the city’s mayor.

Springer, then 30, resigned from his city council position in April 1974 when it came out that he had paid for sex at a brothel using checks. Without using Springer’s name, an Enquirer article named a “well-known Cincinnati political family” who was the subject of an investigation in Ohio and Kentucky. Springer, who died Thursday at age 79, took responsibility for his actions in a press conference and resigned.

“When I resigned yesterday, I did so because I believed then as I believe now that there are some problems which are better faced as a private citizen,” Springer told reporters at the time. [The Jerry Springer Show went on to run for 27 seasons until 2018. ]

Fucking 79. Not as long as massive war criminal, Kissinger, but man, dirty dirty people:

Presenter Jerry Springer attends at the 2nd Annual Global TV Demand Awards at Fontainebleau Hotel on January 21, 2020 in Miami Beach, Florida.

“Why in time, I was thinking, you’d have to like me. Or if not like me, at least respect me,” he continued. “And I’d run for council, even un-endorsed. I’d prove to you that I could be the best public servant you’d ever had … or I’d die trying. Be it as an anchor, a mayor or a commentator – whatever it took – I was determined to have you know that I was more than a check and a hooker on a one-night stand.”

Fucking Henny Youngman, where are you?

[Youngman was born to Russian Jews Yonkel Yungman and Olga Chetkin in Whitechapel, in the East End of London, England ]

Original photograph of Henny Youngman, circa 1950s | Henny Youngman, subject

The Jerry Springer show also routinely perpetuated harmful stereotypes about some of the most vulnerable populations in the U.S. — chiefly, poor, Black and transgender people. And that truth is just as much a part of Springer’s story as his well-documented ringleader role at the dawn of debased daytime television, which included contemporaries like “The Jenny Jones Show” and “Maury.”

It’s easy to look back and consider something that many already understood at the time: Springer helped popularize sensationalized, conflict-based entertainment for his own gain. But it’s more troubling now to reflect on the issues that viewers either didn’t see or disregarded throughout the ’90s — like Black mental health, transphobia and racism.

Howard Stern, Bill Mahr, John Leibowitz Stewart? All Goyim Shamers!

Judge Judy in the center with two other photos of Judge Judy facing out to the left and right behind her. the background is a red to dark red gradient.

‘Judge Judy’ was plagued by sexual harassment claims, drinking on the job, and racism, former employees say. They worry the new $25 million Amazon streaming show will be more of the same.

Howard Stern speaks at the 2018 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in Cleveland on April 14, 2018.

In May 2020, Stern admonished Trump supporters that listen to his SiriusXM show, saying President Trump despised his own supporters. In response to Stern’s criticisms of Trump, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted video from the Miss Howard Stern New Year’s Eve Pageant in which Stern parodied Ted Danson’s Friars Club appearance by wearing blackface and repeatedly using the N-word and other racial slurs.Stern admitted,

“The shit I did was fucking crazy” and that he has since toned down his show, crediting years in psychotherapy for his evolution.

The shit I did? Hmm.

He continued: “I cringe when I look at myself 30 or 40 years ago, and that was 27 years ago. I go, I can’t stand it. Am I a bad guy? I don’t think so.”

Funny aside: That wife beater Zelensky blow job artist,

Actor and activist Sean Penn speaks during a press conference to announce a new coronavirus drive-thru testing site in Chicago, organized by the CORE disaster relief organization started by Penn on May 18, 2020.

‘Testing and protesting are essentials’: Sean Penn offering free COVID-19 tests at protests

Stern also criticized Trump Jr. for sharing the video and focusing on him amid the coronavirus pandemic and rising racial tensions in the country. 

Oh those Jews. Those silly Jews.

Isra-Hell, land for rapists and pedophiles:

Disgraced Hollywood director Brett Ratner, who stands accused by multiple women of rape and sexual harassment, revealed last week he relocated to Israel just days after being a special guest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN General Assembly in New York.

Ratner has followed in the footsteps of other sexual predators who have fled to Israel in recent years, including another Hollywood director, Bryan Singer, who moved to Israel several years ago after being accused of rape and sexual assault of several minors.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'JEWISH NATIONAL FUND'

That fucking Israel:

malka leifer

Awareness of Israel’s safe haven status for sex offenders received a boost in recent years due to the case of Israeli-Australian citizen Malka Leifer, the headmistress of an ultra-Orthodox girls’ school in Australia, who fled to Israel in 2008 after allegations surfaced of her sexually abusing female students.

She was finally extradited in 2021 and faces trial in Victoria on 70 charges of child sex abuse.

Another predator who fled to Israel and is finally facing extradition is Mexican diplomat Andres Roemer, who stands accused of rape and sexual harassment by over 60 women. After more than two years of dragging their feet, Israeli authorities arrested Roemer on Monday.

Despite the serious accusations against him, Roemer even had a street named after him in the city of Ramat Gan.

But while Roemer is finally expected to face justice, Mexico is still seeking the extradition of the former head of the criminal investigation agency, Tomas Zeron, who is wanted in connection to the disappearance of 43 students in southwestern Mexico in 2014.

Zeron is also accused of embezzling over $50 million and torturing suspects.

Despite being wanted by Interpol, Zeron has been living in an upscale apartment building in Tel Aviv since late 2019 due to his ties to the Israeli tech sector, including embattled firm NSO Group — makers of the Pegasus spyware.


This is the Rothschild game — only if!!!


Opinion: Israeli author and analyst Gilad Atzmon discusses Penguin’s decision to censor a book because of its information on the Rothschild dynasty. 

By Gilad Atzmon, reposted from his blog

““Penguin announced this week that in response to claims of ‘antisemitism’ it has stopped printing Col. Pedro Baños’ best selling book, “How They Rule the World.

The scandal erupted when it was revealed that passages in the original Spanish edition of the book related to the Rothschild dynasty were omitted from the Penguin Random House English translation. The meaning of this deletion is in itself devastating. It suggests that Penguin attempted to kosherize a book by editing and deleting sections so it would not offend Jewish sensitivities.

The publisher initially rejected allegations that the book which claims to reveal “the 22 secret strategies of global power,” is antisemitic. But after continued pressure from various organisations including the Campaign Against Antisemitism, Penguin commissioned an “external review” led by Rabbi Julia Neuberger.

The Jewish Chronicle (JC) ‘reveals’ that Col. Baños’ original Spanish edition makes several references to the Rothschild family, including a passage accusing the banking family of holding “gigantic” economic power and influence which has “led to multiple speculations about their capacity to intervene in key global decisions”. Needless to say, this an historical description of the family and its role in history.

The hypocrisy displayed here by the Jewish media and pressure groups is mind blowing. Jews, themselves, do not hide their pride and admiration for the Rothschild Dynasty and its global political power. In the following video you can watch a Zionist bragging about the Balfour declaration that “changed the course of history” and the power and influence the Rothschild family exercised behind the scenes.

Most English speakers are familiar with the musical, Fiddler on the Roof, but not many Brits or Americans are aware that in Hebrew and in Yiddish the musical’s greatest hit ‘If I were a Rich Man’ is sung “If I were a Rothschild.” In the following video you can listen to ‘If I Were a Rothschild’ (in Yiddish) while viewing the many estates of this influential family.

Penguin initially argued that while the book “clearly expresses robust opinions,” it was not anti-Semitic. However, persistent pressure from Jewish organisations led the publishing giant to commission a Rabbi to review the book. It came as no surprise that Rabbi Neuberger with the aid of two Spanish ‘antisemitism experts,’ reached the conclusion that the Spanish edition contains “echoes of Jewish conspiracy theories.”

The phrase ‘Jewish conspiracy theories’ is confusing. It basically applies to events in the past which reflect badly on Jews in the present. It is there to suppress free discussion. Jewish power as I define it, is the power to silence criticism of Jewish power. Penguin Random House shamelessly succumbed to precisely this power last week.

In an attempt to justify his company’s decision, Penguin’s chief executive declared that “Penguin Random House UK publishes for readers of all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities.”

One may wonder what Penguin’s next move will be. Is the compromised publishing house going to remove George Orwell from its catalogue because some Jews insist that deep inside, Orwell was a vile ‘anti-Semite’? Maybe Penguin should provide us with the list of titles that are fit for “all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities.” Out of interest, is Penguin planning to delete Deborah Lipsdat’s books because they may offend ‘Aryan sensitivities?’ Will Penguin delete Salman Rushdie’s titles because he once offended a few Muslims? For some reason, I‘m guessing that T. S. Eliot will be the first to go.

For my part, I welcome Penguin’s shameless decision. It affirms every warning I have produced for the last two decades. The fact that a publisher omitted innocent factual segments from a book simply to appease one Jewish group or another reveals a gross lack of intellectual integrity and commitment to truth. In the Britain of 2019, a leading publishing house doesn’t trust readers to think for themselves. This exposes how radically Britain has changed. It is no longer an open society. Britain is now an authoritarian society. It is, in effect, an occupied zone.””


Finally, I was talking to North Arkansas sage, Toothless in Wisconsin. About a 1-900 number to call to allow Goyim to unload their guilt around calling a Jewish person a Jew. You know, it’s the tone, the tenor, the inflection, and, damn, a Jew is a Racist Term, so get it right — Jewwww-Isssshhhh. Like dew, but with a J.

Beautiful Dew Drops

These are Jewish values, don’t you know:

Furthermore, western media reports revealed earlier this year that Israeli authorities are “unlikely” to extradite Zeron as “payback” for Mexico’s support of the Palestinian cause and their approval of UN inquiries into Israeli war crimes against Palestinians.

I of course, am not Jewwww-issssshhhh. But I like the idea of making a buck helping people. These young and old Goyim need assistance from a guy like me, who has been called a Heeb and Jew and Kyke and Jewish by so so many folk for 52 years.

Cleo, man, remember her:


That fucking Sucker Born Every Minute P.T. Cohen Barnum. All those snake oil salesmen.

Shit, Cleo, she’s an interesting biography.

“I come from a family of spooky people,” she said. “I come from a family of Obeah – which is another word for voodoo. My teacher was Haitian, [a mambo] born in Port-au-Prince, and I studied under her for some 30 years and then became a mambo myself. So they refer to me as psychic – because the word voodoo scares just about everybody. So they told me, ‘No, no, no, we can’t use that word; we’re going to call you a psychic.’ I said, ‘But I’m not a psychic!’ ”

Harris came out to The Advocate in 2006. Though she’d once been married to a man and had two children (one with him, one later in life), “I’ve been gay since I was about 16,” she told the magazine.

Aside from Hotline and her interview with The Advocate, she flew under the radar for most of the 2000s, appearing in a 2015 April Fool’s Day ad for Benefit cosmetics. A 2012 piece on written by a woman who briefly worked for the Psychic Readers Network exposed the inner workings of the scam, though Harris never commented on the story.

For most of her final years, it turns out, she was still doing readings privately, charging clients up to $100 to chat by phone or in person, despite her admissions of her past.

“People are going to believe what they want to believe,” she said in Hotline. “I don’t know who I helped, but I’m certain that I helped some people.”

The Coveters

Ahh, here are the shekel coveters:

In 1997, Harris (Miss Cleo) moved to Florida, met Steven Feder and Peter Stolz, Fort Lauderdale Jewish cousins behind Access Resource Services,[15] doing business as Psychic Readers Network and took a call-taker job as reader No. 16153.[16][15] Harris was using the Jamaican accent when she moved to Florida and began working as a tarot-reading psychic for a telemarketing center.[9] Harris was approached by Access Resource Services while working at an event in a Pompano Beach, Florida, mall and agreed to appear in an ad in 2000.


“the whole point was two things: keeping people on the phone as long as possible…and…telling people what they wanted to hear” [one call for free—for three minutes. After that, it was $4.99 per minute (or $9 and change in today’s $). And you seldom got Miss Cleo herself. ]

Oh those Jews: “As the owners of the massively successful Psychic Readers Network, Steven Feder and Peter Stolz were well-known within the entertainment industry. Since Miss Cleo’s debut as a Jamaican shaman in PRN’s infomercials, the company reaped about a billion dollars in profit. While they offered the public free readings for the first three minutes, they would start charging $4.99 for every minute after that. Though the callers wanted to get a reading from the TV star herself, they were usually talked to by one of the hired PRN Phone Psychics.”

While Cleo herself was later cleared, Steven Feder and Peter Stolz, the co-owners of PRN, had to pay a hefty sum to the Federal Trade Commission. Additionally, the duo had to clear a large number of debts that their victims apparently “owed” them. Their actions were heavily discussed in the movie, making many viewers curious about the current whereabouts of the businessmen. I was a Telephone Psychic for Miss Cleo

B. 1962, Miss Cleo: Late at night, she offered advice to the anxious and the lovelorn. Dead, Dec. 21, 2016

In a landmark settlement, Access Resource Services, Inc. (ARS) and Psychic Readers Network, Inc. (PRN) have agreed to a stipulated court order stopping all collection efforts on accounts or claims from consumers who purchased or purportedly purchased their pay-per-call or audiotext services and forgiving an estimated $500 million in outstanding consumer charges as part of a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission. The Florida-based companies and their officers operated a massive 900 number scheme known to the public as the “Miss Cleo” psychic lines. The FTC alleged that the defendants engaged in deceptive advertising, billing, and collection practices. The settlement also requires the defendants to pay $5 million to the FTC.

Fucking Rothschild wannabe’s.

Recently, Steven has been making buzz due to the sale and purchase of his properties. In March 2021, he and his significant other, Lou Thomas Trosclair, made headlines for the sale of their waterfront mansion in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for $14 million. Valued at $11.5 million, the house was brokered by Tim Elmes of the Elmes Group at Compass Florida. They also listed their Time Warner Center penthouse for sale for $40 million in May 2022. Located in the heart of New York City, New York, the place was apparently purchased by Steven for $24.4 million in 2008.

Miss Cleo' Psychic Readers Network owners Steven L. Feder and Lou Thomas  Trosclair sell Fort Lauderdale home (Photos) - South Florida Business  Journal

As for Peter Soltz, he has seemingly dialed down his affiliation with Psychic Readers Network following the conclusion of the 2002 lawsuit. In October of the same year, he left the position of PRN’s President behind after nearly a decade — he’d first taken responsibility in March 1993. As of writing, Peter works as a Managing Partner for Website Development Services LLC and is based in Miami, Florida. He has held the role since October 2005 and seems content to be there.

Peter Stolz - Managing Partner - Website Development Services LLC | LinkedIn

They all got jobs and never spent time in prison! Buyenlarge There's A Sucker Born Every Minute, A Drinker Every  Second - Gallery Wrapped 24"X36" Canvas Print, 24" X 36": Posters & Prints

Old PT Barnum:

There's a sucker born every minute - Wikipedia
Edward Bernays: Prophet of “Spin” – Richard Gunderman

Monsters, these Rothschilds: Bernays.

The public be swayed: Edward Bernays, the 'father of public relations,' is  still giving advice on his 100th birthday :: Jeff Jacoby

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